Selectables, Tables, FROM objects

The term “selectable” refers to any object that rows can be selected from; in SQLAlchemy, these objects descend from FromClause and their distinguishing feature is their FromClause.c attribute, which is a namespace of all the columns contained within the FROM clause (these elements are themselves ColumnElement subclasses).

Selectable Foundational Constructors

Top level “FROM clause” and “SELECT” constructors.

Object NameDescription

except_(selects, **kwargs)

Return an EXCEPT of multiple selectables.

except_all(selects, kwargs)

Return an EXCEPT ALL of multiple selectables.

exists(*args, kwargs)

Construct a new Exists construct.

intersect(selects, **kwargs)

Return an INTERSECT of multiple selectables.

intersect_all(selects, kwargs)

Return an INTERSECT ALL of multiple selectables.

select(*args, kw)

Create a Select using either the 1.x or 2.0 constructor style.

table(name, columns, **kw)

Produce a new TableClause.

union(selects, kwargs)

Return a UNION of multiple selectables.

union_all(*selects, kwargs)

Return a UNION ALL of multiple selectables.

values(columns, *kw)

Construct a Values construct.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``except_(\selects, **kwargs*)

Return an EXCEPT of multiple selectables.

The returned object is an instance of CompoundSelect.

  • Parameters

    • *selects – a list of Select instances.

    • **kwargs – available keyword arguments are the same as those of select().

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``except_all(\selects, **kwargs*)

Return an EXCEPT ALL of multiple selectables.

The returned object is an instance of CompoundSelect.

  • Parameters

    • *selects – a list of Select instances.

    • **kwargs – available keyword arguments are the same as those of select().

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``exists(\args, **kwargs*)

Construct a new Exists construct.

The exists() can be invoked by itself to produce an Exists construct, which will accept simple WHERE criteria:

  1. exists_criteria = exists().where(table1.c.col1 == table2.c.col2)

However, for greater flexibility in constructing the SELECT, an existing Select construct may be converted to an Exists, most conveniently by making use of the SelectBase.exists() method:

  1. exists_criteria = (
  2. select(table2.c.col2).
  3. where(table1.c.col1 == table2.c.col2).
  4. exists()
  5. )

The EXISTS criteria is then used inside of an enclosing SELECT:

  1. stmt = select(table1.c.col1).where(exists_criteria)

The above statement will then be of the form:

  2. (SELECT table2.col2 FROM table2 WHERE table2.col2 = table1.col1)

See also

EXISTS subqueries - in the 2.0 style tutorial.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``intersect(\selects, **kwargs*)

Return an INTERSECT of multiple selectables.

The returned object is an instance of CompoundSelect.

  • Parameters

    • *selects – a list of Select instances.

    • **kwargs – available keyword arguments are the same as those of select().

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``intersect_all(\selects, **kwargs*)

Return an INTERSECT ALL of multiple selectables.

The returned object is an instance of CompoundSelect.

  • Parameters

    • *selects – a list of Select instances.

    • **kwargs – available keyword arguments are the same as those of select().

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``select(\args, **kw*)

Create a Select using either the 1.x or 2.0 constructor style.

For the legacy calling style, see Select.create_legacy_select(). If the first argument passed is a Python sequence or if keyword arguments are present, this style is used.

New in version 2.0: - the select() construct is the same construct as the one returned by select(), except that the function only accepts the “columns clause” entities up front; the rest of the state of the SELECT should be built up using generative methods.

Similar functionality is also available via the method on any FromClause.

See also

Selecting - Core Tutorial description of select().

  • Parameters


    Entities to SELECT from. For Core usage, this is typically a series of ColumnElement and / or FromClause objects which will form the columns clause of the resulting statement. For those objects that are instances of FromClause (typically Table or Alias objects), the FromClause.c collection is extracted to form a collection of ColumnElement objects.

    This parameter will also accept TextClause constructs as given, as well as ORM-mapped classes.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``table(name, \columns, **kw*)

Produce a new TableClause.

The object returned is an instance of TableClause, which represents the “syntactical” portion of the schema-level Table object. It may be used to construct lightweight table constructs.

Changed in version 1.0.0: table() can now be imported from the plain sqlalchemy namespace like any other SQL element.

  • Parameters

    • name – Name of the table.

    • columns – A collection of column() constructs.

    • schema

      The schema name for this table.

      New in version 1.3.18: table() can now accept a schema argument.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``union(\selects, **kwargs*)

Return a UNION of multiple selectables.

The returned object is an instance of CompoundSelect.

A similar union() method is available on all FromClause subclasses.

  • Parameters

    • *selects – a list of Select instances.

    • **kwargs – available keyword arguments are the same as those of select().

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``union_all(\selects, **kwargs*)

Return a UNION ALL of multiple selectables.

The returned object is an instance of CompoundSelect.

A similar union_all() method is available on all FromClause subclasses.

  • Parameters

    • *selects – a list of Select instances.

    • **kwargs – available keyword arguments are the same as those of select().

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``values(\columns, **kw*)

Construct a Values construct.

The column expressions and the actual data for Values are given in two separate steps. The constructor receives the column expressions typically as column() constructs, and the data is then passed via the method as a list, which can be called multiple times to add more data, e.g.:

  1. from sqlalchemy import column
  2. from sqlalchemy import values
  3. value_expr = values(
  4. column('id', Integer),
  5. column('name', String),
  6. name="my_values"
  7. ).data(
  8. [(1, 'name1'), (2, 'name2'), (3, 'name3')]
  9. )
  • Parameters

    • *columns – column expressions, typically composed using column() objects.

    • name – the name for this VALUES construct. If omitted, the VALUES construct will be unnamed in a SQL expression. Different backends may have different requirements here.

    • literal_binds – Defaults to False. Whether or not to render the data values inline in the SQL output, rather than using bound parameters.

Selectable Modifier Constructors

Functions listed here are more commonly available as methods from FromClause and Selectable elements, for example, the alias() function is usually invoked via the FromClause.alias() method.

Object NameDescription

alias(selectable[, name, flat])

Return an Alias object.

cte(selectable[, name, recursive])

Return a new CTE, or Common Table Expression instance.

join(left, right[, onclause, isouter, …])

Produce a Join object, given two FromClause expressions.

lateral(selectable[, name])

Return a Lateral object.

outerjoin(left, right[, onclause, full])

Return an OUTER JOIN clause element.

tablesample(selectable, sampling[, name, seed])

Return a TableSample object.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``alias(selectable, name=None, flat=False)

Return an Alias object.

An Alias represents any FromClause with an alternate name assigned within SQL, typically using the AS clause when generated, e.g. SELECT * FROM table AS aliasname.

Similar functionality is available via the FromClause.alias() method available on all FromClause subclasses. In terms of a SELECT object as generated from the select() function, the SelectBase.alias() method returns an Alias or similar object which represents a named, parenthesized subquery.

When an Alias is created from a Table object, this has the effect of the table being rendered as tablename AS aliasname in a SELECT statement.

For select() objects, the effect is that of creating a named subquery, i.e. (select ...) AS aliasname.

The name parameter is optional, and provides the name to use in the rendered SQL. If blank, an “anonymous” name will be deterministically generated at compile time. Deterministic means the name is guaranteed to be unique against other constructs used in the same statement, and will also be the same name for each successive compilation of the same statement object.

  • Parameters

    • selectable – any FromClause subclass, such as a table, select statement, etc.

    • name – string name to be assigned as the alias. If None, a name will be deterministically generated at compile time.

    • flat – Will be passed through to if the given selectable is an instance of Join - see Join.alias() for details.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``cte(selectable, name=None, recursive=False)

Return a new CTE, or Common Table Expression instance.

Please see HasCTE.cte() for detail on CTE usage.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``join(left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False)

Produce a Join object, given two FromClause expressions.


  1. j = join(user_table, address_table,
  2. == address_table.c.user_id)
  3. stmt = select(user_table).select_from(j)

would emit SQL along the lines of:

  1. SELECT, FROM user
  2. JOIN address ON = address.user_id

Similar functionality is available given any FromClause object (e.g. such as a Table) using the FromClause.join() method.

  • Parameters

    • left – The left side of the join.

    • right – the right side of the join; this is any FromClause object such as a Table object, and may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped class.

    • onclause – a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the join. If left at None, FromClause.join() will attempt to join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship.

    • isouter – if True, render a LEFT OUTER JOIN, instead of JOIN.

    • full

      if True, render a FULL OUTER JOIN, instead of JOIN.

      New in version 1.1.

See also

FromClause.join() - method form, based on a given left side.

Join - the type of object produced.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``lateral(selectable, name=None)

Return a Lateral object.

Lateral is an Alias subclass that represents a subquery with the LATERAL keyword applied to it.

The special behavior of a LATERAL subquery is that it appears in the FROM clause of an enclosing SELECT, but may correlate to other FROM clauses of that SELECT. It is a special case of subquery only supported by a small number of backends, currently more recent PostgreSQL versions.

New in version 1.1.

See also

LATERAL correlation - overview of usage.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``outerjoin(left, right, onclause=None, full=False)

Return an OUTER JOIN clause element.

The returned object is an instance of Join.

Similar functionality is also available via the FromClause.outerjoin() method on any FromClause.

  • Parameters

    • left – The left side of the join.

    • right – The right side of the join.

    • onclause – Optional criterion for the ON clause, is derived from foreign key relationships established between left and right otherwise.

To chain joins together, use the FromClause.join() or FromClause.outerjoin() methods on the resulting Join object.

function sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``tablesample(selectable, sampling, name=None, seed=None)

Return a TableSample object.

TableSample is an Alias subclass that represents a table with the TABLESAMPLE clause applied to it. tablesample() is also available from the FromClause class via the FromClause.tablesample() method.

The TABLESAMPLE clause allows selecting a randomly selected approximate percentage of rows from a table. It supports multiple sampling methods, most commonly BERNOULLI and SYSTEM.


