Supported Deployment Models

Single Node Deployments

Deploying the Mangle Virtual Appliance

For a quick POC we recommend that you deploy a single node instance of Mangle using the OVA file that we have made available here.

Using the OVA is a fast and easy way to create a Mangle VM on VMware vSphere.

After you have downloaded the OVA, log in to your vSphere environment and perform the following steps:

  1. Start the Import Process

    From the Actions pull-down menu for a datacenter, choose Deploy OVF Template.

    Create/Register VM

    Provide the location of the downloaded ova file.

    Choose Next.

  2. Specify the name and location of virtual machine Enter a name for the virtual machine and select a location for the virtual machine.

    OVA file

    Choose Next.

  3. Specify the compute resource

    Select a cluster, host or resource pool where the virtual machine needs to be deployed.

    Target datastore

    Choose Next.

  4. Review details

    Supported Deployment Models - 图4

    Choose Next.

  5. Accept License Agreement

    Read through the Mangle License Agreement, and then choose I accept all license agreements.


    Choose Next.

  6. Select Storage

    Mangle is provisioned with a maximum disk size. By default, Mangle uses only the portion of disk space that it needs, usually much less that the entire disk size ( Thin client). If you want to pre-allocate the entire disk size (reserving it entirely for Mangle instead), select Thick instead.

    Deployment Options

    Choose Next.

  7. Select Network

    Provide a static or dhcp IP for Mangle after choosing an appropriate destination network. Supported Deployment Models - 图7

    Supported Deployment Models - 图8

    Choose Next.

  8. Verify Deployment Settings and click Finish to start creating the virtual machine. Depending on bandwidth, this operation might take a while. When finished, vSphere powers up the Mangle VM based on your selections.

After the VM is boots up successfully, open the command window. Press Alt+F2 to log into the VM.

The default account credentials are:

  • Username: root
  • Password: vmware

{% hint style=”info” %}
Because of limitations within OVA support on vSphere, it was necessary to specify a default password for the OVA option. However, for security reasons, we would recommend that you modify the password after importing the appliance.
{% endhint %}

It takes a couple of minutes for the containers to run. Once the Mangle application and DB containers are running, the Mangle application should be available at the following URL:

  1. https://<IP or Hostname provided>/mangle-services

You will be prompted to change the admin password to continue.

  • Default Mangle Username: admin@mangle.local
  • Password: admin

Export the VM as a Template (Optional)

Consider converting this imported VM into a template (from the Actions menu, choose Export ) so that you have a master Mangle instance that can be combined with vSphere Guest Customization to enable rapid provisioning of Mangle instances.

Now you can move on to the Mangle Users Guide.

Deploying the Mangle Containers


Before creating the Mangle container a Cassandra DB container should be made available on a Docker host. You can choose to deploy the DB and the Application container on the same Docker host or on different Docker hosts. However, we recommend that you use a separate Docker host for each of these. You can setup a Docker host by following the instructions here.

To deploy Cassandra, you can either use the authentication enabled image tested and verified with Mangle available on the Mangle Bintray repo or use the default public Cassandra image hosted on Dockerhub.

If you chose to use the Cassandra image from Mangle Bintray Repo:

  1. docker run --name mangle-cassandradb -v /cassandra/storage/:/var/lib/cassandra -p 9042:9042 -d -e CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME="manglecassandracluster" -e CASSANDRA_DC="DC1" -e CASSANDRA_RACK="rack1" -e CASSANDRA_ENDPOINT_SNITCH="GossipingPropertyFileSnitch"<VERSION>

If you chose to use the Cassandra image from Dockerhub:

  1. docker run --name mangle-cassandradb -v /cassandra/storage/:/var/lib/cassandra -p 9042:9042 -d -e CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME="manglecassandracluster" -e CASSANDRA_DC="DC1" -e CASSANDRA_RACK="rack1" -e CASSANDRA_ENDPOINT_SNITCH="GossipingPropertyFileSnitch" cassandra:3.11

{% hint style=”info” %}
To enable authentication or clustering on Cassandra refer to the Cassandra Advanced Configuration.
{% endhint %}

Deploying the Mangle application container

To deploy the Mangle container using a Cassandra DB deployed using the image from Mangle Bintray repo or with DB authentication and ssl enabled, run the docker command below on the docker host after substituting the values in angle braces <> with actual values.

  1. docker run --name mangle -d -e DB_OPTIONS="-DcassandraContactPoints=<IP of the docker host where Cassandra is deployed> -DcassandraSslEnabled=true -DcassandraUsername=cassandra -DcassandraPassword=cassandra" -e CLUSTER_OPTIONS="-DclusterValidationToken=mangle -DpublicAddress=<IP or Hostname>" -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443<VERSION>

To deploy the Mangle container using a Cassandra DB deployed using the image from Dockerhub or with DB authentication and ssl disabled, run the docker command below on the docker host after substituting the values in angle braces <> with actual values.

