Admin Variables


This is a list of semi-colon separated user:password pairs, that can be used to authenticate to the admin interface with read-write rights. For read-only credentials that can be used to connect to the admin, see the variable admin-stats_credentials. Note that the admin interface listens on a separate port from the main ProxySQL thread. This port is controlled through the variable admin-mysql_ifaces.

It is important to note that:

  • the default admin user can only connect locally, in order to connect remotely a secondary user needs to be created by defining this in the admin-admin_credentials variable E.G. admin-admin_credentials="admin:admin;radminuser:radminpass".
  • users in admin-admin_credentials cannot be used also in mysql_users table.
    |System Variable|Name|admin-admin_credentials
    |Permitted Values|Type|String


Semicolon-separated list of hostname:port entries for interfaces on which the admin interface should listen on. Note that this also supports UNIX domain sockets for the cases where the connection is done from an application on the same machine E.G.: SET admin-mysql_ifaces=';/tmp/proxysql_admin.sock'. Please note that the default admin user can only connect locally, in order to connect remotely a secondary user needs to be created by defining this in the admin-admin_credentials variable E.G. admin-admin_credentials="admin:admin;radminuser:radminpass".

|System Variable|Name|admin-mysql_ifaces
|Permitted Values|Type|String
|Default (up to 1.4.0)|
|Default (from 1.4.1 onwards)|


When this variable is set to true and loaded at runtime, the Admin module does not accept write anymore. This is useful to ensure that ProxySQL is not reconfigured.When admin-read_only=true, the only way to revert it to false at runtime (and make the Admin module writable again) is to run the command PROXYSQL READWRITE.

|System Variable|Name|admin-read_only
|Permitted Values|Type|Boolean


The refresh interval (in microseconds) for updates to the query rules statistics and commands counters statistics. Be careful about tweaking this to a value that is:

  • too low, because it might affect the overall performance of the proxy
  • too high, because it might affect the correctness of the results
    |System Variable|Name|admin-refresh_interval
    |Permitted Values|Type|Integer (microseconds)


This is a list of semi-colon separated user:password pairs that defines the read-only credentials for connecting to the admin interface. These are not allowed updates to internal data structures such as the list of MySQL backend servers (or hostgroups), query rules, etc. They only allow readings from the statistics and monitoring tables (the other tables are not only even visible).Note: users in admin-stats_credentials cannot be used also in mysql_users table.

|System Variable|Name|admin-stats_credentials
|Permitted Values|Type|String


Not currently used (planned usage in a future version).


Not currently used (planned usage in a future version).


This variable displays ProxySQL version. This variable is read only.

|System Variable|Name|admin-version
|Permitted Values|Type|String
|Read Only|true