
You are viewing documentation for a release that is no longer supported. The latest supported version of version 3 is [3.11]. For the most recent version 4, see [4]

You are viewing documentation for a release that is no longer supported. The latest supported version of version 3 is [3.11]. For the most recent version 4, see [4]


The image stream import resource provides an easy way for a user to find and import Docker images from other Docker registries into the server. Individual images or an entire image repository may be imported, and users may choose to see the results of the import prior to tagging the resulting images into the specified image stream.

This API is intended for end-user tools that need to see the metadata of the image prior to import (for instance, to generate an application from it). Clients that know the desired image can continue to create spec.tags directly into their image streams.

Object Schema

Expand or mouse-over a field for more information about it.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind:
  3. metadata:
  4. annotations:
  5. [string]:
  6. clusterName:
  7. creationTimestamp:
  8. deletionGracePeriodSeconds:
  9. deletionTimestamp:
  10. finalizers:
  11. - [string]:
  12. generateName:
  13. generation:
  14. initializers:
  15. pending:
  16. - name:
  17. result:
  18. apiVersion:
  19. code:
  20. details:
  21. causes:
  22. - field:
  23. message:
  24. reason:
  25. group:
  26. kind:
  27. name:
  28. retryAfterSeconds:
  29. uid:
  30. kind:
  31. message:
  32. metadata:
  33. resourceVersion:
  34. selfLink:
  35. reason:
  36. status:
  37. labels:
  38. [string]:
  39. name:
  40. namespace:
  41. ownerReferences:
  42. - apiVersion:
  43. blockOwnerDeletion:
  44. controller:
  45. kind:
  46. name:
  47. uid:
  48. resourceVersion:
  49. selfLink:
  50. uid:
  51. spec:
  52. images:
  53. - from:
  54. - apiVersion:
  55. fieldPath:
  56. kind:
  57. name:
  58. namespace:
  59. resourceVersion:
  60. uid:
  61. importPolicy:
  62. insecure:
  63. scheduled:
  64. includeManifest:
  65. referencePolicy:
  66. type:
  67. to:
  68. name:
  69. import:
  70. repository:
  71. from:
  72. apiVersion:
  73. fieldPath:
  74. kind:
  75. name:
  76. namespace:
  77. resourceVersion:
  78. uid:
  79. importPolicy:
  80. insecure:
  81. scheduled:
  82. includeManifest:
  83. referencePolicy:
  84. type:
  85. status:
  86. images:
  87. - image:
  88. - apiVersion:
  89. dockerImageConfig:
  90. dockerImageLayers:
  91. - mediaType:
  92. name:
  93. size:
  94. dockerImageManifest:
  95. dockerImageManifestMediaType:
  96. dockerImageMetadata:
  97. Raw:
  98. dockerImageMetadataVersion:
  99. dockerImageReference:
  100. dockerImageSignatures:
  101. - [string]:
  102. kind:
  103. metadata:
  104. annotations:
  105. [string]:
  106. clusterName:
  107. creationTimestamp:
  108. deletionGracePeriodSeconds:
  109. deletionTimestamp:
  110. finalizers:
  111. - [string]:
  112. generateName:
  113. generation:
  114. initializers:
  115. pending:
  116. - name:
  117. result:
  118. apiVersion:
  119. code:
  120. details:
  121. causes:
  122. - field:
  123. message:
  124. reason:
  125. group:
  126. kind:
  127. name:
  128. retryAfterSeconds:
  129. uid:
  130. kind:
  131. message:
  132. metadata:
  133. resourceVersion:
  134. selfLink:
  135. reason:
  136. status:
  137. labels:
  138. [string]:
  139. name:
  140. namespace:
  141. ownerReferences:
  142. - apiVersion:
  143. blockOwnerDeletion:
  144. controller:
  145. kind:
  146. name:
  147. uid:
  148. resourceVersion:
  149. selfLink:
  150. uid:
  151. signatures:
  152. - apiVersion:
  153. conditions:
  154. - lastProbeTime:
  155. lastTransitionTime:
  156. message:
  157. reason:
  158. status:
  159. type:
  160. content:
  161. created:
  162. imageIdentity:
  163. issuedBy:
  164. commonName:
  165. organization:
  166. issuedTo:
  167. commonName:
  168. organization:
  169. publicKeyID:
  170. kind:
  171. metadata:
  172. annotations:
  173. [string]:
  174. clusterName:
  175. creationTimestamp:
  176. deletionGracePeriodSeconds:
  177. deletionTimestamp:
  178. finalizers:
  179. - [string]:
  180. generateName:
  181. generation:
  182. initializers:
  183. pending:
  184. - name:
  185. result:
  186. apiVersion:
  187. code:
  188. details:
  189. causes:
  190. - field:
  191. message:
  192. reason:
  193. group:
  194. kind:
  195. name:
  196. retryAfterSeconds:
  197. uid:
  198. kind:
  199. message:
  200. metadata:
  201. resourceVersion:
  202. selfLink:
  203. reason:
  204. status:
  205. labels:
  206. [string]:
  207. name:
  208. namespace:
  209. ownerReferences:
  210. - apiVersion:
  211. blockOwnerDeletion:
  212. controller:
  213. kind:
  214. name:
  215. uid:
  216. resourceVersion:
  217. selfLink:
  218. uid:
  219. signedClaims:
  220. [string]:
  221. type:
  222. status:
  223. apiVersion:
  224. code:
  225. details:
  226. causes:
  227. - field:
  228. message:
  229. reason:
  230. group:
  231. kind:
  232. name:
  233. retryAfterSeconds:
  234. uid:
  235. kind:
  236. message:
  237. metadata:
  238. resourceVersion:
  239. selfLink:
  240. reason:
  241. status:
  242. tag:
  243. import:
  244. apiVersion:
  245. kind:
  246. metadata:
  247. annotations:
  248. [string]:
  249. clusterName:
  250. creationTimestamp:
  251. deletionGracePeriodSeconds:
  252. deletionTimestamp:
  253. finalizers:
  254. - [string]:
  255. generateName:
  256. generation:
  257. initializers:
  258. pending:
  259. - name:
  260. result:
  261. apiVersion:
  262. code:
  263. details:
  264. causes:
  265. - field:
  266. message:
  267. reason:
  268. group:
  269. kind:
  270. name:
  271. retryAfterSeconds:
  272. uid:
  273. kind:
  274. message:
  275. metadata:
  276. resourceVersion:
  277. selfLink:
  278. reason:
  279. status:
  280. labels:
  281. [string]:
  282. name:
  283. namespace:
  284. ownerReferences:
  285. - apiVersion:
  286. blockOwnerDeletion:
  287. controller:
  288. kind:
  289. name:
  290. uid:
  291. resourceVersion:
  292. selfLink:
  293. uid:
  294. spec:
  295. dockerImageRepository:
  296. lookupPolicy:
  297. local:
  298. tags:
  299. - annotations:
  300. - [string]:
  301. from:
  302. apiVersion:
  303. fieldPath:
  304. kind:
  305. name:
  306. namespace:
  307. resourceVersion:
  308. uid:
  309. generation:
  310. importPolicy:
  311. insecure:
  312. scheduled:
  313. name:
  314. reference:
  315. referencePolicy:
  316. type:
  317. status:
  318. dockerImageRepository:
  319. publicDockerImageRepository:
  320. tags:
  321. - conditions:
  322. - - generation:
  323. lastTransitionTime:
  324. message:
  325. reason:
  326. status:
  327. type:
  328. items:
  329. - created:
  330. dockerImageReference:
  331. generation:
  332. image:
  333. tag:
  334. repository:
  335. additionalTags:
  336. - [string]:
  337. images:
  338. - image:
  339. - apiVersion:
  340. dockerImageConfig:
  341. dockerImageLayers:
  342. - mediaType:
  343. name:
  344. size:
  345. dockerImageManifest:
  346. dockerImageManifestMediaType:
  347. dockerImageMetadata:
  348. Raw:
  349. dockerImageMetadataVersion:
  350. dockerImageReference:
  351. dockerImageSignatures:
  352. - [string]:
  353. kind:
  354. metadata:
  355. annotations:
  356. [string]:
  357. clusterName:
  358. creationTimestamp:
  359. deletionGracePeriodSeconds:
  360. deletionTimestamp:
  361. finalizers:
  362. - [string]:
  363. generateName:
  364. generation:
  365. initializers:
  366. pending:
  367. - name:
  368. result:
  369. apiVersion:
  370. code:
  371. details:
  372. causes:
  373. - field:
  374. message:
  375. reason:
  376. group:
  377. kind:
  378. name:
  379. retryAfterSeconds:
  380. uid:
  381. kind:
  382. message:
  383. metadata:
  384. resourceVersion:
  385. selfLink:
  386. reason:
  387. status:
  388. labels:
  389. [string]:
  390. name:
  391. namespace:
  392. ownerReferences:
  393. - apiVersion:
  394. blockOwnerDeletion:
  395. controller:
  396. kind:
  397. name:
  398. uid:
  399. resourceVersion:
  400. selfLink:
  401. uid:
  402. signatures:
  403. - apiVersion:
  404. conditions:
  405. - lastProbeTime:
  406. lastTransitionTime:
  407. message:
  408. reason:
  409. status:
  410. type:
  411. content:
  412. created:
  413. imageIdentity:
  414. issuedBy:
  415. commonName:
  416. organization:
  417. issuedTo:
  418. commonName:
  419. organization:
  420. publicKeyID:
  421. kind:
  422. metadata:
  423. annotations:
  424. [string]:
  425. clusterName:
  426. creationTimestamp:
  427. deletionGracePeriodSeconds:
  428. deletionTimestamp:
  429. finalizers:
  430. - [string]:
  431. generateName:
  432. generation:
  433. initializers:
  434. pending:
  435. - name:
  436. result:
  437. apiVersion:
  438. code:
  439. details:
  440. causes:
  441. - field:
  442. message:
  443. reason:
  444. group:
  445. kind:
  446. name:
  447. retryAfterSeconds:
  448. uid:
  449. kind:
  450. message:
  451. metadata:
  452. resourceVersion:
  453. selfLink:
  454. reason:
  455. status:
  456. labels:
  457. [string]:
  458. name:
  459. namespace:
  460. ownerReferences:
  461. - apiVersion:
  462. blockOwnerDeletion:
  463. controller:
  464. kind:
  465. name:
  466. uid:
  467. resourceVersion:
  468. selfLink:
  469. uid:
  470. signedClaims:
  471. [string]:
  472. type:
  473. status:
  474. apiVersion:
  475. code:
  476. details:
  477. causes:
  478. - field:
  479. message:
  480. reason:
  481. group:
  482. kind:
  483. name:
  484. retryAfterSeconds:
  485. uid:
  486. kind:
  487. message:
  488. metadata:
  489. resourceVersion:
  490. selfLink:
  491. reason:
  492. status:
  493. tag:
  494. status:
  495. apiVersion:
  496. code:
  497. details:
  498. causes:
  499. - field:
  500. message:
  501. reason:
  502. group:
  503. kind:
  504. name:
  505. retryAfterSeconds:
  506. uid:
  507. kind:
  508. message:
  509. metadata:
  510. resourceVersion:
  511. selfLink:
  512. reason:
  513. status:


Create a ImageStreamImport

Create an ImageStreamImport

HTTP request

  1. POST /apis/image.openshift.io/v1/imagestreamimports HTTP/1.1
  2. Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN
  3. Accept: application/json
  4. Connection: close
  5. Content-Type: application/json'
  6. {
  7. "kind": "ImageStreamImport",
  8. "apiVersion": "image.openshift.io/v1",
  9. ...
  10. }

Curl request

  1. $ curl -k \
  2. -X POST \
  3. -d @- \
  4. -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  5. -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  6. -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  7. https://$ENDPOINT/apis/image.openshift.io/v1/imagestreamimports <<'EOF'
  8. {
  9. "kind": "ImageStreamImport",
  10. "apiVersion": "image.openshift.io/v1",
  11. ...
  12. }
  13. EOF

HTTP body




Query parameters



If ‘true’, then the output is pretty printed.


HTTP CodeSchema

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


  • */*


  • application/json

  • application/yaml

  • application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf

Create a ImageStreamImport in a namespace

Create an ImageStreamImport

HTTP request

  1. POST /apis/image.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/imagestreamimports HTTP/1.1
  2. Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN
  3. Accept: application/json
  4. Connection: close
  5. Content-Type: application/json'
  6. {
  7. "kind": "ImageStreamImport",
  8. "apiVersion": "image.openshift.io/v1",
  9. ...
  10. }

Curl request

  1. $ curl -k \
  2. -X POST \
  3. -d @- \
  4. -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  5. -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  6. -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  7. https://$ENDPOINT/apis/image.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/imagestreamimports <<'EOF'
  8. {
  9. "kind": "ImageStreamImport",
  10. "apiVersion": "image.openshift.io/v1",
  11. ...
  12. }
  13. EOF

HTTP body




Path parameters



object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects

Query parameters



If ‘true’, then the output is pretty printed.


HTTP CodeSchema

200 OK


401 Unauthorized


  • */*


  • application/json

  • application/yaml

  • application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf