Limit Variables to the Smallest Possible Scope


Variables should be declared as late as possible so that they have the narrowest possible scope.



  1. public void foo(String value) {
  2. String calculatedValue;
  3. if (someCondition()) {
  4. calculatedValue = calculateStr(value);
  5. doSomethingWithValue(calculatedValue);
  6. }
  7. }


  1. public void foo(String value) {
  2. if (someCondition()) {
  3. String calculatedValue = calculateStr(value);
  4. doSomethingWithValue(calculatedValue);
  5. }
  6. }

Better still

  1. public void foo(String value) {
  2. if (someCondition()) {
  3. doSomethingWithValue(calculateStr(value));
  4. }
  5. }

Sometimes, assigning to well-named, temporary variables will result in more readable code than calling a method inline because it helps the reader follow the data and logical flow.

As a rule of thumb, if you are unable to come up with a name for a variable that does little more than mirror a method from which its value was retrieved, then the variable should be eliminated.