General Settings

The configuration file is located in matrixone/pkg/config/test/system_vars_config.toml.

The 0.1.0 version is a standalone version, only the following parameters should be paied attention to. The other settings should remain default.

General Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
rootpasswordstring“”string valuepassword for root user
dumpdatabasestringdefaultstring valuedump database name for backup
portint646001[0 - 65536]port defines which port the mo-server listens on and clients connect to
hoststring0.0.0.0[ -]listening ip
sendRowboolfalse[true, false]send data row while producing
dumpEnvboolfalse[true, false]dump Environment with memEngine Null nodes for testing

Debug Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
levelstringdebug[debug, info, warn, error, fatal]the log output level
formatstringjson[json, console]output log style
filenamestring“”string valueoutput log filename
max-sizeint64512[0 - 314572800]maximum log file size
max-daysint640[0 - 314572800]maximum log file days kept
max-backupsint640[0 - 314572800]maximum numbers of old log files to retain

Memory Settings

ParameterTypeDefault ValueRangeFunctionality
hostMmuLimitationint641099511627776[0 - 1099511627776]host mmu limitation. default: 1 << 40 = 1099511627776
guestMmuLimitationint641099511627776[0 - 1099511627776]guest mmu limitation. default: 1 << 40 = 1099511627776
mempoolMaxSizeint641099511627776[0 - 1099511627776]mempool maxsize. default: 1 << 40 = 1099511627776
mempoolFactorint648[0 - TBD]mempool factor. Default: 8
processLimitationSizeint6442949672960[0 - 42949672960]process.Limitation.Size. default: 10 << 32 = 42949672960
processLimitationBatchRowsint6442949672960[0 - 42949672960]process.Limitation.BatchRows. default: 10 << 32 = 42949672960
processLimitationBatchRowsint6442949672960[0 - 42949672960]process.Limitation.BatchRows. default: 10 << 32 = 42949672960
processLimitationPartitionRowsint6442949672960[0 - 42949672960]process.Limitation.PartitionRows. default: 10 << 32 = 42949672960