  1. from sqlalchemy import func
  2. selectable = people.tablesample(
  3. func.bernoulli(1),
  4. name='alias',
  5. seed=func.random())
  6. stmt = select(selectable.c.people_id)

Assuming people with a column people_id, the above statement would render as:

  1. SELECT alias.people_id FROM
  2. people AS alias TABLESAMPLE bernoulli(:bernoulli_1)
  3. REPEATABLE (random())

New in version 1.1.

  • Parameters

    • sampling – a float percentage between 0 and 100 or Function.

    • name – optional alias name

    • seed – any real-valued SQL expression. When specified, the REPEATABLE sub-clause is also rendered.

Selectable Class Documentation

The classes here are generated using the constructors listed at Selectable Foundational Constructors and Selectable Modifier Constructors.

Object NameDescription


Represents an table or selectable alias (AS).


Base class of aliases against tables, subqueries, and other selectables.


Forms the basis of UNION, UNION ALL, and other SELECT-based set operations.


Represent a Common Table Expression.


Mark a ClauseElement as supporting execution.


Represent an EXISTS clause.


Represent an element that can be used within the FROM clause of a SELECT statement.


Base class for SELECT statements where additional elements can be added.


Mixin that declares a class to include CTE support.




Represent a JOIN construct between two FromClause elements.


Represent a LATERAL subquery.


The base-most class for Core constructs that have some concept of columns that can represent rows.


Represent a scalar subquery.


Represents a SELECT statement.


Mark a class as being selectable.


Base class for SELECT statements.


Represent a subquery of a SELECT.


Represents a minimal “table” construct.


Represent a TABLESAMPLE clause.


An alias against a “table valued” SQL function.


Wrap a TextClause construct within a SelectBase interface.


Represent a VALUES construct that can be used as a FROM element in a statement.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Alias(\arg, **kw*)

Represents an table or selectable alias (AS).

Represents an alias, as typically applied to any table or sub-select within a SQL statement using the AS keyword (or without the keyword on certain databases such as Oracle).

This object is constructed from the alias() module level function as well as the FromClause.alias() method available on all FromClause subclasses.

See also


Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Alias (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.DMLTableRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.AliasedReturnsRows)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``AliasedReturnsRows(\arg, **kw*)

Base class of aliases against tables, subqueries, and other selectables.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.AliasedReturnsRows (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.NoInit, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``CompoundSelect(keyword, \selects, **kwargs*)

Forms the basis of UNION, UNION ALL, and other SELECT-based set operations.

See also







Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.CompoundSelect (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCompileState, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect)

  • attribute sqlalchemy.sql.expression.CompoundSelect.bind

    Returns the Engine or Connection to which this Executable is bound, or None if none found.

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The Executable.bind attribute is considered legacy as of the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy and will be removed in 2.0. Bound metadata is being removed as of SQLAlchemy 2.0. (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: Migrating to SQLAlchemy 2.0)

  • attribute sqlalchemy.sql.expression.CompoundSelect.selected_columns

    A ColumnCollection representing the columns that this SELECT statement or similar construct returns in its result set.

    For a CompoundSelect, the CompoundSelect.selected_columns attribute returns the selected columns of the first SELECT statement contained within the series of statements within the set operation.

    New in version 1.4.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.CompoundSelect.self_group(against=None)

    Apply a ‘grouping’ to this ClauseElement.

    This method is overridden by subclasses to return a “grouping” construct, i.e. parenthesis. In particular it’s used by “binary” expressions to provide a grouping around themselves when placed into a larger expression, as well as by select() constructs when placed into the FROM clause of another select(). (Note that subqueries should be normally created using the Select.alias() method, as many platforms require nested SELECT statements to be named).

    As expressions are composed together, the application of self_group() is automatic - end-user code should never need to use this method directly. Note that SQLAlchemy’s clause constructs take operator precedence into account - so parenthesis might not be needed, for example, in an expression like x OR (y AND z) - AND takes precedence over OR.

    The base self_group() method of ClauseElement just returns self.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``CTE(\arg, **kw*)

Represent a Common Table Expression.

The CTE object is obtained using the SelectBase.cte() method from any SELECT statement. A less often available syntax also allows use of the HasCTE.cte() method present on DML constructs such as Insert, Update and Delete. See the HasCTE.cte() method for usage details on CTEs.

See also

Subqueries and CTEs - in the 2.0 tutorial

HasCTE.cte() - examples of calling styles

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.CTE (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Generative, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasPrefixes, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasSuffixes, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.AliasedReturnsRows)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Executable

Mark a ClauseElement as supporting execution.

Executable is a superclass for all “statement” types of objects, including select(), delete(), update(), insert(), text().

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.CoerceTextStatementRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Generative)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Exists(\args, **kwargs*)

Represent an EXISTS clause.

See exists() for a description of usage.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Exists (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.UnaryExpression)

  1. See also
  2. [`select()`]( "") - general purpose method which allows for arbitrary column lists.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``FromClause

Represent an element that can be used within the FROM clause of a SELECT statement.

The most common forms of FromClause are the Table and the select() constructs. Key features common to all FromClause objects include:

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.AnonymizedFromClauseRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable)

  1. See also
  2. [`join()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.join") - standalone function
  3. [`Join`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join") - the type of object produced
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause.outerjoin(right, onclause=None, full=False)

    Return a Join from this FromClause to another FromClause, with the “isouter” flag set to True.


    1. from sqlalchemy import outerjoin
    2. j = user_table.outerjoin(address_table,
    3. == address_table.c.user_id)

    The above is equivalent to:

    1. j = user_table.join(
    2. address_table,
    3. == address_table.c.user_id,
    4. isouter=True)
    • Parameters

      • right – the right side of the join; this is any FromClause object such as a Table object, and may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped class.

      • onclause – a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the join. If left at None, FromClause.join() will attempt to join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship.

      • full

        if True, render a FULL OUTER JOIN, instead of LEFT OUTER JOIN.

        New in version 1.1.

  1. See also
  2. [`FromClause.join()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause.join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause.join")
  3. [`Join`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join")
  1. See also
  2. [`select()`]( "") - general purpose method which allows for arbitrary column lists.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``GenerativeSelect(_label_style=symbol(‘LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY’), use_labels=False, limit=None, offset=None, order_by=None, group_by=None, bind=None)

Base class for SELECT statements where additional elements can be added.

This serves as the base for Select and CompoundSelect where elements such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY can be added and column rendering can be controlled. Compare to TextualSelect, which, while it subclasses SelectBase and is also a SELECT construct, represents a fixed textual string which cannot be altered at this level, only wrapped as a subquery.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.DeprecatedSelectBaseGenerations, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.SelectBase)

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.apply_labels()

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The GenerativeSelect.apply_labels() method is considered legacy as of the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy and will be removed in 2.0. Use set_label_style(LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL) instead. (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: Migrating to SQLAlchemy 2.0)

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.fetch(count, with_ties=False, percent=False)

    Return a new selectable with the given FETCH FIRST criterion applied.

    This is a numeric value which usually renders as FETCH {FIRST | NEXT} [ count ] {ROW | ROWS} {ONLY | WITH TIES} expression in the resulting select. This functionality is is currently implemented for Oracle, PostgreSQL, MSSQL.

    Use GenerativeSelect.offset() to specify the offset.


    The GenerativeSelect.fetch() method will replace any clause applied with GenerativeSelect.limit().

    New in version 1.4.

    • Parameters

      • count – an integer COUNT parameter, or a SQL expression that provides an integer result. When percent=True this will represent the percentage of rows to return, not the absolute value. Pass None to reset it.

      • with_ties – When True, the WITH TIES option is used to return any additional rows that tie for the last place in the result set according to the ORDER BY clause. The ORDER BY may be mandatory in this case. Defaults to False

      • percent – When True, count represents the percentage of the total number of selected rows to return. Defaults to False

  1. See also
  2. [`GenerativeSelect.limit()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.limit "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.limit")
  3. [`GenerativeSelect.offset()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.offset "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.offset")
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.get_label_style()

    Retrieve the current label style.

    New in version 1.4.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.group_by(\clauses*)

    Return a new selectable with the given list of GROUP BY criterion applied.


    1. stmt = select(, func.max(table.c.stat)).\
    2. group_by(
    • Parameters

      *clauses – a series of ColumnElement constructs which will be used to generate an GROUP BY clause.

    See also

    Ordering, Grouping, Limiting, Offset…ing…

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.limit(limit)

    Return a new selectable with the given LIMIT criterion applied.

    This is a numerical value which usually renders as a LIMIT expression in the resulting select. Backends that don’t support LIMIT will attempt to provide similar functionality.


    The GenerativeSelect.limit() method will replace any clause applied with GenerativeSelect.fetch().

    Changed in version 1.0.0: - Select.limit() can now accept arbitrary SQL expressions as well as integer values.

    • Parameters

      limit – an integer LIMIT parameter, or a SQL expression that provides an integer result. Pass None to reset it.

    See also



  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.offset(offset)

    Return a new selectable with the given OFFSET criterion applied.

    This is a numeric value which usually renders as an OFFSET expression in the resulting select. Backends that don’t support OFFSET will attempt to provide similar functionality.

    Changed in version 1.0.0: - Select.offset() can now accept arbitrary SQL expressions as well as integer values.

    • Parameters

      offset – an integer OFFSET parameter, or a SQL expression that provides an integer result. Pass None to reset it.

    See also



  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.order_by(\clauses*)

    Return a new selectable with the given list of ORDER BY criterion applied.


    1. stmt = select(table).order_by(,
    • Parameters

      *clauses – a series of ColumnElement constructs which will be used to generate an ORDER BY clause.

    See also

    Ordering, Grouping, Limiting, Offset…ing…

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.set_label_style(style)

    Return a new selectable with the specified label style.


