Enabling Experimental Features

Rancher includes some features that are experimental and disabled by default. You might want to enable these features, for example, if you decide that the benefits of using an unsupported storage type outweighs the risk of using an untested feature. Feature flags were introduced to allow you to try these features that are not enabled by default.

The features can be enabled in three ways:

Each feature has two values:

  • A default value, which can be configured with a flag or environment variable from the command line
  • A set value, which can be configured with the Rancher API or UI

If no value has been set, Rancher uses the default value.

Because the API sets the actual value and the command line sets the default value, that means that if you enable or disable a feature with the API or UI, it will override any value set with the command line.

For example, if you install Rancher, then set a feature flag to true with the Rancher API, then upgrade Rancher with a command that sets the feature flag to false, the default value will still be false, but the feature will still be enabled because it was set with the Rancher API. If you then deleted the set value (true) with the Rancher API, setting it to NULL, the default value (false) would take effect.

Note: There are some feature flags that may require a restart of the Rancher server container. These features that require a restart are marked in the table of these docs and in the UI.

The following is a list of the feature flags available in Rancher:

  • harvester: This feature flag is available starting in v2.6.1. It is used to manage access to the Virtualization Management page where users can navigate directly to Harvester clusters and access the Harvester UI. For more information, see this page.
  • rke2: We have introduced the ability to provision RKE2 clusters as tech preview. By default, this feature flag is enabled, which allows users to attempt to provision these type of clusters.
  • fleet: The previous fleet feature flag is now required to be enabled as the Fleet capabilities are leveraged within the new provisioning framework. If you had this feature flag disabled in earlier versions, upon upgrading to Rancher v2.6, the flag will automatically be enabled. See this page for more information.
  • continuous-delivery: In Rancher v2.5.x, Fleet came with a GitOps feature that could not be disabled separately from Fleet. In Rancher v2.6, the continuous-delivery feature flag was introduced to allow the GitOps feature of Fleet to be disabled. For more information, see this page..
  • legacy: There are a set of features from previous versions that are slowly being phased out of Rancher for newer iterations of the feature. This is a mix of deprecated features as well as features that will eventually be moved to newer variations in Rancher. By default, this feature flag is disabled for new installations. If you are upgrading from a previous version, this feature flag would be enabled.
  • token-hashing: Used to enable new token-hashing feature. Once enabled, existing tokens will be hashed and all new tokens will be hashed automatically using the SHA256 algorithm. Once a token is hashed it cannot be undone. Once this feature flag is enabled, it cannot be disabled. See hashing of tokens for more information.
  • unsupported-storage-drivers: This feature allows unsupported storage drivers.. In other words, it enables types for storage providers and provisioners that are not enabled by default.
  • istio-virtual-service-ui: This feature enables a UI to create, read, update, and delete Istio virtual services and destination rules, which are traffic management features of Istio.
  • multi-cluster-management: Used for multi-cluster provisioning and management of Kubernetes clusters. This feature flag can only be set at install time and not changed afterwards.

The below table shows the availability and default value for feature flags in Rancher:

Feature Flag NameDefault ValueStatusAvailable as ofRancher Restart Required?
fleettrueCan no longer be disabledv2.6.0N/A
token-hashingfalse for new installs, true for upgradesGAv2.6.0
legacyfalse for new installs, true for upgradesGAv2.6.0

* Generally Available. This feature is included in Rancher and it is not experimental.

Enabling Features when Starting Rancher

When you install Rancher, enable the feature you want with a feature flag. The command is different depending on whether you are installing Rancher on a single node or if you are doing a Kubernetes Installation of Rancher.

Enabling Features for Kubernetes Installs

Note: Values set from the Rancher API will override the value passed in through the command line.

When installing Rancher with a Helm chart, use the --features option. In the below example, two features are enabled by passing the feature flag names names in a comma separated list:

  1. helm install rancher rancher-latest/rancher \
  2. --namespace cattle-system \
  3. --set hostname=rancher.my.org \
  4. --set 'extraEnv[0].name=CATTLE_FEATURES'
  5. --set 'extraEnv[0].value=<FEATURE-FLAG-NAME-1>=true,<FEATURE-FLAG-NAME-2>=true'

Note: If you are installing an alpha version, Helm requires adding the --devel option to the command.

Rendering the Helm Chart for Air Gap Installations

For an air gap installation of Rancher, you need to add a Helm chart repository and render a Helm template before installing Rancher with Helm. For details, refer to the air gap installation documentation.

Here is an example of a command for passing in the feature flag names when rendering the Helm template. In the below example, two features are enabled by passing the feature flag names in a comma separated list.

The Helm command is as follows:

  1. helm template rancher ./rancher-<VERSION>.tgz --output-dir . \
  2. --no-hooks \ # prevent files for Helm hooks from being generated
  3. --namespace cattle-system \
  4. --set hostname=<RANCHER.YOURDOMAIN.COM> \
  5. --set rancherImage=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/rancher/rancher \
  6. --set ingress.tls.source=secret \
  7. --set systemDefaultRegistry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT> \ # Set a default private registry to be used in Rancher
  8. --set useBundledSystemChart=true # Use the packaged Rancher system charts
  9. --set 'extraEnv[0].name=CATTLE_FEATURES'
  10. --set 'extraEnv[0].value=<FEATURE-FLAG-NAME-1>=true,<FEATURE-FLAG-NAME-2>=true'

Enabling Features for Docker Installs

When installing Rancher with Docker, use the --features option. In the below example, two features are enabled by passing the feature flag names in a comma separated list:

  1. docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
  2. --restart=unless-stopped \
  3. rancher/rancher:rancher-latest \
  4. --features=<FEATURE-FLAG-NAME-1>=true,<FEATURE-NAME-2>=true

Enabling Features with the Rancher UI

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Global Settings.
  2. Click Feature Flags.
  3. To enable a feature, go to the disabled feature you want to enable and click ⋮ > Activate.

Result: The feature is enabled.

Disabling Features with the Rancher UI

  1. In the upper left corner, click ☰ > Global Settings.
  2. Click Feature Flags. You will see a list of experimental features.
  3. To disable a feature, go to the enabled feature you want to disable and click ⋮ > Deactivate.

Result: The feature is disabled.

Enabling Features with the Rancher API

  1. Go to <RANCHER-SERVER-URL>/v3/features.
  2. In the data section, you will see an array containing all of the features that can be turned on with feature flags. The name of the feature is in the id field. Click the name of the feature you want to enable.
  3. In the upper left corner of the screen, under Operations, click Edit.
  4. In the Value drop-down menu, click True.
  5. Click Show Request.
  6. Click Send Request.
  7. Click Close.

Result: The feature is enabled.

Disabling Features with the Rancher API

  1. Go to <RANCHER-SERVER-URL>/v3/features.
  2. In the data section, you will see an array containing all of the features that can be turned on with feature flags. The name of the feature is in the id field. Click the name of the feature you want to enable.
  3. In the upper left corner of the screen, under Operations, click Edit.
  4. In the Value drop-down menu, click False.
  5. Click Show Request.
  6. Click Send Request.
  7. Click Close.

Result: The feature is disabled.