
What is xlrd?

xlrd is a Python library for reading Excel documents.


Write in the command line:

  1. `pip install xlrd`


Exercise 1

Create an Excel table similar to the data in the .txt files.

name number
Jacob 34465
Michael 32025
Matthew 28569

Exercise 2

Execute the following program:

  1. import xlrd
  2. workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("example.xls")
  3. sheet_names = workbook.sheet_names()
  4. sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_names[0])
  5. for row_idx in range(0, sheet.nrows):
  6. print ('-'*40)
  7. print ('Row: %s' % row_idx)
  8. for col_idx in range(0, sheet.ncols):
  9. cell_obj = sheet.cell(row_idx, col_idx)
  10. print ('Column: [%s] cell_obj: [%s]' % (col_idx, cell_obj))

Exercise 3

Make the program work and print the data from the document to the screen.

Exercise 4

Calculate the sum of numeric values in the Python program.