
Yocto Edison

Check your kernel version

  1. root@edison:~# uname -r
  2. 3.10.17-poky-edison+

Configure your Edison

  1. root@edison:~# configure_edison
  2. Configure Edison: Device Name
  3. Configure Edison: Device Password
  4. Configure Edison: WiFi Connection

In case only WiFi was configure, configure also password to enable SSH on the wireless interface

  1. root@edison:~# configure_edison --password
  2. Configure Edison: Device Password
  3. Enter a new password (leave empty to abort)
  4. This will be used to connect to the access point and login to the device.
  5. Password: ********
  6. Please enter the password again: ********
  7. First-time root password setup complete. Enabling SSH on WiFi interface.
  8. The device password has been changed.

Check IP address assigned

  1. root@edison:~# ifconfig
  2. lo Link encap:Local Loopback
  3. inet addr: Mask:
  4. wlan Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1C:C0:AE:B5:E6
  5. inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

Yocto Galileo

Check your kernel version

  1. root@galileo:~# uname -r
  2. 3.8.7-yocto-standard

Check IP address assigned

  1. root@galileo:~# ifconfig
  2. lo Link encap:Local Loopback
  3. inet addr: Mask:
  4. eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1C:C0:AE:B5:E6
  5. inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

If IP address is not assigned then bring up Ethernet interface

  1. root@galileo:~# ifup eth0 up