
gvalid默认的错误提示是英文的,并且错误提示使用了i18n特性,也就是说我们可以通过配置i18n文件即可替换默认的错误提示。i18n国际化功能请参考【gi18n (国际化处理)】章节。



  1. "gf.gvalid.rule.required" = "The :attribute field is required"
  2. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-if" = "The :attribute field is required"
  3. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-unless" = "The :attribute field is required"
  4. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-with" = "The :attribute field is required"
  5. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-with-all" = "The :attribute field is required"
  6. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-without" = "The :attribute field is required"
  7. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-without-all" = "The :attribute field is required"
  8. "gf.gvalid.rule.date" = "The :attribute value is not a valid date"
  9. "gf.gvalid.rule.date-format" = "The :attribute value does not match the format :format"
  10. "gf.gvalid.rule.email" = "The :attribute value must be a valid email address"
  11. "gf.gvalid.rule.phone" = "The :attribute value must be a valid phone number"
  12. "gf.gvalid.rule.telephone" = "The :attribute value must be a valid telephone number"
  13. "gf.gvalid.rule.passport" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format"
  14. "gf.gvalid.rule.password" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format"
  15. "gf.gvalid.rule.password2" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format"
  16. "gf.gvalid.rule.password3" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format"
  17. "gf.gvalid.rule.postcode" = "The :attribute value is not a valid passport format"
  18. "gf.gvalid.rule.resident-id" = "The :attribute value is not a valid resident id number"
  19. "gf.gvalid.rule.bank-card" = "The :attribute value must be a valid bank card number"
  20. "gf.gvalid.rule.qq" = "The :attribute value must be a valid QQ number"
  21. "gf.gvalid.rule.ip" = "The :attribute value must be a valid IP address"
  22. "gf.gvalid.rule.ipv4" = "The :attribute value must be a valid IPv4 address"
  23. "gf.gvalid.rule.ipv6" = "The :attribute value must be a valid IPv6 address"
  24. "gf.gvalid.rule.mac" = "The :attribute value must be a valid MAC address"
  25. "gf.gvalid.rule.url" = "The :attribute value must be a valid URL address"
  26. "gf.gvalid.rule.domain" = "The :attribute value must be a valid domain format"
  27. "gf.gvalid.rule.length" = "The :attribute value length must be between :min and :max"
  28. "gf.gvalid.rule.min-length" = "The :attribute value length must be equal or greater than :min"
  29. "gf.gvalid.rule.max-length" = "The :attribute value length must be equal or lesser than :max"
  30. "gf.gvalid.rule.between" = "The :attribute value must be between :min and :max"
  31. "gf.gvalid.rule.min" = "The :attribute value must be equal or greater than :min"
  32. "gf.gvalid.rule.max" = "The :attribute value must be equal or lesser than :max"
  33. "gf.gvalid.rule.json" = "The :attribute value must be a valid JSON string"
  34. "gf.gvalid.rule.xml" = "The :attribute value must be a valid XML string"
  35. "gf.gvalid.rule.array" = "The :attribute value must be an array"
  36. "gf.gvalid.rule.integer" = "The :attribute value must be an integer"
  37. "gf.gvalid.rule.float" = "The :attribute value must be a float"
  38. "gf.gvalid.rule.boolean" = "The :attribute value field must be true or false"
  39. "gf.gvalid.rule.same" = "The :attribute value must be the same as field :field"
  40. "gf.gvalid.rule.different" = "The :attribute value must be different from field :field"
  41. "gf.gvalid.rule.in" = "The :attribute value is not in acceptable range"
  42. "gf.gvalid.rule.not-in" = "The :attribute value is not in acceptable range"
  43. "gf.gvalid.rule.regex" = "The :attribute value is invalid"



  1. "gf.gvalid.rule.required" = ":attribute 字段不能为空"
  2. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-if" = ":attribute 字段不能为空"
  3. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-unless" = ":attribute 字段不能为空"
  4. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-with" = ":attribute 字段不能为空"
  5. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-with-all" = ":attribute 字段不能为空"
  6. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-without" = ":attribute 字段不能为空"
  7. "gf.gvalid.rule.required-without-all" = ":attribute 字段不能为空"
  8. "gf.gvalid.rule.date" = ":attribute 日期格式不正确"
  9. "gf.gvalid.rule.date-format" = ":attribute 日期格式不满足:format"
  10. "gf.gvalid.rule.email" = ":attribute 邮箱地址格式不正确"
  11. "gf.gvalid.rule.phone" = ":attribute 手机号码格式不正确"
  12. "gf.gvalid.rule.telephone" = ":attribute 电话号码格式不正确"
  13. "gf.gvalid.rule.passport" = ":attribute 账号格式不合法,必需以字母开头,只能包含字母、数字和下划线,长度在6~18之间"
  14. "gf.gvalid.rule.password" = ":attribute 密码格式不合法,密码格式为任意6-18位的可见字符"
  15. "gf.gvalid.rule.password2" = ":attribute 密码格式不合法,密码格式为任意6-18位的可见字符,必须包含大小写字母和数字"
  16. "gf.gvalid.rule.password3" = ":attribute 密码格式不合法,密码格式为任意6-18位的可见字符,必须包含大小写字母、数字和特殊字符"
  17. "gf.gvalid.rule.postcode" = ":attribute 邮政编码不正确"
  18. "gf.gvalid.rule.resident-id" = ":attribute 身份证号码格式不正确"
  19. "gf.gvalid.rule.bank-card" = ":attribute 银行卡号格式不正确"
  20. "gf.gvalid.rule.qq" = ":attribute QQ号码格式不正确"
  21. "gf.gvalid.rule.ip" = ":attribute IP地址格式不正确"
  22. "gf.gvalid.rule.ipv4" = ":attribute IPv4地址格式不正确"
  23. "gf.gvalid.rule.ipv6" = ":attribute IPv6地址格式不正确"
  24. "gf.gvalid.rule.mac" = ":attribute MAC地址格式不正确"
  25. "gf.gvalid.rule.url" = ":attribute URL地址格式不正确"
  26. "gf.gvalid.rule.domain" = ":attribute 域名格式不正确"
  27. "gf.gvalid.rule.length" = ":attribute 字段长度为:min到:max个字符"
  28. "gf.gvalid.rule.min-length" = ":attribute 字段最小长度为:min"
  29. "gf.gvalid.rule.max-length" = ":attribute 字段最大长度为:max"
  30. "gf.gvalid.rule.between" = ":attribute 字段大小为:min到:max"
  31. "gf.gvalid.rule.min" = ":attribute 字段最小值为:min"
  32. "gf.gvalid.rule.max" = ":attribute 字段最大值为:max"
  33. "gf.gvalid.rule.json" = ":attribute 字段应当为JSON格式"
  34. "gf.gvalid.rule.xml" = ":attribute 字段应当为XML格式"
  35. "gf.gvalid.rule.array" = ":attribute 字段应当为数组"
  36. "gf.gvalid.rule.integer" = ":attribute 字段应当为整数"
  37. "gf.gvalid.rule.float" = ":attribute 字段应当为浮点数"
  38. "gf.gvalid.rule.boolean" = ":attribute 字段应当为布尔值"
  39. "gf.gvalid.rule.same" = ":attribute 字段值必须和:field相同"
  40. "gf.gvalid.rule.different" = ":attribute 字段值不能与:field相同"
  41. "gf.gvalid.rule.in" = ":attribute 字段值不合法"
  42. "gf.gvalid.rule.not-in" = ":attribute 字段值不合法"
  43. "gf.gvalid.rule.regex" = ":attribute 字段值不合法"