    In modern SQLAlchemy, there is not generally a need to change the labeling style, as per-expression labels are more effectively used by making use of the ColumnElement.label() method. In past versions, LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL was used to disambiguate same-named columns from different tables, aliases, or subqueries; the newer LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY now applies labels only to names that conflict with an existing name so that the impact of this labeling is minimal.

    The rationale for disambiguation is mostly so that all column expressions are available from a given FromClause.c collection when a subquery is created.

    New in version 1.4: - the GenerativeSelect.set_label_style() method replaces the previous combination of .apply_labels(), .with_labels() and use_labels=True methods and/or parameters.

    See also





  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.slice(start, stop)

    Apply LIMIT / OFFSET to this statement based on a slice.

    The start and stop indices behave like the argument to Python’s built-in range() function. This method provides an alternative to using LIMIT/OFFSET to get a slice of the query.

    For example,

    1. stmt = select(User).order_by(User).id.slice(1, 3)

    renders as

    1. SELECT AS users_id,
    2. AS users_name
    3. FROM users ORDER BY
    4. LIMIT ? OFFSET ?
    5. (2, 1)


    The GenerativeSelect.slice() method will replace any clause applied with GenerativeSelect.fetch().

    New in version 1.4: Added the GenerativeSelect.slice() method generalized from the ORM.

    See also




  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.with_for_update(nowait=False, read=False, of=None, skip_locked=False, key_share=False)

    Specify a FOR UPDATE clause for this GenerativeSelect.


    1. stmt = select(table).with_for_update(nowait=True)

    On a database like PostgreSQL or Oracle, the above would render a statement like:

    1. SELECT table.a, table.b FROM table FOR UPDATE NOWAIT

    on other backends, the nowait option is ignored and instead would produce:

    1. SELECT table.a, table.b FROM table FOR UPDATE

    When called with no arguments, the statement will render with the suffix FOR UPDATE. Additional arguments can then be provided which allow for common database-specific variants.

    • Parameters

      • nowait – boolean; will render FOR UPDATE NOWAIT on Oracle and PostgreSQL dialects.

      • read – boolean; will render LOCK IN SHARE MODE on MySQL, FOR SHARE on PostgreSQL. On PostgreSQL, when combined with nowait, will render FOR SHARE NOWAIT.

      • of – SQL expression or list of SQL expression elements (typically Column objects or a compatible expression) which will render into a FOR UPDATE OF clause; supported by PostgreSQL and Oracle. May render as a table or as a column depending on backend.

      • skip_locked – boolean, will render FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED on Oracle and PostgreSQL dialects or FOR SHARE SKIP LOCKED if read=True is also specified.

      • key_share – boolean, will render FOR NO KEY UPDATE, or if combined with read=True will render FOR KEY SHARE, on the PostgreSQL dialect.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``HasCTE

Mixin that declares a class to include CTE support.

New in version 1.1.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.HasCTERole)

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte(name=None, recursive=False)

    Return a new CTE, or Common Table Expression instance.

    Common table expressions are a SQL standard whereby SELECT statements can draw upon secondary statements specified along with the primary statement, using a clause called “WITH”. Special semantics regarding UNION can also be employed to allow “recursive” queries, where a SELECT statement can draw upon the set of rows that have previously been selected.

    CTEs can also be applied to DML constructs UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE on some databases, both as a source of CTE rows when combined with RETURNING, as well as a consumer of CTE rows.

    Changed in version 1.1: Added support for UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE as CTE, CTEs added to UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE.

    SQLAlchemy detects CTE objects, which are treated similarly to Alias objects, as special elements to be delivered to the FROM clause of the statement as well as to a WITH clause at the top of the statement.

    For special prefixes such as PostgreSQL “MATERIALIZED” and “NOT MATERIALIZED”, the CTE.prefix_with() method may be used to establish these.

    Changed in version 1.3.13: Added support for prefixes. In particular - MATERIALIZED and NOT MATERIALIZED.

    • Parameters

      • name – name given to the common table expression. Like FromClause.alias(), the name can be left as None in which case an anonymous symbol will be used at query compile time.

      • recursive – if True, will render WITH RECURSIVE. A recursive common table expression is intended to be used in conjunction with UNION ALL in order to derive rows from those already selected.

  1. The following examples include two from PostgreSQLs documentation at [](, as well as additional examples.
  2. Example 1, non recursive:
  3. ```
  4. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  5. MetaData, select, func)
  6. metadata = MetaData()
  7. orders = Table('orders', metadata,
  8. Column('region', String),
  9. Column('amount', Integer),
  10. Column('product', String),
  11. Column('quantity', Integer)
  12. )
  13. regional_sales = select(
  14. orders.c.region,
  15. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label('total_sales')
  16. ).group_by(orders.c.region).cte("regional_sales")
  17. top_regions = select(regional_sales.c.region).\
  18. where(
  19. regional_sales.c.total_sales >
  20. select(
  21. func.sum(regional_sales.c.total_sales) / 10
  22. )
  23. ).cte("top_regions")
  24. statement = select(
  25. orders.c.region,
  26. orders.c.product,
  27. func.sum(orders.c.quantity).label("product_units"),
  28. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label("product_sales")
  29. ).where(orders.c.region.in_(
  30. select(top_regions.c.region)
  31. )).group_by(orders.c.region, orders.c.product)
  32. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  33. ```
  34. Example 2, WITH RECURSIVE:
  35. ```
  36. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  37. MetaData, select, func)
  38. metadata = MetaData()
  39. parts = Table('parts', metadata,
  40. Column('part', String),
  41. Column('sub_part', String),
  42. Column('quantity', Integer),
  43. )
  44. included_parts = select(\
  45. parts.c.sub_part, parts.c.part, parts.c.quantity\
  46. ).\
  47. where(parts.c.part=='our part').\
  48. cte(recursive=True)
  49. incl_alias = included_parts.alias()
  50. parts_alias = parts.alias()
  51. included_parts = included_parts.union_all(
  52. select(
  53. parts_alias.c.sub_part,
  54. parts_alias.c.part,
  55. parts_alias.c.quantity
  56. ).\
  57. where(parts_alias.c.part==incl_alias.c.sub_part)
  58. )
  59. statement = select(
  60. included_parts.c.sub_part,
  61. func.sum(included_parts.c.quantity).
  62. label('total_quantity')
  63. ).\
  64. group_by(included_parts.c.sub_part)
  65. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  66. ```
  67. Example 3, an upsert using UPDATE and INSERT with CTEs:
  68. ```
  69. from datetime import date
  70. from sqlalchemy import (MetaData, Table, Column, Integer,
  71. Date, select, literal, and_, exists)
  72. metadata = MetaData()
  73. visitors = Table('visitors', metadata,
  74. Column('product_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  75. Column('date', Date, primary_key=True),
  76. Column('count', Integer),
  77. )
  78. # add 5 visitors for the product_id == 1
  79. product_id = 1
  80. day =
  81. count = 5
  82. update_cte = (
  83. visitors.update()
  84. .where(and_(visitors.c.product_id == product_id,
  85. == day))
  86. .values(count=visitors.c.count + count)
  87. .returning(literal(1))
  88. .cte('update_cte')
  89. )
  90. upsert = visitors.insert().from_select(
  91. [visitors.c.product_id,, visitors.c.count],
  92. select(literal(product_id), literal(day), literal(count))
  93. .where(~exists(
  94. )
  95. connection.execute(upsert)
  96. ```
  97. See also
  98. [`Query.cte()`]($ "sqlalchemy.orm.Query.cte") - ORM version of [`HasCTE.cte()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte").

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``HasPrefixes

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasPrefixes.prefix_with(\expr, **kw*)

    Add one or more expressions following the statement keyword, i.e. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Generative.

    This is used to support backend-specific prefix keywords such as those provided by MySQL.


    1. stmt = table.insert().prefix_with("LOW_PRIORITY", dialect="mysql")
    2. # MySQL 5.7 optimizer hints
    3. stmt = select(table).prefix_with(
    4. "/*+ BKA(t1) */", dialect="mysql")

    Multiple prefixes can be specified by multiple calls to HasPrefixes.prefix_with().

    • Parameters

      • *expr – textual or ClauseElement construct which will be rendered following the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE keyword.

      • **kw – A single keyword ‘dialect’ is accepted. This is an optional string dialect name which will limit rendering of this prefix to only that dialect.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``HasSuffixes

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasSuffixes.suffix_with(\expr, **kw*)

    Add one or more expressions following the statement as a whole.

    This is used to support backend-specific suffix keywords on certain constructs.


    1. stmt = select(col1, col2).cte().suffix_with(
    2. "cycle empno set y_cycle to 1 default 0", dialect="oracle")

    Multiple suffixes can be specified by multiple calls to HasSuffixes.suffix_with().

    • Parameters

      • *expr – textual or ClauseElement construct which will be rendered following the target clause.

      • **kw – A single keyword ‘dialect’ is accepted. This is an optional string dialect name which will limit rendering of this suffix to only that dialect.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Join(left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False)

Represent a JOIN construct between two FromClause elements.

The public constructor function for Join is the module-level join() function, as well as the FromClause.join() method of any FromClause (e.g. such as Table).

See also



Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.DMLTableRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause)

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join.__init__(left, right, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False)

    Construct a new Join.

    The usual entrypoint here is the join() function or the FromClause.join() method of any FromClause object.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join.alias(name=None, flat=False)

    Return an alias of this Join.