  1. docker run --name mangle -d -e DB_OPTIONS="-DcassandraContactPoints=<IP of the docker host where Cassandra is deployed> -DcassandraSslEnabled=false" -e CLUSTER_OPTIONS="-DclusterValidationToken=mangle -DpublicAddress=<IP or Hostname>" -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443<VERSION>

{% hint style=”info” %}
The Mangle docker container takes two environmental variables

DB_OPTIONS“, which can take a list of java arguments identifying the properties of the database cluster

CLUSTER_OPTIONS“, which can take a list of java arguments identifying the properties of the Mangle application cluster

Although the docker run commands above lists only a few DB_OPTIONS and CLUSTER_OPTIONS parameters, Mangle supports a lot more for further customization.
{% endhint %}

Supported DB_OPTIONS

  1. -DcassandraContactPoints : IP Address of Cassandra DB (mandatory, default value is "localhost" and works only if the Mangle application and DB are on the same Docker host)
  2. -DcassandraClusterName : Cassandra cluster name (mandatory, value should be the one passed during cassandra db creation as an environmental variable CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME)
  3. -DcassandraKeyspaceName : Cassandra keyspace name (optional, default value is "mangledb" if you are using the Cassandra image file from Mangle Bintray repo)
  4. -DcassandraPorts : Cassandra DB port used (optional, default value is "9042")
  5. -DcassandraSslEnabled : Cassandra DB ssl configuration (optional, default value is "false"...mandatory and should be set to true if ssl is enabled)
  6. -DcassandraUsername : Cassandra DB username (mandatory only if the Cassandra DB is created with authentication enabled)
  7. -DcassandraPassword : Cassandra DB password (mandatory only if the Cassandra DB is created with authentication enabled)
  8. -DcassandraSchemaAction : Cassandra DB schema action (optional, default value is "create_if_not_exists")
  9. -DcassandraConsistencyLevel : Cassandra DB Consistency level (optional, default value is "local-quorum")
  10. -DcassandraSerialConsistencyLevel : Cassandra DB serial consistency level (optional, default value is "local-serial")
  11. -DcassandraDCName : Cassandra DB DC name (optional, value should be the one passed during cassandra db creation as an environmental variable CASSANDRA_DC or if it is set a value other than "DC1")
  12. -DcassandraNoOfReplicas : Cassandra DB replicas numbers (optional, default value is "1"...mandatory only if multiple nodes are available in the DB cluster)


  1. -DpublicAddress : IP address of the mangle node (mandatory)
  2. -DclusterValidationToken : Any string token name for mangle cluster (mandatory and should be kept in mind if more nodes need to be added to the cluster.)
  3. -DclusterName : Any string cluster name for mangle (optional, default value is "mangle")
  4. -DclusterMembers : Members in the mangle cluster (optional)

Deploying the Mangle vCenter adapter container

Mangle vCenter Adapter is a fault injection adapter for injecting vCenter specific faults. All the vCenter operations from the Mangle application will be carried out through this adapter.

To deploy the vCenter adapter container run the docker command below on the docker host.

  1. docker run --name mangle-vc-adapter -v /var/opt/mangle-vc-adapter-tomcat/logs:/var/opt/mangle-vc-adapter-tomcat/logs -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443<VERSION>

{% hint style=”info” %}
The API documentation for the vCenter Adapter can be found at:


The vCenter adapter requires authentication against any API calls. It supports only one user, admin with password admin. All the post APIs that are supported by the adapter will take the vCenter information as a request body.
{% endhint %}

Multi Node Deployment

A multi-node setup for Mangle ensures availability in case of unexpected failures. We recommend that you use a 3 node Mangle setup.


You need at least 4 docker hosts for setting up a multi node Mangle instance; 1 for the Cassandra DB and 3 for Mangle application containers . You can setup a docker host by following the instructions here.

A multi node setup of Mangle is implemented using Hazelcast. Mangle multi node setup uses TCP connection to communicate with each other. The configuration of the setup is handled by providing the right arguments to the docker container run command, which identifies the cluster.

{% hint style=”info” %}

All the nodes (docker hosts) participating in the cluster should be synchronized with a single time server.

If a different mangle app uses the same clusterValidationToken, clusterName and DB of existing cluster, the node will automatically joins that existing cluster.

All the mangle app participating in the cluster should use the same cassandra DB.

The properties clusterValidationToken and publicAddress are mandatory for any mangle container spin up, if not provided container will fail to start.
{% endhint %}

Deploy a Cassandra DB container by referring to the section here.

Deploy the Mangle cluster by bringing up the mangle container in each docker host.

For the first node in the cluster:

  1. docker run --name mangle -d -v /var/opt/mangle-tomcat/logs:/var/opt/mangle-tomcat/logs -e DB_OPTIONS="-DcassandraContactPoints=<Cassandra-IP>" -e CLUSTER_OPTIONS="-DclusterName=<CLUSTER-NAME> -DclusterValidationToken=<CLUSTER-VALIDATION-TOKEN> -DpublicAddress=<DOCKER-HOST-IP-1>" -p 8080:8080 -p 443:8443 -p 5701:5701<VERSION>

For the subsequent nodes in the cluster:

  1. docker run --name mangle -d -v /var/opt/mangle-tomcat/logs:/var/opt/mangle-tomcat/logs -e DB_OPTIONS="-DcassandraContactPoints=<Cassandra-IP>" -e CLUSTER_OPTIONS="-DclusterName=<CLUSTER-NAME> -DclusterValidationToken=<CLUSTER-VALIDATION-TOKEN> -DpublicAddress=<DOCKER-HOST-IP-2> -DclusterMembers=<DOCKER-HOST-IP-1>" -p 8080:8080 -p 443:8443 -p 5701:5701<VERSION>
  1. docker run --name mangle -d -v /var/opt/mangle-tomcat/logs:/var/opt/mangle-tomcat/logs -e DB_OPTIONS="-DcassandraContactPoints=<Cassandra-IP>" -e CLUSTER_OPTIONS="-DclusterName=<CLUSTER-NAME> -DclusterValidationToken=<CLUSTER-VALIDATION-TOKEN> -DpublicAddress=<DOCKER-HOST-IP-3> -DclusterMembers=<DOCKER-HOST-IP-1, DOCKER-HOST-IP-2>" -p 8080:8080 -p 443:8443 -p 5701:5701<VERSION>