11.128. Release 0.90


This release has a memory leak and should not be used.

General Changes

  • Initial support for partition and placement awareness in the query planner. This canresult in better plans for queries involving JOIN and GROUP BY over the samekey columns.
  • Improve planning of UNION queries.
  • Add presto version to query creation and completion events.
  • Add property task.writer-count to configure the number of writers per task.
  • Fix a bug when optimizing constant expressions involving binary types.
  • Fix bug where a table writer commits partial results while cleaning up a failed query.
  • Fix a bug when unnesting an array of doubles containing NaN or Infinity.
  • Fix failure when accessing elements in an empty array.
  • Fix “Remote page is too large” errors.
  • Improve error message when attempting to cast a value to UNKNOWN.
  • Update the approx_distinct() documentation with correct standard error bounds.
  • Disable falling back to the interpreter when expressions fail to be compiledto bytecode. To enable this option, add compiler.interpreter-enabled=trueto the coordinator and worker config properties. Enabling this option willallow certain queries to run slowly rather than failing.
  • Improve JDBC Driver conformance. In particular, all unimplementedmethods now throw SQLException rather than UnsupportedOperationException.

Functions and Language Features

Hive Changes

  • Disable optimized metastore partition fetching for non-string partition keys.This fixes an issue were Presto might silently ignore data with non-canonicalpartition values. To enable this option, add hive.assume-canonical-partition-keys=trueto the coordinator and worker config properties.
  • Don’t retry operations against S3 that fail due to lack of permissions.

SPI Changes

  • Add getColumnTypes to RecordSink.
  • Use Slice for table writer fragments.
  • Add ConnectorPageSink which is a more efficient interface for column-oriented sources.


This is a backwards incompatible change with the previous connector SPI.If you have written a connector, you will need to update your codebefore deploying this release.

原文: https://prestodb.io/docs/current/release/release-0.90.html