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The Join.alias() method is considered legacy as of the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy and will be removed in 2.0. Create a select + subquery, or alias the individual tables inside the join, instead. (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: Migrating to SQLAlchemy 2.0)

    The default behavior here is to first produce a SELECT construct from this Join, then to produce an Alias from that. So given a join of the form:

    1. j = table_a.join(table_b, == table_b.c.a_id)

    The JOIN by itself would look like:

    1. table_a JOIN table_b ON = table_b.a_id

    Whereas the alias of the above, j.alias(), would in a SELECT context look like:

    1. (SELECT AS table_a_id, AS table_b_id,
    2. table_b.a_id AS table_b_a_id
    3. FROM table_a
    4. JOIN table_b ON = table_b.a_id) AS anon_1

    The equivalent long-hand form, given a Join object j, is:

    1. from sqlalchemy import select, alias
    2. j = alias(
    3. select(j.left, j.right).\
    4. select_from(j).\
    5. set_label_style(LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL).\
    6. correlate(False),
    7. name=name
    8. )

    The selectable produced by Join.alias() features the same columns as that of the two individual selectables presented under a single name - the individual columns are “auto-labeled”, meaning the .c. collection of the resulting Alias represents the names of the individual columns using a <tablename>_<columname> scheme:

    1. j.c.table_a_id
    2. j.c.table_b_a_id

    Join.alias() also features an alternate option for aliasing joins which produces no enclosing SELECT and does not normally apply labels to the column names. The flat=True option will call FromClause.alias() against the left and right sides individually. Using this option, no new SELECT is produced; we instead, from a construct as below:

    1. j = table_a.join(table_b, == table_b.c.a_id)
    2. j = j.alias(flat=True)

    we get a result like this:

    1. table_a AS table_a_1 JOIN table_b AS table_b_1 ON
    2. = table_b_1.a_id

    The flat=True argument is also propagated to the contained selectables, so that a composite join such as:

    1. j = table_a.join(
    2. table_b.join(table_c,
    3. == table_c.c.b_id),
    4. table_b.c.a_id ==
    5. ).alias(flat=True)

    Will produce an expression like:

    1. table_a AS table_a_1 JOIN (
    2. table_b AS table_b_1 JOIN table_c AS table_c_1
    3. ON = table_c_1.b_id
    4. ) ON = table_b_1.a_id

    The standalone alias() function as well as the base FromClause.alias() method also support the flat=True argument as a no-op, so that the argument can be passed to the alias() method of any selectable.

    • Parameters

      • name – name given to the alias.

      • flat – if True, produce an alias of the left and right sides of this Join and return the join of those two selectables. This produces join expression that does not include an enclosing SELECT.

  1. See also
  2. [Using Aliases and Subqueries]($
  3. [`alias()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.alias "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.alias")
  • attribute sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join.bind

    Return the bound engine associated with either the left or right side of this Join.

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The Executable.bind attribute is considered legacy as of the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy and will be removed in 2.0. Bound metadata is being removed as of SQLAlchemy 2.0. (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: Migrating to SQLAlchemy 2.0)

  • attribute sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join.description

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join.is_derived_from(fromclause)

    Return True if this FromClause is ‘derived’ from the given FromClause.

    An example would be an Alias of a Table is derived from that Table.

  • method, \*kwargs*)

    Create a Select from this Join.


    1. stmt = table_a.join(table_b, == table_b.c.a_id)
    2. stmt =

    The above will produce a SQL string resembling:

    1. SELECT, table_a.col,, table_b.a_id
    2. FROM table_a JOIN table_b ON = table_b.a_id
    • Parameters

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join.self_group(against=None)

    Apply a ‘grouping’ to this ClauseElement.

    This method is overridden by subclasses to return a “grouping” construct, i.e. parenthesis. In particular it’s used by “binary” expressions to provide a grouping around themselves when placed into a larger expression, as well as by select() constructs when placed into the FROM clause of another select(). (Note that subqueries should be normally created using the Select.alias() method, as many platforms require nested SELECT statements to be named).

    As expressions are composed together, the application of self_group() is automatic - end-user code should never need to use this method directly. Note that SQLAlchemy’s clause constructs take operator precedence into account - so parenthesis might not be needed, for example, in an expression like x OR (y AND z) - AND takes precedence over OR.

    The base self_group() method of ClauseElement just returns self.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Lateral(\arg, **kw*)

Represent a LATERAL subquery.

This object is constructed from the lateral() module level function as well as the FromClause.lateral() method available on all FromClause subclasses.

While LATERAL is part of the SQL standard, currently only more recent PostgreSQL versions provide support for this keyword.

New in version 1.1.

See also

LATERAL correlation - overview of usage.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Lateral (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.AliasedReturnsRows)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``ReturnsRows

The base-most class for Core constructs that have some concept of columns that can represent rows.

While the SELECT statement and TABLE are the primary things we think of in this category, DML like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE can also specify RETURNING which means they can be used in CTEs and other forms, and PostgreSQL has functions that return rows also.

New in version 1.4.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ReturnsRows (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.ReturnsRowsRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ClauseElement)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``ScalarSelect(element)

Represent a scalar subquery.

A ScalarSubquery is created by invoking the SelectBase.scalar_subquery() method. The object then participates in other SQL expressions as a SQL column expression within the ColumnElement hierarchy.

See also


Scalar and Correlated Subqueries - in the 2.0 tutorial

Scalar Selects - in the 1.x tutorial

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ScalarSelect (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.InElementRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Generative, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Grouping)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Select

Represents a SELECT statement.

The Select object is normally constructed using the select() function. See that function for details.

See also


Selecting - in the 1.x tutorial

Selecting Data - in the 2.0 tutorial

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasPrefixes, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasSuffixes, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasHints, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCompileState, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.DeprecatedSelectGenerations, sqlalchemy.sql.expression._SelectFromElements, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect)

  1. See also
  2. [`Selectable.exported_columns`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns") - the [`ColumnCollection`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection") that is used for the operation.
  3. [`ColumnCollection.corresponding_column()`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection.corresponding_column") - implementation method.
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.classmethod create_legacy_select(columns=None, whereclause=None, from_obj=None, distinct=False, having=None, correlate=True, prefixes=None, suffixes=None, \*kwargs*)

    Construct a new Select using the 1.x style API.

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The legacy calling style of select() is deprecated and will be removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0. Please use the new calling style described at select(). (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: Migrating to SQLAlchemy 2.0)

    This method is called implicitly when the select() construct is used and the first argument is a Python list or other plain sequence object, which is taken to refer to the columns collection.

    Changed in version 1.4: Added the Select.create_legacy_select() constructor which documents the calling style in use when the select() construct is invoked using 1.x-style arguments.

    Similar functionality is also available via the method on any FromClause.

    All arguments which accept ClauseElement arguments also accept string arguments, which will be converted as appropriate into either text() or literal_column() constructs.

    See also

    Selecting - Core Tutorial description of select().

    • Parameters

      • columns

        A list of ColumnElement or FromClause objects which will form the columns clause of the resulting statement. For those objects that are instances of FromClause (typically Table or Alias objects), the FromClause.c collection is extracted to form a collection of ColumnElement objects.

        This parameter will also accept TextClause constructs as given, as well as ORM-mapped classes.


        The select.columns parameter is not available in the method form of select(), e.g.

        See also



      • whereclause

        A ClauseElement expression which will be used to form the WHERE clause. It is typically preferable to add WHERE criterion to an existing Select using method chaining with Select.where().

        See also


      • from_obj

        A list of ClauseElement objects which will be added to the FROM clause of the resulting statement. This is equivalent to calling Select.select_from() using method chaining on an existing Select object.

        See also

        Select.select_from() - full description of explicit FROM clause specification.

      • bind=None – an Engine or Connection instance to which the resulting Select object will be bound. The Select object will otherwise automatically bind to whatever Connectable instances can be located within its contained ClauseElement members.

      • correlate=True

        indicates that this Select object should have its contained FromClause elements “correlated” to an enclosing Select object. It is typically preferable to specify correlations on an existing Select construct using Select.correlate().

        See also

        Select.correlate() - full description of correlation.

      • distinct=False

        when True, applies a DISTINCT qualifier to the columns clause of the resulting statement.

        The boolean argument may also be a column expression or list of column expressions - this is a special calling form which is understood by the PostgreSQL dialect to render the DISTINCT ON (<columns>) syntax.

        distinct is also available on an existing Select object via the Select.distinct() method.

        See also


      • group_by

        a list of ClauseElement objects which will comprise the GROUP BY clause of the resulting select. This parameter is typically specified more naturally using the Select.group_by() method on an existing Select.

        See also


      • having

        a ClauseElement that will comprise the HAVING clause of the resulting select when GROUP BY is used. This parameter is typically specified more naturally using the Select.having() method on an existing Select.

        See also


      • limit=None

        a numerical value which usually renders as a LIMIT expression in the resulting select. Backends that don’t support LIMIT will attempt to provide similar functionality. This parameter is typically specified more naturally using the Select.limit() method on an existing Select.

        See also


      • offset=None

        a numeric value which usually renders as an OFFSET expression in the resulting select. Backends that don’t support OFFSET will attempt to provide similar functionality. This parameter is typically specified more naturally using the Select.offset() method on an existing Select.

        See also


      • order_by

        a scalar or list of ClauseElement objects which will comprise the ORDER BY clause of the resulting select. This parameter is typically specified more naturally using the Select.order_by() method on an existing Select.

        See also


      • use_labels=False

        when True, the statement will be generated using labels for each column in the columns clause, which qualify each column with its parent table’s (or aliases) name so that name conflicts between columns in different tables don’t occur. The format of the label is <tablename>_<column>. The “c” collection of a Subquery created against this Select object, as well as the Select.selected_columns collection of the Select itself, will use these names for targeting column members.

        This parameter can also be specified on an existing Select object using the Select.set_label_style() method.

        See also


  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.cte(name=None, recursive=False)

    inherited from the HasCTE.cte() method of HasCTE

    Return a new CTE, or Common Table Expression instance.

    Common table expressions are a SQL standard whereby SELECT statements can draw upon secondary statements specified along with the primary statement, using a clause called “WITH”. Special semantics regarding UNION can also be employed to allow “recursive” queries, where a SELECT statement can draw upon the set of rows that have previously been selected.

