View user details

View user details when you want to see login, and organizations and permissions settings associated with a user.

Before you begin:

  • Ensure you have Grafana server administrator privileges

To view user details:

  1. Sign in to Grafana as a server administrator.
  2. Hover your cursor over the Server Admin (shield) icon until a menu appears, and click Users.
  3. Click a user.

A user account contains the following sections.

User information

This section contains basic user information, which users can update.


This indicates whether the user account has the Grafana administrator flag applied. If the flag is set to Yes, then the user is a Grafana server administrator.


This section lists the organizations the user belongs to and their assigned role.


This section includes recent user sessions and information about the time the user logged in and they system they used. You can force logouts, if necessary.

Edit a user account

Edit a user account when you want to modify user login credentials, or delete, disable, or enable a user.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have Grafana server administrator privileges

To edit a user account:

  1. Sign in to Grafana as a server administrator.
  2. Hover your cursor over the Server Admin (shield) icon until a menu appears, and click Users.
  3. Click a user.
  4. Complete any of the following actions, as necessary.
Update name, email, or usernameIs the user notified of these changes?. Click Save after you make a change.
Change the user’s passwordThe new password must be at least four characters long. Click Save after you make a change.
Delete a userThis action permanently removes the user from the Grafana server. The user can no longer sign in after you make this change.
Disable user accountThis action prevents a user from signing in with this account, but does not delete the account. You might disable an account if a colleague goes on sabbatical.
Enable a user accountThis action enables a user account.