Step 4: Adopting a Methodology

Adopting a Methodology

Teaching is about repeating the same thing again and again. I won’t do that. I promise. At the end of each step, you should do a little dance and save your work. It is like Ctrl+S but for a website.

Implementing a Git Strategy

At the end of each step, don’t forget to commit your changes:

  1. $ git add .
  2. $ git commit -m'Add some new feature'

You can safely add “everything” as Symfony manages a .gitignore file for you. And each package can add more configuration. Have a look at the current content:


  1. ###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
  2. /.env.local
  3. /.env.local.php
  4. /.env.*.local
  5. /public/bundles/
  6. /var/
  7. /vendor/
  8. ###< symfony/framework-bundle ###

The funny strings are markers added by Symfony Flex so that it knows what to remove if you decide to uninstall a dependency. I told you, all the tedious work is done by Symfony, not you.

It could be nice to push your repository to a server somewhere. GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket are good choices.

If you are deploying on SymfonyCloud, you already have a copy of the Git repository, but you should not rely on it. It is only for deployment usage. It is not a backup.

Deploying to Production Continuously

Another good habit is to deploy frequently. Deploying at the end of each step is a good pace:

  1. $ symfony deploy

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