    CTEs can also be applied to DML constructs UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE on some databases, both as a source of CTE rows when combined with RETURNING, as well as a consumer of CTE rows.

    Changed in version 1.1: Added support for UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE as CTE, CTEs added to UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE.

    SQLAlchemy detects CTE objects, which are treated similarly to Alias objects, as special elements to be delivered to the FROM clause of the statement as well as to a WITH clause at the top of the statement.

    For special prefixes such as PostgreSQL “MATERIALIZED” and “NOT MATERIALIZED”, the CTE.prefix_with() method may be used to establish these.

    Changed in version 1.3.13: Added support for prefixes. In particular - MATERIALIZED and NOT MATERIALIZED.

    • Parameters

      • name – name given to the common table expression. Like FromClause.alias(), the name can be left as None in which case an anonymous symbol will be used at query compile time.

      • recursive – if True, will render WITH RECURSIVE. A recursive common table expression is intended to be used in conjunction with UNION ALL in order to derive rows from those already selected.

  1. The following examples include two from PostgreSQLs documentation at [](, as well as additional examples.
  2. Example 1, non recursive:
  3. ```
  4. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  5. MetaData, select, func)
  6. metadata = MetaData()
  7. orders = Table('orders', metadata,
  8. Column('region', String),
  9. Column('amount', Integer),
  10. Column('product', String),
  11. Column('quantity', Integer)
  12. )
  13. regional_sales = select(
  14. orders.c.region,
  15. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label('total_sales')
  16. ).group_by(orders.c.region).cte("regional_sales")
  17. top_regions = select(regional_sales.c.region).\
  18. where(
  19. regional_sales.c.total_sales >
  20. select(
  21. func.sum(regional_sales.c.total_sales) / 10
  22. )
  23. ).cte("top_regions")
  24. statement = select(
  25. orders.c.region,
  26. orders.c.product,
  27. func.sum(orders.c.quantity).label("product_units"),
  28. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label("product_sales")
  29. ).where(orders.c.region.in_(
  30. select(top_regions.c.region)
  31. )).group_by(orders.c.region, orders.c.product)
  32. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  33. ```
  34. Example 2, WITH RECURSIVE:
  35. ```
  36. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  37. MetaData, select, func)
  38. metadata = MetaData()
  39. parts = Table('parts', metadata,
  40. Column('part', String),
  41. Column('sub_part', String),
  42. Column('quantity', Integer),
  43. )
  44. included_parts = select(\
  45. parts.c.sub_part, parts.c.part, parts.c.quantity\
  46. ).\
  47. where(parts.c.part=='our part').\
  48. cte(recursive=True)
  49. incl_alias = included_parts.alias()
  50. parts_alias = parts.alias()
  51. included_parts = included_parts.union_all(
  52. select(
  53. parts_alias.c.sub_part,
  54. parts_alias.c.part,
  55. parts_alias.c.quantity
  56. ).\
  57. where(parts_alias.c.part==incl_alias.c.sub_part)
  58. )
  59. statement = select(
  60. included_parts.c.sub_part,
  61. func.sum(included_parts.c.quantity).
  62. label('total_quantity')
  63. ).\
  64. group_by(included_parts.c.sub_part)
  65. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  66. ```
  67. Example 3, an upsert using UPDATE and INSERT with CTEs:
  68. ```
  69. from datetime import date
  70. from sqlalchemy import (MetaData, Table, Column, Integer,
  71. Date, select, literal, and_, exists)
  72. metadata = MetaData()
  73. visitors = Table('visitors', metadata,
  74. Column('product_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  75. Column('date', Date, primary_key=True),
  76. Column('count', Integer),
  77. )
  78. # add 5 visitors for the product_id == 1
  79. product_id = 1
  80. day =
  81. count = 5
  82. update_cte = (
  83. visitors.update()
  84. .where(and_(visitors.c.product_id == product_id,
  85. == day))
  86. .values(count=visitors.c.count + count)
  87. .returning(literal(1))
  88. .cte('update_cte')
  89. )
  90. upsert = visitors.insert().from_select(
  91. [visitors.c.product_id,, visitors.c.count],
  92. select(literal(product_id), literal(day), literal(count))
  93. .where(~exists(
  94. )
  95. connection.execute(upsert)
  96. ```
  97. See also
  98. [`Query.cte()`]($ "sqlalchemy.orm.Query.cte") - ORM version of [`HasCTE.cte()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte").
  1. See also
  2. [`GenerativeSelect.limit()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.limit "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.limit")
  3. [`GenerativeSelect.offset()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.offset "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.GenerativeSelect.offset")
  1. See also
  2. [Explicit FROM clauses and JOINs]($ - in the [SQLAlchemy 1.4 / 2.0 Tutorial]($
  3. [Joins]($ - in the [ORM Querying Guide]($
  4. [`Select.join_from()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.join_from "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.join_from")
  5. [`Select.outerjoin()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.outerjoin "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.outerjoin")
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.join_from(from_, target, onclause=None, isouter=False, full=False)

    Create a SQL JOIN against this Select object’s criterion and apply generatively, returning the newly resulting Select.


    1. stmt = select(user_table, address_table).join_from(
    2. user_table, address_table, == address_table.c.user_id
    3. )

    The above statement generates SQL similar to:

    1. SELECT,,,, address.user_id
    2. FROM user JOIN address ON = address.user_id

    New in version 1.4.

    • Parameters

      • from_ – the left side of the join, will be rendered in the FROM clause and is roughly equivalent to using the Select.select_from() method.

      • target – target table to join towards

      • onclause – ON clause of the join.

      • isouter – if True, generate LEFT OUTER join. Same as Select.outerjoin().

      • full – if True, generate FULL OUTER join.

  1. See also
  2. [Explicit FROM clauses and JOINs]($ - in the [SQLAlchemy 1.4 / 2.0 Tutorial]($
  3. [Joins]($ - in the [ORM Querying Guide]($
  4. [`Select.join()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.join")
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.reduce_columns(only_synonyms=True)

    Return a new select() construct with redundantly named, equivalently-valued columns removed from the columns clause.

    “Redundant” here means two columns where one refers to the other either based on foreign key, or via a simple equality comparison in the WHERE clause of the statement. The primary purpose of this method is to automatically construct a select statement with all uniquely-named columns, without the need to use table-qualified labels as Select.set_label_style() does.

    When columns are omitted based on foreign key, the referred-to column is the one that’s kept. When columns are omitted based on WHERE equivalence, the first column in the columns clause is the one that’s kept.

    • Parameters

      only_synonyms – when True, limit the removal of columns to those which have the same name as the equivalent. Otherwise, all columns that are equivalent to another are removed.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.replace_selectable(old, alias)

    inherited from the Selectable.replace_selectable() method of Selectable

    Replace all occurrences of FromClause ‘old’ with the given Alias object, returning a copy of this FromClause.

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The Selectable.replace_selectable() method is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Similar functionality is available via the sqlalchemy.sql.visitors module.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.scalar(\multiparams, **params*)

    inherited from the Executable.scalar() method of Executable

    Compile and execute this Executable, returning the result’s scalar representation.

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The Executable.scalar() method is considered legacy as of the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy and will be removed in 2.0. Scalar execution in SQLAlchemy 2.0 is performed by the Connection.scalar() method of Connection, or in the ORM by the Session.scalar() method of Session. (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at: Migrating to SQLAlchemy 2.0)

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.scalar_subquery()

    inherited from the SelectBase.scalar_subquery() method of SelectBase

    Return a ‘scalar’ representation of this selectable, which can be used as a column expression.

    The returned object is an instance of ScalarSelect.

    Typically, a select statement which has only one column in its columns clause is eligible to be used as a scalar expression. The scalar subquery can then be used in the WHERE clause or columns clause of an enclosing SELECT.

    Note that the scalar subquery differentiates from the FROM-level subquery that can be produced using the SelectBase.subquery() method.

    See also

    Scalar and Correlated Subqueries - in the 2.0 tutorial

    Scalar Selects - in the 1.x tutorial

  • method\arg, **kw*)

    inherited from the method of SelectBase

    Deprecated since version 1.4: The method is deprecated and will be removed in a future release; this method implicitly creates a subquery that should be explicit. Please call SelectBase.subquery() first in order to create a subquery, which then can be selected.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.select_from(\froms*)

    Return a new select() construct with the given FROM expression(s) merged into its list of FROM objects.


    1. table1 = table('t1', column('a'))
    2. table2 = table('t2', column('b'))
    3. s = select(table1.c.a).\
    4. select_from(
    5. table1.join(table2, table1.c.a==table2.c.b)
    6. )

    The “from” list is a unique set on the identity of each element, so adding an already present Table or other selectable will have no effect. Passing a Join that refers to an already present Table or other selectable will have the effect of concealing the presence of that selectable as an individual element in the rendered FROM list, instead rendering it into a JOIN clause.

    While the typical purpose of Select.select_from() is to replace the default, derived FROM clause with a join, it can also be called with individual table elements, multiple times if desired, in the case that the FROM clause cannot be fully derived from the columns clause:

    1. select(func.count('*')).select_from(table1)
  • attribute sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.selected_columns

    A ColumnCollection representing the columns that this SELECT statement or similar construct returns in its result set.

    This collection differs from the FromClause.columns collection of a FromClause in that the columns within this collection cannot be directly nested inside another SELECT statement; a subquery must be applied first which provides for the necessary parenthesization required by SQL.

    For a select() construct, the collection here is exactly what would be rendered inside the “SELECT” statement, and the ColumnElement objects are directly present as they were given, e.g.:

    1. col1 = column('q', Integer)
    2. col2 = column('p', Integer)
    3. stmt = select(col1, col2)

    Above, stmt.selected_columns would be a collection that contains the col1 and col2 objects directly. For a statement that is against a Table or other FromClause, the collection will use the ColumnElement objects that are in the FromClause.c collection of the from element.

