
  1. 1. EAST:
  2. @inproceedings{zhou2017east,
  3. title={EAST: an efficient and accurate scene text detector},
  4. author={Zhou, Xinyu and Yao, Cong and Wen, He and Wang, Yuzhi and Zhou, Shuchang and He, Weiran and Liang, Jiajun},
  5. booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  6. pages={5551--5560},
  7. year={2017}
  8. }
  9. 2. DB:
  10. @article{liao2019real,
  11. title={Real-time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization},
  12. author={Liao, Minghui and Wan, Zhaoyi and Yao, Cong and Chen, Kai and Bai, Xiang},
  13. journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.08947},
  14. year={2019}
  15. }
  16. 3. DTRB:
  17. @inproceedings{baek2019wrong,
  18. title={What is wrong with scene text recognition model comparisons? dataset and model analysis},
  19. author={Baek, Jeonghun and Kim, Geewook and Lee, Junyeop and Park, Sungrae and Han, Dongyoon and Yun, Sangdoo and Oh, Seong Joon and Lee, Hwalsuk},
  20. booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
  21. pages={4715--4723},
  22. year={2019}
  23. }
  24. 4. SAST:
  25. @inproceedings{wang2019single,
  26. title={A Single-Shot Arbitrarily-Shaped Text Detector based on Context Attended Multi-Task Learning},
  27. author={Wang, Pengfei and Zhang, Chengquan and Qi, Fei and Huang, Zuming and En, Mengyi and Han, Junyu and Liu, Jingtuo and Ding, Errui and Shi, Guangming},
  28. booktitle={Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
  29. pages={1277--1285},
  30. year={2019}
  31. }
  32. 5. SRN:
  33. @article{yu2020towards,
  34. title={Towards Accurate Scene Text Recognition with Semantic Reasoning Networks},
  35. author={Yu, Deli and Li, Xuan and Zhang, Chengquan and Han, Junyu and Liu, Jingtuo and Ding, Errui},
  36. journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12294},
  37. year={2020}
  38. }
  39. 6. end2end-psl:
  40. @inproceedings{sun2019chinese,
  41. title={Chinese Street View Text: Large-scale Chinese Text Reading with Partially Supervised Learning},
  42. author={Sun, Yipeng and Liu, Jiaming and Liu, Wei and Han, Junyu and Ding, Errui and Liu, Jingtuo},
  43. booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},
  44. pages={9086--9095},
  45. year={2019}
  46. }