dcos help

显示 DC/OS CLI 帮助信息


dcos help 命令为应用程序中的任何命令提供帮助。如果未使用命令运行,输出默认为 dcos —help

键入 dcos help [path to command] 了解详细信息。


  1. dcos help [command] [flags]


—help, h


显示不含自变量的 dcos help 命令的输出信息

  1. dcos help
  2. Usage:
  3. dcos [command]
  4. Commands:
  5. auth
  6. Authenticate to DC/OS cluster
  7. backup
  8. Access DC/OS backup functionality
  9. cluster
  10. Manage your DC/OS clusters
  11. config
  12. Manage the DC/OS configuration file
  13. help
  14. Help about any command
  15. job
  16. Deploy and manage jobs in DC/OS
  17. license
  18. Manage your DC/OS licenses
  19. marathon
  20. Deploy and manage applications to DC/OS
  21. node
  22. View DC/OS node information
  23. package
  24. Install and manage DC/OS software packages
  25. plugin
  26. Manage CLI plugins
  27. security
  28. DC/OS security related commands
  29. service
  30. Manage DC/OS services
  31. task
  32. Manage DC/OS tasks
  33. Options:
  34. --version
  35. Print version information
  36. -v, -vv
  37. Output verbosity (verbose or very verbose)
  38. -h, --help
  39. Show usage help
  40. Use "dcos [command] --help" for more information about a command.

显示 dcos config 命令的帮助

dcos help config 命令与 dcos config —help一样。

  1. dcos help config
  2. Manage the DC/OS configuration file
  3. Usage:
  4. dcos config [command]
  5. Commands:
  6. set
  7. Add or set a property in the configuration file used for the current cluster
  8. show
  9. Print the configuration file related to the current cluster
  10. unset
  11. Remove a property from the configuration file used for the current cluster
  12. Options:
  13. -h, --help help for config
  14. Use "dcos config [command] --help" for more information about a command.