    New in version 1.4.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.self_group(against=None)

    Return a ‘grouping’ construct as per the ClauseElement specification.

    This produces an element that can be embedded in an expression. Note that this method is called automatically as needed when constructing expressions and should not require explicit use.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.set_label_style(style)

    inherited from the GenerativeSelect.set_label_style() method of GenerativeSelect

    Return a new selectable with the specified label style.


    In modern SQLAlchemy, there is not generally a need to change the labeling style, as per-expression labels are more effectively used by making use of the ColumnElement.label() method. In past versions, LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL was used to disambiguate same-named columns from different tables, aliases, or subqueries; the newer LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY now applies labels only to names that conflict with an existing name so that the impact of this labeling is minimal.

    The rationale for disambiguation is mostly so that all column expressions are available from a given FromClause.c collection when a subquery is created.

    New in version 1.4: - the GenerativeSelect.set_label_style() method replaces the previous combination of .apply_labels(), .with_labels() and use_labels=True methods and/or parameters.

    See also





  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.slice(start, stop)

    inherited from the GenerativeSelect.slice() method of GenerativeSelect

    Apply LIMIT / OFFSET to this statement based on a slice.

    The start and stop indices behave like the argument to Python’s built-in range() function. This method provides an alternative to using LIMIT/OFFSET to get a slice of the query.

    For example,

    1. stmt = select(User).order_by(User).id.slice(1, 3)

    renders as

    1. SELECT AS users_id,
    2. AS users_name
    3. FROM users ORDER BY
    4. LIMIT ? OFFSET ?
    5. (2, 1)


    The GenerativeSelect.slice() method will replace any clause applied with GenerativeSelect.fetch().

    New in version 1.4: Added the GenerativeSelect.slice() method generalized from the ORM.

    See also




  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.subquery(name=None)

    inherited from the SelectBase.subquery() method of SelectBase

    Return a subquery of this SelectBase.

    A subquery is from a SQL perspective a parenthesized, named construct that can be placed in the FROM clause of another SELECT statement.

    Given a SELECT statement such as:

    1. stmt = select(,

    The above statement might look like:

    1. SELECT, FROM table

    The subquery form by itself renders the same way, however when embedded into the FROM clause of another SELECT statement, it becomes a named sub-element:

    1. subq = stmt.subquery()
    2. new_stmt = select(subq)

    The above renders as:

    1. SELECT,
    2. FROM (SELECT, FROM table) AS anon_1

    Historically, SelectBase.subquery() is equivalent to calling the FromClause.alias() method on a FROM object; however, as a SelectBase object is not directly FROM object, the SelectBase.subquery() method provides clearer semantics.

    New in version 1.4.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.suffix_with(\expr, **kw*)

    inherited from the HasSuffixes.suffix_with() method of HasSuffixes

    Add one or more expressions following the statement as a whole.

    This is used to support backend-specific suffix keywords on certain constructs.


    1. stmt = select(col1, col2).cte().suffix_with(
    2. "cycle empno set y_cycle to 1 default 0", dialect="oracle")

    Multiple suffixes can be specified by multiple calls to HasSuffixes.suffix_with().

    • Parameters

      • *expr – textual or ClauseElement construct which will be rendered following the target clause.

      • **kw – A single keyword ‘dialect’ is accepted. This is an optional string dialect name which will limit rendering of this suffix to only that dialect.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.union(other, \*kwargs*)

    Return a SQL UNION of this select() construct against the given selectable.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.union_all(other, \*kwargs*)

    Return a SQL UNION ALL of this select() construct against the given selectable.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.where(\whereclause*)

    Return a new select() construct with the given expression added to its WHERE clause, joined to the existing clause via AND, if any.

  • attribute sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.whereclause

    Return the completed WHERE clause for this Select statement.

    This assembles the current collection of WHERE criteria into a single BooleanClauseList construct.

    New in version 1.4.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.with_for_update(nowait=False, read=False, of=None, skip_locked=False, key_share=False)

    inherited from the GenerativeSelect.with_for_update() method of GenerativeSelect

    Specify a FOR UPDATE clause for this GenerativeSelect.


    1. stmt = select(table).with_for_update(nowait=True)

    On a database like PostgreSQL or Oracle, the above would render a statement like:

    1. SELECT table.a, table.b FROM table FOR UPDATE NOWAIT

    on other backends, the nowait option is ignored and instead would produce:

    1. SELECT table.a, table.b FROM table FOR UPDATE

    When called with no arguments, the statement will render with the suffix FOR UPDATE. Additional arguments can then be provided which allow for common database-specific variants.

    • Parameters

      • nowait – boolean; will render FOR UPDATE NOWAIT on Oracle and PostgreSQL dialects.

      • read – boolean; will render LOCK IN SHARE MODE on MySQL, FOR SHARE on PostgreSQL. On PostgreSQL, when combined with nowait, will render FOR SHARE NOWAIT.

      • of – SQL expression or list of SQL expression elements (typically Column objects or a compatible expression) which will render into a FOR UPDATE OF clause; supported by PostgreSQL and Oracle. May render as a table or as a column depending on backend.

      • skip_locked – boolean, will render FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED on Oracle and PostgreSQL dialects or FOR SHARE SKIP LOCKED if read=True is also specified.

      • key_share – boolean, will render FOR NO KEY UPDATE, or if combined with read=True will render FOR KEY SHARE, on the PostgreSQL dialect.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.with_hint(selectable, text, dialect_name=’\‘*)

    inherited from the HasHints.with_hint() method of HasHints

    Add an indexing or other executional context hint for the given selectable to this Select or other selectable object.

    The text of the hint is rendered in the appropriate location for the database backend in use, relative to the given Table or Alias passed as the selectable argument. The dialect implementation typically uses Python string substitution syntax with the token %(name)s to render the name of the table or alias. E.g. when using Oracle, the following:

    1. select(mytable).\
    2. with_hint(mytable, "index(%(name)s ix_mytable)")

    Would render SQL as:

    1. select /*+ index(mytable ix_mytable) */ ... from mytable

    The dialect_name option will limit the rendering of a particular hint to a particular backend. Such as, to add hints for both Oracle and Sybase simultaneously:

    1. select(mytable).\
    2. with_hint(mytable, "index(%(name)s ix_mytable)", 'oracle').\
    3. with_hint(mytable, "WITH INDEX ix_mytable", 'sybase')

    See also


  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.with_only_columns(\columns*)

    Return a new select() construct with its columns clause replaced with the given columns.

    This method is exactly equivalent to as if the original select() had been called with the given columns clause. I.e. a statement:

    1. s = select(table1.c.a, table1.c.b)
    2. s = s.with_only_columns(table1.c.b)

    should be exactly equivalent to:

    1. s = select(table1.c.b)

    Note that this will also dynamically alter the FROM clause of the statement if it is not explicitly stated. To maintain the FROM clause, ensure the Select.select_from() method is used appropriately:

    1. s = select(table1.c.a, table2.c.b)
    2. s = s.select_from(table2.c.b).with_only_columns(table1.c.a)
    • Parameters


      column expressions to be used.

      Changed in version 1.4: the Select.with_only_columns() method accepts the list of column expressions positionally; passing the expressions as a list is deprecated.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select.with_statement_hint(text, dialect_name=’\‘*)

    inherited from the HasHints.with_statement_hint() method of HasHints

    Add a statement hint to this Select or other selectable object.

    This method is similar to Select.with_hint() except that it does not require an individual table, and instead applies to the statement as a whole.

    Hints here are specific to the backend database and may include directives such as isolation levels, file directives, fetch directives, etc.

    New in version 1.0.0.

    See also


    Select.prefix_with() - generic SELECT prefixing which also can suit some database-specific HINT syntaxes such as MySQL optimizer hints

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Selectable

Mark a class as being selectable.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ReturnsRows)

  1. See also
  2. [`Selectable.exported_columns`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns") - the [`ColumnCollection`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection") that is used for the operation.
  3. [`ColumnCollection.corresponding_column()`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection.corresponding_column") - implementation method.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``SelectBase

Base class for SELECT statements.

This includes Select, CompoundSelect and TextualSelect.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.SelectBase (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.SelectStatementRole, sqlalchemy.sql.roles.DMLSelectRole, sqlalchemy.sql.roles.CompoundElementRole, sqlalchemy.sql.roles.InElementRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Executable, sqlalchemy.sql.annotation.SupportsCloneAnnotations, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable)

  1. See also
  2. [`Selectable.exported_columns`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns") - the [`ColumnCollection`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection") that is used for the operation.
  3. [`ColumnCollection.corresponding_column()`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection.corresponding_column") - implementation method.
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.SelectBase.cte(name=None, recursive=False)

    inherited from the HasCTE.cte() method of HasCTE

    Return a new CTE, or Common Table Expression instance.

    Common table expressions are a SQL standard whereby SELECT statements can draw upon secondary statements specified along with the primary statement, using a clause called “WITH”. Special semantics regarding UNION can also be employed to allow “recursive” queries, where a SELECT statement can draw upon the set of rows that have previously been selected.

    CTEs can also be applied to DML constructs UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE on some databases, both as a source of CTE rows when combined with RETURNING, as well as a consumer of CTE rows.

    Changed in version 1.1: Added support for UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE as CTE, CTEs added to UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE.

    SQLAlchemy detects CTE objects, which are treated similarly to Alias objects, as special elements to be delivered to the FROM clause of the statement as well as to a WITH clause at the top of the statement.

    For special prefixes such as PostgreSQL “MATERIALIZED” and “NOT MATERIALIZED”, the CTE.prefix_with() method may be used to establish these.

    Changed in version 1.3.13: Added support for prefixes. In particular - MATERIALIZED and NOT MATERIALIZED.

    • Parameters

      • name – name given to the common table expression. Like FromClause.alias(), the name can be left as None in which case an anonymous symbol will be used at query compile time.

      • recursive – if True, will render WITH RECURSIVE. A recursive common table expression is intended to be used in conjunction with UNION ALL in order to derive rows from those already selected.

  1. The following examples include two from PostgreSQLs documentation at [](, as well as additional examples.
  2. Example 1, non recursive:
  3. ```
  4. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  5. MetaData, select, func)
  6. metadata = MetaData()
  7. orders = Table('orders', metadata,
  8. Column('region', String),
  9. Column('amount', Integer),
  10. Column('product', String),
  11. Column('quantity', Integer)
  12. )
  13. regional_sales = select(
  14. orders.c.region,
  15. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label('total_sales')
  16. ).group_by(orders.c.region).cte("regional_sales")
  17. top_regions = select(regional_sales.c.region).\
  18. where(
  19. regional_sales.c.total_sales >
  20. select(
  21. func.sum(regional_sales.c.total_sales) / 10
  22. )
  23. ).cte("top_regions")
  24. statement = select(
  25. orders.c.region,
  26. orders.c.product,
  27. func.sum(orders.c.quantity).label("product_units"),
  28. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label("product_sales")
  29. ).where(orders.c.region.in_(
  30. select(top_regions.c.region)
  31. )).group_by(orders.c.region, orders.c.product)
  32. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  33. ```
  34. Example 2, WITH RECURSIVE:
  35. ```
  36. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  37. MetaData, select, func)
  38. metadata = MetaData()
  39. parts = Table('parts', metadata,
  40. Column('part', String),
  41. Column('sub_part', String),
  42. Column('quantity', Integer),
  43. )
  44. included_parts = select(\
  45. parts.c.sub_part, parts.c.part, parts.c.quantity\
  46. ).\
  47. where(parts.c.part=='our part').\
  48. cte(recursive=True)
  49. incl_alias = included_parts.alias()
  50. parts_alias = parts.alias()
  51. included_parts = included_parts.union_all(
  52. select(
  53. parts_alias.c.sub_part,
  54. parts_alias.c.part,
  55. parts_alias.c.quantity
  56. ).\
  57. where(parts_alias.c.part==incl_alias.c.sub_part)
  58. )
  59. statement = select(
  60. included_parts.c.sub_part,
  61. func.sum(included_parts.c.quantity).
  62. label('total_quantity')
  63. ).\
  64. group_by(included_parts.c.sub_part)
  65. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  66. ```
  67. Example 3, an upsert using UPDATE and INSERT with CTEs:
  68. ```
  69. from datetime import date
  70. from sqlalchemy import (MetaData, Table, Column, Integer,
  71. Date, select, literal, and_, exists)
  72. metadata = MetaData()
  73. visitors = Table('visitors', metadata,
  74. Column('product_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  75. Column('date', Date, primary_key=True),
  76. Column('count', Integer),
  77. )
  78. # add 5 visitors for the product_id == 1
  79. product_id = 1
  80. day =
  81. count = 5
  82. update_cte = (
  83. visitors.update()
  84. .where(and_(visitors.c.product_id == product_id,
  85. == day))
  86. .values(count=visitors.c.count + count)
  87. .returning(literal(1))
  88. .cte('update_cte')
  89. )
  90. upsert = visitors.insert().from_select(
  91. [visitors.c.product_id,, visitors.c.count],
  92. select(literal(product_id), literal(day), literal(count))
  93. .where(~exists(
  94. )
  95. connection.execute(upsert)
  96. ```
  97. See also
  98. [`Query.cte()`]($ "sqlalchemy.orm.Query.cte") - ORM version of [`HasCTE.cte()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte").

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Subquery(\arg, **kw*)

Represent a subquery of a SELECT.

A Subquery is created by invoking the SelectBase.subquery() method, or for convenience the SelectBase.alias() method, on any SelectBase subclass which includes Select, CompoundSelect, and TextualSelect. As rendered in a FROM clause, it represents the body of the SELECT statement inside of parenthesis, followed by the usual “AS <somename>” that defines all “alias” objects.

The Subquery object is very similar to the Alias object and can be used in an equivalent way. The difference between Alias and Subquery is that Alias always contains a FromClause object whereas Subquery always contains a SelectBase object.

New in version 1.4: The Subquery class was added which now serves the purpose of providing an aliased version of a SELECT statement.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Subquery (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.AliasedReturnsRows)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``TableClause(name, \columns, **kw*)

Represents a minimal “table” construct.

This is a lightweight table object that has only a name, a collection of columns, which are typically produced by the column() function, and a schema:

  1. from sqlalchemy import table, column
  2. user = table("user",
  3. column("id"),
  4. column("name"),
  5. column("description"),
  6. )

The TableClause construct serves as the base for the more commonly used Table object, providing the usual set of FromClause services including the .c. collection and statement generation methods.

It does not provide all the additional schema-level services of Table, including constraints, references to other tables, or support for MetaData-level services. It’s useful on its own as an ad-hoc construct used to generate quick SQL statements when a more fully fledged Table is not on hand.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableClause (sqlalchemy.sql.roles.DMLTableRole, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Immutable, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause)

  1. See also
  2. [How do I render SQL expressions as strings, possibly with bound parameters inlined?]($
  1. See also
  2. [`Selectable.exported_columns`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns") - the [`ColumnCollection`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection") that is used for the operation.
  3. [`ColumnCollection.corresponding_column()`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection.corresponding_column") - implementation method.
  1. See also
  2. [`join()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.join") - standalone function
  3. [`Join`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join") - the type of object produced
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableClause.lateral(name=None)

    inherited from the Selectable.lateral() method of Selectable

    Return a LATERAL alias of this Selectable.

    The return value is the Lateral construct also provided by the top-level lateral() function.

    New in version 1.1.

    See also

    LATERAL correlation - overview of usage.

  • class memoized_attribute(fget, doc=None)

    A read-only @property that is only evaluated once.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableClause.classmethod memoized_instancemethod(fn)

    inherited from the HasMemoized.memoized_instancemethod() method of HasMemoized

    Decorate a method memoize its return value.

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableClause.outerjoin(right, onclause=None, full=False)

    inherited from the FromClause.outerjoin() method of FromClause

    Return a Join from this FromClause to another FromClause, with the “isouter” flag set to True.


    1. from sqlalchemy import outerjoin
    2. j = user_table.outerjoin(address_table,
    3. == address_table.c.user_id)

    The above is equivalent to:

    1. j = user_table.join(
    2. address_table,
    3. == address_table.c.user_id,
    4. isouter=True)
    • Parameters

      • right – the right side of the join; this is any FromClause object such as a Table object, and may also be a selectable-compatible object such as an ORM-mapped class.

      • onclause – a SQL expression representing the ON clause of the join. If left at None, FromClause.join() will attempt to join the two tables based on a foreign key relationship.

      • full

        if True, render a FULL OUTER JOIN, instead of LEFT OUTER JOIN.

        New in version 1.1.

  1. See also
  2. [`FromClause.join()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause.join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause.join")
  3. [`Join`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Join")
  1. See also
  2. [`select()`]( "") - general purpose method which allows for arbitrary column lists.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``TableSample(\arg, **kw*)

Represent a TABLESAMPLE clause.

This object is constructed from the tablesample() module level function as well as the FromClause.tablesample() method available on all FromClause subclasses.

New in version 1.1.

See also


Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableSample (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.AliasedReturnsRows)

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``TableValuedAlias(\arg, **kw*)

An alias against a “table valued” SQL function.

This construct provides for a SQL function that returns columns to be used in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. The object is generated using the FunctionElement.table_valued() method, e.g.:

  1. >>> from sqlalchemy import select, func
  2. >>> fn = func.json_array_elements_text('["one", "two", "three"]').table_valued("value")
  3. >>> print(select(fn.c.value))
  4. SELECT anon_1.value
  5. FROM json_array_elements_text(:json_array_elements_text_1) AS anon_1

New in version 1.4.0b2.

See also

Table-Valued Functions - in the SQLAlchemy 1.4 / 2.0 Tutorial

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableValuedAlias (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Alias)

  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableValuedAlias.alias(name=None)

    Return a new alias of this TableValuedAlias.

    This creates a distinct FROM object that will be distinguished from the original one when used in a SQL statement.

  • attribute sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableValuedAlias.column

    Return a column expression representing this TableValuedAlias.

    This accessor is used to implement the FunctionElement.column_valued() method. See that method for further details.


    1. >>> print(select(func.some_func().table_valued("value").column))
    2. SELECT anon_1 FROM some_func() AS anon_1

    See also


  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableValuedAlias.lateral(name=None)

    Return a new TableValuedAlias with the lateral flag set, so that it renders as LATERAL.

    See also


  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TableValuedAlias.render_derived(name=None, with_types=False)

    Apply “render derived” to this TableValuedAlias.

    This has the effect of the individual column names listed out after the alias name in the “AS” sequence, e.g.:

    1. >>> print(
    2. ... select(
    3. ... func.unnest(array(["one", "two", "three"])).
    4. table_valued("x", with_ordinality="o").render_derived()
    5. ... )
    6. ... )
    7. SELECT anon_1.x, anon_1.o
    8. FROM unnest(ARRAY[%(param_1)s, %(param_2)s, %(param_3)s]) WITH ORDINALITY AS anon_1(x, o)

    The with_types keyword will render column types inline within the alias expression (this syntax currently applies to the PostgreSQL database):

    1. >>> print(
    2. ... select(
    3. ... func.json_to_recordset(
    4. ... '[{"a":1,"b":"foo"},{"a":"2","c":"bar"}]'
    5. ... )
    6. ... .table_valued(column("a", Integer), column("b", String))
    7. ... .render_derived(with_types=True)
    8. ... )
    9. ... )
    10. SELECT anon_1.a, anon_1.b FROM json_to_recordset(:json_to_recordset_1)
    11. AS anon_1(a INTEGER, b VARCHAR)
    • Parameters

      • name – optional string name that will be applied to the alias generated. If left as None, a unique anonymizing name will be used.

      • with_types – if True, the derived columns will include the datatype specification with each column. This is a special syntax currently known to be required by PostgreSQL for some SQL functions.

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``TextualSelect(text, columns, positional=False)

Wrap a TextClause construct within a SelectBase interface.

This allows the TextClause object to gain a .c collection and other FROM-like capabilities such as FromClause.alias(), SelectBase.cte(), etc.

The TextualSelect construct is produced via the TextClause.columns() method - see that method for details.

Changed in version 1.4: the TextualSelect class was renamed from TextAsFrom, to more correctly suit its role as a SELECT-oriented object and not a FROM clause.

See also


TextClause.columns() - primary creation interface.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TextualSelect (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.SelectBase)

  1. See also
  2. [How do I render SQL expressions as strings, possibly with bound parameters inlined?]($
  1. See also
  2. [`Selectable.exported_columns`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Selectable.exported_columns") - the [`ColumnCollection`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection") that is used for the operation.
  3. [`ColumnCollection.corresponding_column()`]($ "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnCollection.corresponding_column") - implementation method.
  • method sqlalchemy.sql.expression.TextualSelect.cte(name=None, recursive=False)

    inherited from the HasCTE.cte() method of HasCTE

    Return a new CTE, or Common Table Expression instance.

    Common table expressions are a SQL standard whereby SELECT statements can draw upon secondary statements specified along with the primary statement, using a clause called “WITH”. Special semantics regarding UNION can also be employed to allow “recursive” queries, where a SELECT statement can draw upon the set of rows that have previously been selected.

    CTEs can also be applied to DML constructs UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE on some databases, both as a source of CTE rows when combined with RETURNING, as well as a consumer of CTE rows.

    Changed in version 1.1: Added support for UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE as CTE, CTEs added to UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE.

    SQLAlchemy detects CTE objects, which are treated similarly to Alias objects, as special elements to be delivered to the FROM clause of the statement as well as to a WITH clause at the top of the statement.

    For special prefixes such as PostgreSQL “MATERIALIZED” and “NOT MATERIALIZED”, the CTE.prefix_with() method may be used to establish these.

    Changed in version 1.3.13: Added support for prefixes. In particular - MATERIALIZED and NOT MATERIALIZED.

    • Parameters

      • name – name given to the common table expression. Like FromClause.alias(), the name can be left as None in which case an anonymous symbol will be used at query compile time.

      • recursive – if True, will render WITH RECURSIVE. A recursive common table expression is intended to be used in conjunction with UNION ALL in order to derive rows from those already selected.

  1. The following examples include two from PostgreSQLs documentation at [](, as well as additional examples.
  2. Example 1, non recursive:
  3. ```
  4. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  5. MetaData, select, func)
  6. metadata = MetaData()
  7. orders = Table('orders', metadata,
  8. Column('region', String),
  9. Column('amount', Integer),
  10. Column('product', String),
  11. Column('quantity', Integer)
  12. )
  13. regional_sales = select(
  14. orders.c.region,
  15. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label('total_sales')
  16. ).group_by(orders.c.region).cte("regional_sales")
  17. top_regions = select(regional_sales.c.region).\
  18. where(
  19. regional_sales.c.total_sales >
  20. select(
  21. func.sum(regional_sales.c.total_sales) / 10
  22. )
  23. ).cte("top_regions")
  24. statement = select(
  25. orders.c.region,
  26. orders.c.product,
  27. func.sum(orders.c.quantity).label("product_units"),
  28. func.sum(orders.c.amount).label("product_sales")
  29. ).where(orders.c.region.in_(
  30. select(top_regions.c.region)
  31. )).group_by(orders.c.region, orders.c.product)
  32. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  33. ```
  34. Example 2, WITH RECURSIVE:
  35. ```
  36. from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, String, Integer,
  37. MetaData, select, func)
  38. metadata = MetaData()
  39. parts = Table('parts', metadata,
  40. Column('part', String),
  41. Column('sub_part', String),
  42. Column('quantity', Integer),
  43. )
  44. included_parts = select(\
  45. parts.c.sub_part, parts.c.part, parts.c.quantity\
  46. ).\
  47. where(parts.c.part=='our part').\
  48. cte(recursive=True)
  49. incl_alias = included_parts.alias()
  50. parts_alias = parts.alias()
  51. included_parts = included_parts.union_all(
  52. select(
  53. parts_alias.c.sub_part,
  54. parts_alias.c.part,
  55. parts_alias.c.quantity
  56. ).\
  57. where(parts_alias.c.part==incl_alias.c.sub_part)
  58. )
  59. statement = select(
  60. included_parts.c.sub_part,
  61. func.sum(included_parts.c.quantity).
  62. label('total_quantity')
  63. ).\
  64. group_by(included_parts.c.sub_part)
  65. result = conn.execute(statement).fetchall()
  66. ```
  67. Example 3, an upsert using UPDATE and INSERT with CTEs:
  68. ```
  69. from datetime import date
  70. from sqlalchemy import (MetaData, Table, Column, Integer,
  71. Date, select, literal, and_, exists)
  72. metadata = MetaData()
  73. visitors = Table('visitors', metadata,
  74. Column('product_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  75. Column('date', Date, primary_key=True),
  76. Column('count', Integer),
  77. )
  78. # add 5 visitors for the product_id == 1
  79. product_id = 1
  80. day =
  81. count = 5
  82. update_cte = (
  83. visitors.update()
  84. .where(and_(visitors.c.product_id == product_id,
  85. == day))
  86. .values(count=visitors.c.count + count)
  87. .returning(literal(1))
  88. .cte('update_cte')
  89. )
  90. upsert = visitors.insert().from_select(
  91. [visitors.c.product_id,, visitors.c.count],
  92. select(literal(product_id), literal(day), literal(count))
  93. .where(~exists(
  94. )
  95. connection.execute(upsert)
  96. ```
  97. See also
  98. [`Query.cte()`]($ "sqlalchemy.orm.Query.cte") - ORM version of [`HasCTE.cte()`](#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte "sqlalchemy.sql.expression.HasCTE.cte").

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``Values(\columns, **kw*)

Represent a VALUES construct that can be used as a FROM element in a statement.

The Values object is created from the values() function.

New in version 1.4.

Class signature

class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Values (sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Generative, sqlalchemy.sql.expression.FromClause)

Label Style Constants

Constants used with the GenerativeSelect.set_label_style() method.

Object NameDescription


The default label style, refers to LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY.


Label style indicating that columns with a name that conflicts with an existing name should be labeled with a semi-anonymizing label when generating the columns clause of a SELECT statement.


Label style indicating no automatic labeling should be applied to the columns clause of a SELECT statement.


Label style indicating all columns should be labeled as <tablename><columnname> when generating the columns clause of a SELECT statement, to disambiguate same-named columns referenced from different tables, aliases, or subqueries.


Label style indicating that columns with a name that conflicts with an existing name should be labeled with a semi-anonymizing label when generating the columns clause of a SELECT statement.

Below, most column names are left unaffected, except for the second occurrence of the name columna, which is labeled using the label columna_1 to disambiguate it from that of tablea.columna:

  1. >>> from sqlalchemy import table, column, select, true, LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY
  2. >>> table1 = table("table1", column("columna"), column("columnb"))
  3. >>> table2 = table("table2", column("columna"), column("columnc"))
  4. >>> print(select(table1, table2).join(table2, true()).set_label_style(LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY))
  5. SELECT table1.columna, table1.columnb, table2.columna AS columna_1, table2.columnc
  6. FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON true

Used with the GenerativeSelect.set_label_style() method, LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY is the default labeling style for all SELECT statements outside of 1.x style ORM queries.

New in version 1.4.

sqlalchemy.sql.expression.``LABEL_STYLE_NONE = symbol(‘LABEL_STYLE_NONE’)

Label style indicating no automatic labeling should be applied to the columns clause of a SELECT statement.

Below, the columns named columna are both rendered as is, meaning that the name columna can only refer to the first occurrence of this name within a result set, as well as if the statement were used as a subquery:

  1. >>> from sqlalchemy import table, column, select, true, LABEL_STYLE_NONE
  2. >>> table1 = table("table1", column("columna"), column("columnb"))
  3. >>> table2 = table("table2", column("columna"), column("columnc"))
  4. >>> print(select(table1, table2).join(table2, true()).set_label_style(LABEL_STYLE_NONE))
  5. SELECT table1.columna, table1.columnb, table2.columna, table2.columnc
  6. FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON true

Used with the Select.set_label_style() method.

New in version 1.4.


Label style indicating all columns should be labeled as <tablename>_<columnname> when generating the columns clause of a SELECT statement, to disambiguate same-named columns referenced from different tables, aliases, or subqueries.

Below, all column names are given a label so that the two same-named columns columna are disambiguated as table1_columna and ``table2_columna`:

  1. >>> from sqlalchemy import table, column, select, true, LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL
  2. >>> table1 = table("table1", column("columna"), column("columnb"))
  3. >>> table2 = table("table2", column("columna"), column("columnc"))
  4. >>> print(select(table1, table2).join(table2, true()).set_label_style(LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL))
  5. SELECT table1.columna AS table1_columna, table1.columnb AS table1_columnb, table2.columna AS table2_columna, table2.columnc AS table2_columnc
  6. FROM table1 JOIN table2 ON true

Used with the GenerativeSelect.set_label_style() method. Equivalent to the legacy method Select.apply_labels(); LABEL_STYLE_TABLENAME_PLUS_COL is SQLAlchemy’s legacy auto-labeling style. LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY provides a less intrusive approach to disambiguation of same-named column expressions.

New in version 1.4.


The default label style, refers to LABEL_STYLE_DISAMBIGUATE_ONLY.

New in version 1.4.

See also

