crop — Crop an image


public Intervention\Image\Image crop(int $width, int $height, [int $x, int $y])

Cut out a rectangular part of the current image with given width and height. Define optional x,y coordinates to move the top-left corner of the cutout to a certain position.



Width of the rectangular cutout.


Height of the rectangular cutout.

x (optional)

X-Coordinate of the top-left corner if the rectangular cutout. By default the rectangular part will be centered on the current image.

y (optional)

Y-Coordinate of the top-left corner if the rectangular cutout. By default the rectangular part will be centered on the current image.

Return Values

Instance of Intervention\Image\Image


  1. // open file a image resource
  2. $img = Image::make('public/foo.jpg');
  3. // crop image
  4. $img->crop(100, 100, 25, 25);

See also