Authentication Guides & Recipes

The Feathers Chat

The Feathers chat application guide shows how to set up basic username and password authentication and how to use it through direct requests and in a browser application.

Authentication API

The complete authentication API documentation.

How JWT Works

Learn more about JWT and how it might differ from authentication methods you’ve used, previously. (This guide is a work in progress.)

Auth Recipe: Customize the JWT Payload

You can customize the JWT payload. Learn important security implications before you decide to do it.

Auth Recipe: Customize the Login Response

Learn how you can customize the response after a user has attempted to login.

Auth Recipe: Create Endpoints with Mixed Auth

Learn how to setup an endpoint so that it handles unauthenticated and authenticated users with different responses for each.

Auth Recipe: Basic OAuth

Learn how OAuth (Facebook, Google, GitHub) login works, and how you can use it in your application.

Auth Recipe: Custom Auth Strategy

Learn how to setup a completely custom passport-based auth strategy.