Setting up custom ingress gateway

Knative uses a shared ingress Gateway to serve all incoming traffic within Knative service mesh, which is the knative-ingress-gateway Gateway under the knative-serving namespace. By default, we use Istio gateway service istio-ingressgateway under istio-system namespace as its underlying service. You can replace the service with that of your own as follows.

Step 1: Create Gateway Service and Deployment Instance

You’ll need to create the gateway service and deployment instance to handle traffic first. Let’s say you customized the default istio-ingressgateway to custom-ingressgateway as follows.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: IstioOperator
  3. spec:
  4. values:
  5. global:
  6. proxy:
  7. autoInject: disabled
  8. useMCP: false
  9. # The third-party-jwt is not enabled on all k8s.
  10. # See:
  11. jwtPolicy: first-party-jwt
  12. addonComponents:
  13. pilot:
  14. enabled: true
  15. prometheus:
  16. enabled: false
  17. components:
  18. ingressGateways:
  19. - name: custom-ingressgateway
  20. enabled: true
  21. namespace: custom-ns
  22. label:
  23. istio: custom-gateway
  24. - name: cluster-local-gateway
  25. enabled: true
  26. label:
  27. istio: cluster-local-gateway
  28. app: cluster-local-gateway
  29. k8s:
  30. service:
  31. type: ClusterIP
  32. ports:
  33. - port: 15020
  34. name: status-port
  35. - port: 80
  36. name: http2
  37. - port: 443
  38. name: https

Step 2: Update Knative Gateway

Update gateway instance knative-ingress-gateway under knative-serving namespace:

  1. kubectl edit gateway knative-ingress-gateway -n knative-serving

Replace the label selector with the label of your service:

  1. istio: ingressgateway

For the service above, it should be updated to:

  1. istio: custom-gateway

If there is a change in service ports (compared with that of istio-ingressgateway), update the port info in the gateway accordingly.

Step 3: Update Gateway Configmap

Update gateway configmap config-istio under knative-serving namespace:

  1. kubectl edit configmap config-istio -n knative-serving

Replace the istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local field with the fully qualified url of your service.

  1. gateway.knative-serving.knative-ingress-gateway: "istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local"

For the service above, it should be updated to:

  1. gateway.knative-serving.knative-ingress-gateway: custom-ingressgateway.custom-ns.svc.cluster.local


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