Project Layout of Helm-based Operators

Overview of the files generated in Helm-based operators.

After creating a new operator project using operator-sdk init --plugins=helm, the project directory has numerous generated folders and files. The following table describes a basic rundown of each generated file/directory.

configContains kustomize manifests for deploying this operator on a Kubernetes cluster.
helm-charts/Contains a Helm chart initialized with operator-sdk create api.
DockerfileUsed to build the operator image with make docker-build.
watches.yamlContains Group, Version, Kind, and Helm chart location.
MakefileContains the targets used to manage the project.
PROJECTContains meta information about the project.

Last modified July 28, 2020: website/content/en/docs: reorganize helm-based operator docs (#3583) (3a44c209)