C# Connector

TDengine.Connector 是 TDengine 提供的 C# 语言连接器。C# 开发人员可以通过它开发存取 TDengine 集群数据的 C# 应用软件。

TDengine.Connector 连接器支持通过 TDengine 客户端驱动(taosc)建立与 TDengine 运行实例的连接,提供数据写入、查询、订阅、schemaless 数据写入、参数绑定接口数据写入等功能 TDengine.Connector 目前暂未提供 REST 连接方式,用户可以参考 REST API 文档自行编写。

本文介绍如何在 Linux 或 Windows 环境中安装 TDengine.Connector,并通过 TDengine.Connector 连接 TDengine 集群,进行数据写入、查询等基本操作。

TDengine.Connector 的源码托管在 GitHub


支持的平台和 TDengine 客户端驱动支持的平台一致。




  1. 连接管理
  2. 普通查询
  3. 连续查询
  4. 参数绑定
  5. 订阅功能
  6. Schemaless



使用 dotnet CLI 安装

  • 使用 dotnet CLI 获取 C# 驱动
  • 使用源码获取 C# 驱动

可以在当前 .NET 项目的路径下,通过 dotnet 命令引用 Nuget 中发布的 TDengine.Connector 到当前项目。

  1. dotnet add package TDengine.Connector

可以下载 TDengine 的源码,直接引用最新版本的 TDengine.Connector 库

  1. git clone https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine.git
  2. cd TDengine/src/connector/C#/src/
  3. cp -r TDengineDriver/ myProject
  4. cd myProject
  5. dotnet add TDengineDriver/TDengineDriver.csproj


  1. using TDengineDriver;
  2. namespace TDengineExample
  3. {
  4. internal class EstablishConnection
  5. {
  6. static void Main(String[] args)
  7. {
  8. string host = "localhost";
  9. short port = 6030;
  10. string username = "root";
  11. string password = "taosdata";
  12. string dbname = "";
  13. var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port);
  14. if (conn == IntPtr.Zero)
  15. {
  16. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine failed");
  17. }
  18. else
  19. {
  20. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success");
  21. }
  22. TDengine.Close(conn);
  23. TDengine.Cleanup();
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }



SQL 写入

  1. using TDengineDriver;
  2. namespace TDengineExample
  3. {
  4. internal class SQLInsertExample
  5. {
  6. static void Main()
  7. {
  8. IntPtr conn = GetConnection();
  9. IntPtr res = TDengine.Query(conn, "CREATE DATABASE power");
  10. CheckRes(conn, res, "failed to create database");
  11. res = TDengine.Query(conn, "USE power");
  12. CheckRes(conn, res, "failed to change database");
  13. res = TDengine.Query(conn, "CREATE STABLE power.meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT)");
  14. CheckRes(conn, res, "failed to create stable");
  15. var sql = "INSERT INTO d1001 USING meters TAGS(California.SanFrancisco, 2) VALUES ('2018-10-03 14:38:05.000', 10.30000, 219, 0.31000) ('2018-10-03 14:38:15.000', 12.60000, 218, 0.33000) ('2018-10-03 14:38:16.800', 12.30000, 221, 0.31000) " +
  16. "d1002 USING power.meters TAGS(California.SanFrancisco, 3) VALUES('2018-10-03 14:38:16.650', 10.30000, 218, 0.25000) " +
  17. "d1003 USING power.meters TAGS(California.LosAngeles, 2) VALUES('2018-10-03 14:38:05.500', 11.80000, 221, 0.28000)('2018-10-03 14:38:16.600', 13.40000, 223, 0.29000) " +
  18. "d1004 USING power.meters TAGS(California.LosAngeles, 3) VALUES('2018-10-03 14:38:05.000', 10.80000, 223, 0.29000)('2018-10-03 14:38:06.500', 11.50000, 221, 0.35000)";
  19. res = TDengine.Query(conn, sql);
  20. CheckRes(conn, res, "failed to insert data");
  21. int affectedRows = TDengine.AffectRows(res);
  22. Console.WriteLine("affectedRows " + affectedRows);
  23. ExitProgram(conn, 0);
  24. }
  25. static IntPtr GetConnection()
  26. {
  27. string host = "localhost";
  28. short port = 6030;
  29. string username = "root";
  30. string password = "taosdata";
  31. string dbname = "";
  32. var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port);
  33. if (conn == IntPtr.Zero)
  34. {
  35. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine failed");
  36. Environment.Exit(0);
  37. }
  38. else
  39. {
  40. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success");
  41. }
  42. return conn;
  43. }
  44. static void CheckRes(IntPtr conn, IntPtr res, String errorMsg)
  45. {
  46. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  47. {
  48. Console.Write(errorMsg + " since: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  49. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  50. }
  51. }
  52. static void ExitProgram(IntPtr conn, int exitCode)
  53. {
  54. TDengine.Close(conn);
  55. TDengine.Cleanup();
  56. Environment.Exit(exitCode);
  57. }
  58. }
  59. }
  60. // output:
  61. // Connect to TDengine success
  62. // affectedRows 8


InfluxDB 行协议写入

  1. using TDengineDriver;
  2. namespace TDengineExample
  3. {
  4. internal class InfluxDBLineExample
  5. {
  6. static void Main()
  7. {
  8. IntPtr conn = GetConnection();
  9. PrepareDatabase(conn);
  10. string[] lines = {
  11. "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=2 current=11.8,voltage=221,phase=0.28 1648432611249",
  12. "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=2 current=13.4,voltage=223,phase=0.29 1648432611250",
  13. "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=3 current=10.8,voltage=223,phase=0.29 1648432611249",
  14. "meters,location=California.LosAngeles,groupid=3 current=11.3,voltage=221,phase=0.35 1648432611250"
  15. };
  16. IntPtr res = TDengine.SchemalessInsert(conn, lines, lines.Length, (int)TDengineSchemalessProtocol.TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL, (int)TDengineSchemalessPrecision.TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_MILLI_SECONDS);
  17. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  18. {
  19. Console.WriteLine("SchemalessInsert failed since " + TDengine.Error(res));
  20. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  21. }
  22. else
  23. {
  24. int affectedRows = TDengine.AffectRows(res);
  25. Console.WriteLine($"SchemalessInsert success, affected {affectedRows} rows");
  26. }
  27. TDengine.FreeResult(res);
  28. ExitProgram(conn, 0);
  29. }
  30. static IntPtr GetConnection()
  31. {
  32. string host = "localhost";
  33. short port = 6030;
  34. string username = "root";
  35. string password = "taosdata";
  36. string dbname = "";
  37. var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port);
  38. if (conn == IntPtr.Zero)
  39. {
  40. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine failed");
  41. TDengine.Cleanup();
  42. Environment.Exit(1);
  43. }
  44. else
  45. {
  46. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success");
  47. }
  48. return conn;
  49. }
  50. static void PrepareDatabase(IntPtr conn)
  51. {
  52. IntPtr res = TDengine.Query(conn, "CREATE DATABASE test");
  53. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  54. {
  55. Console.WriteLine("failed to create database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  56. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  57. }
  58. res = TDengine.Query(conn, "USE test");
  59. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  60. {
  61. Console.WriteLine("failed to change database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  62. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  63. }
  64. }
  65. static void ExitProgram(IntPtr conn, int exitCode)
  66. {
  67. TDengine.Close(conn);
  68. TDengine.Cleanup();
  69. Environment.Exit(exitCode);
  70. }
  71. }
  72. }


OpenTSDB Telnet 行协议写入

  1. using TDengineDriver;
  2. namespace TDengineExample
  3. {
  4. internal class OptsTelnetExample
  5. {
  6. static void Main()
  7. {
  8. IntPtr conn = GetConnection();
  9. PrepareDatabase(conn);
  10. string[] lines = {
  11. "meters.current 1648432611249 10.3 location=California.SanFrancisco groupid=2",
  12. "meters.current 1648432611250 12.6 location=California.SanFrancisco groupid=2",
  13. "meters.current 1648432611249 10.8 location=California.LosAngeles groupid=3",
  14. "meters.current 1648432611250 11.3 location=California.LosAngeles groupid=3",
  15. "meters.voltage 1648432611249 219 location=California.SanFrancisco groupid=2",
  16. "meters.voltage 1648432611250 218 location=California.SanFrancisco groupid=2",
  17. "meters.voltage 1648432611249 221 location=California.LosAngeles groupid=3",
  18. "meters.voltage 1648432611250 217 location=California.LosAngeles groupid=3",
  19. };
  20. IntPtr res = TDengine.SchemalessInsert(conn, lines, lines.Length, (int)TDengineSchemalessProtocol.TSDB_SML_TELNET_PROTOCOL, (int)TDengineSchemalessPrecision.TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_NOT_CONFIGURED);
  21. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  22. {
  23. Console.WriteLine("SchemalessInsert failed since " + TDengine.Error(res));
  24. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  25. }
  26. else
  27. {
  28. int affectedRows = TDengine.AffectRows(res);
  29. Console.WriteLine($"SchemalessInsert success, affected {affectedRows} rows");
  30. }
  31. TDengine.FreeResult(res);
  32. ExitProgram(conn, 0);
  33. }
  34. static IntPtr GetConnection()
  35. {
  36. string host = "localhost";
  37. short port = 6030;
  38. string username = "root";
  39. string password = "taosdata";
  40. string dbname = "";
  41. var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port);
  42. if (conn == IntPtr.Zero)
  43. {
  44. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine failed");
  45. TDengine.Cleanup();
  46. Environment.Exit(1);
  47. }
  48. else
  49. {
  50. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success");
  51. }
  52. return conn;
  53. }
  54. static void PrepareDatabase(IntPtr conn)
  55. {
  56. IntPtr res = TDengine.Query(conn, "CREATE DATABASE test");
  57. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  58. {
  59. Console.WriteLine("failed to create database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  60. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  61. }
  62. res = TDengine.Query(conn, "USE test");
  63. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  64. {
  65. Console.WriteLine("failed to change database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  66. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  67. }
  68. }
  69. static void ExitProgram(IntPtr conn, int exitCode)
  70. {
  71. TDengine.Close(conn);
  72. TDengine.Cleanup();
  73. Environment.Exit(exitCode);
  74. }
  75. }
  76. }


OpenTSDB JSON 行协议写入

  1. using TDengineDriver;
  2. namespace TDengineExample
  3. {
  4. internal class OptsJsonExample
  5. {
  6. static void Main()
  7. {
  8. IntPtr conn = GetConnection();
  9. PrepareDatabase(conn);
  10. string[] lines = { "[{\"metric\": \"meters.current\", \"timestamp\": 1648432611249, \"value\": 10.3, \"tags\": {\"location\": \"California.SanFrancisco\", \"groupid\": 2}}," +
  11. " {\"metric\": \"meters.voltage\", \"timestamp\": 1648432611249, \"value\": 219, \"tags\": {\"location\": \"California.LosAngeles\", \"groupid\": 1}}, " +
  12. "{\"metric\": \"meters.current\", \"timestamp\": 1648432611250, \"value\": 12.6, \"tags\": {\"location\": \"California.SanFrancisco\", \"groupid\": 2}}," +
  13. " {\"metric\": \"meters.voltage\", \"timestamp\": 1648432611250, \"value\": 221, \"tags\": {\"location\": \"California.LosAngeles\", \"groupid\": 1}}]"
  14. };
  15. IntPtr res = TDengine.SchemalessInsert(conn, lines, 1, (int)TDengineSchemalessProtocol.TSDB_SML_JSON_PROTOCOL, (int)TDengineSchemalessPrecision.TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_NOT_CONFIGURED);
  16. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  17. {
  18. Console.WriteLine("SchemalessInsert failed since " + TDengine.Error(res));
  19. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  20. }
  21. else
  22. {
  23. int affectedRows = TDengine.AffectRows(res);
  24. Console.WriteLine($"SchemalessInsert success, affected {affectedRows} rows");
  25. }
  26. TDengine.FreeResult(res);
  27. ExitProgram(conn, 0);
  28. }
  29. static IntPtr GetConnection()
  30. {
  31. string host = "localhost";
  32. short port = 6030;
  33. string username = "root";
  34. string password = "taosdata";
  35. string dbname = "";
  36. var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port);
  37. if (conn == IntPtr.Zero)
  38. {
  39. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine failed");
  40. TDengine.Cleanup();
  41. Environment.Exit(1);
  42. }
  43. else
  44. {
  45. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success");
  46. }
  47. return conn;
  48. }
  49. static void PrepareDatabase(IntPtr conn)
  50. {
  51. IntPtr res = TDengine.Query(conn, "CREATE DATABASE test");
  52. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  53. {
  54. Console.WriteLine("failed to create database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  55. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  56. }
  57. res = TDengine.Query(conn, "USE test");
  58. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  59. {
  60. Console.WriteLine("failed to change database, reason: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  61. ExitProgram(conn, 1);
  62. }
  63. }
  64. static void ExitProgram(IntPtr conn, int exitCode)
  65. {
  66. TDengine.Close(conn);
  67. TDengine.Cleanup();
  68. Environment.Exit(exitCode);
  69. }
  70. }
  71. }




  1. using TDengineDriver;
  2. using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  3. namespace TDengineExample
  4. {
  5. internal class QueryExample
  6. {
  7. static void Main()
  8. {
  9. IntPtr conn = GetConnection();
  10. // run query
  11. IntPtr res = TDengine.Query(conn, "SELECT * FROM test.meters LIMIT 2");
  12. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  13. {
  14. Console.WriteLine("Failed to query since: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  15. TDengine.Close(conn);
  16. TDengine.Cleanup();
  17. return;
  18. }
  19. // get filed count
  20. int fieldCount = TDengine.FieldCount(res);
  21. Console.WriteLine("fieldCount=" + fieldCount);
  22. // print column names
  23. List<TDengineMeta> metas = TDengine.FetchFields(res);
  24. for (int i = 0; i < metas.Count; i++)
  25. {
  26. Console.Write(metas[i].name + "\t");
  27. }
  28. Console.WriteLine();
  29. // print values
  30. IntPtr row;
  31. while ((row = TDengine.FetchRows(res)) != IntPtr.Zero)
  32. {
  33. List<TDengineMeta> metaList = TDengine.FetchFields(res);
  34. int numOfFiled = TDengine.FieldCount(res);
  35. List<String> dataRaw = new List<string>();
  36. IntPtr colLengthPrt = TDengine.FetchLengths(res);
  37. int[] colLengthArr = new int[numOfFiled];
  38. Marshal.Copy(colLengthPrt, colLengthArr, 0, numOfFiled);
  39. for (int i = 0; i < numOfFiled; i++)
  40. {
  41. TDengineMeta meta = metaList[i];
  42. IntPtr data = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(row, IntPtr.Size * i);
  43. if (data == IntPtr.Zero)
  44. {
  45. Console.Write("NULL\t");
  46. continue;
  47. }
  48. switch ((TDengineDataType)meta.type)
  49. {
  50. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL:
  51. bool v1 = Marshal.ReadByte(data) == 0 ? false : true;
  52. Console.Write(v1.ToString() + "\t");
  53. break;
  54. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT:
  55. sbyte v2 = (sbyte)Marshal.ReadByte(data);
  56. Console.Write(v2.ToString() + "\t");
  57. break;
  58. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT:
  59. short v3 = Marshal.ReadInt16(data);
  60. Console.Write(v3.ToString() + "\t");
  61. break;
  62. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT:
  63. int v4 = Marshal.ReadInt32(data);
  64. Console.Write(v4.ToString() + "\t");
  65. break;
  66. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT:
  67. long v5 = Marshal.ReadInt64(data);
  68. Console.Write(v5.ToString() + "\t");
  69. break;
  70. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT:
  71. float v6 = (float)Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, typeof(float));
  72. Console.Write(v6.ToString() + "\t");
  73. break;
  74. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE:
  75. double v7 = (double)Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, typeof(double));
  76. Console.Write(v7.ToString() + "\t");
  77. break;
  78. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY:
  79. string v8 = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(data, colLengthArr[i]);
  80. Console.Write(v8 + "\t");
  81. break;
  82. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
  83. long v9 = Marshal.ReadInt64(data);
  84. Console.Write(v9.ToString() + "\t");
  85. break;
  86. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR:
  87. string v10 = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(data, colLengthArr[i]);
  88. Console.Write(v10 + "\t");
  89. break;
  90. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT:
  91. byte v12 = Marshal.ReadByte(data);
  92. Console.Write(v12.ToString() + "\t");
  93. break;
  94. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT:
  95. ushort v13 = (ushort)Marshal.ReadInt16(data);
  96. Console.Write(v13.ToString() + "\t");
  97. break;
  98. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT:
  99. uint v14 = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(data);
  100. Console.Write(v14.ToString() + "\t");
  101. break;
  102. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT:
  103. ulong v15 = (ulong)Marshal.ReadInt64(data);
  104. Console.Write(v15.ToString() + "\t");
  105. break;
  106. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSONTAG:
  107. string v16 = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(data, colLengthArr[i]);
  108. Console.Write(v16 + "\t");
  109. break;
  110. default:
  111. Console.Write("nonsupport data type value");
  112. break;
  113. }
  114. }
  115. Console.WriteLine();
  116. }
  117. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  118. {
  119. Console.WriteLine($"Query is not complete, Error {TDengine.ErrorNo(res)} {TDengine.Error(res)}");
  120. }
  121. // exit
  122. TDengine.FreeResult(res);
  123. TDengine.Close(conn);
  124. TDengine.Cleanup();
  125. }
  126. static IntPtr GetConnection()
  127. {
  128. string host = "localhost";
  129. short port = 6030;
  130. string username = "root";
  131. string password = "taosdata";
  132. string dbname = "power";
  133. var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port);
  134. if (conn == IntPtr.Zero)
  135. {
  136. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine failed");
  137. System.Environment.Exit(0);
  138. }
  139. else
  140. {
  141. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success");
  142. }
  143. return conn;
  144. }
  145. }
  146. }
  147. // output:
  148. // Connect to TDengine success
  149. // fieldCount=6
  150. // ts current voltage phase location groupid
  151. // 1648432611249 10.3 219 0.31 California.SanFrancisco 2
  152. // 1648432611749 12.6 218 0.33 California.SanFrancisco 2



  1. using TDengineDriver;
  2. using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  3. namespace TDengineExample
  4. {
  5. public class AsyncQueryExample
  6. {
  7. static void Main()
  8. {
  9. IntPtr conn = GetConnection();
  10. QueryAsyncCallback queryAsyncCallback = new QueryAsyncCallback(QueryCallback);
  11. TDengine.QueryAsync(conn, "select * from meters", queryAsyncCallback, IntPtr.Zero);
  12. Thread.Sleep(2000);
  13. TDengine.Close(conn);
  14. TDengine.Cleanup();
  15. }
  16. static void QueryCallback(IntPtr param, IntPtr taosRes, int code)
  17. {
  18. if (code == 0 && taosRes != IntPtr.Zero)
  19. {
  20. FetchRowAsyncCallback fetchRowAsyncCallback = new FetchRowAsyncCallback(FetchRowCallback);
  21. TDengine.FetchRowAsync(taosRes, fetchRowAsyncCallback, param);
  22. }
  23. else
  24. {
  25. Console.WriteLine($"async query data failed, failed code {code}");
  26. }
  27. }
  28. static void FetchRowCallback(IntPtr param, IntPtr taosRes, int numOfRows)
  29. {
  30. if (numOfRows > 0)
  31. {
  32. Console.WriteLine($"{numOfRows} rows async retrieved");
  33. DisplayRes(taosRes);
  34. TDengine.FetchRowAsync(taosRes, FetchRowCallback, param);
  35. }
  36. else
  37. {
  38. if (numOfRows == 0)
  39. {
  40. Console.WriteLine("async retrieve complete.");
  41. }
  42. else
  43. {
  44. Console.WriteLine($"FetchRowAsync callback error, error code {numOfRows}");
  45. }
  46. TDengine.FreeResult(taosRes);
  47. }
  48. }
  49. public static void DisplayRes(IntPtr res)
  50. {
  51. if (!IsValidResult(res))
  52. {
  53. TDengine.Cleanup();
  54. System.Environment.Exit(1);
  55. }
  56. List<TDengineMeta> metaList = TDengine.FetchFields(res);
  57. int fieldCount = metaList.Count;
  58. // metaList.ForEach((item) => { Console.Write("{0} ({1}) \t|\t", item.name, item.size); });
  59. List<object> dataList = QueryRes(res, metaList);
  60. for (int index = 0; index < dataList.Count; index++)
  61. {
  62. if (index % fieldCount == 0 && index != 0)
  63. {
  64. Console.WriteLine("");
  65. }
  66. Console.Write("{0} \t|\t", dataList[index].ToString());
  67. }
  68. Console.WriteLine("");
  69. }
  70. public static bool IsValidResult(IntPtr res)
  71. {
  72. if ((res == IntPtr.Zero) || (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0))
  73. {
  74. if (res != IntPtr.Zero)
  75. {
  76. Console.Write("reason: " + TDengine.Error(res));
  77. return false;
  78. }
  79. Console.WriteLine("");
  80. return false;
  81. }
  82. return true;
  83. }
  84. private static List<object> QueryRes(IntPtr res, List<TDengineMeta> meta)
  85. {
  86. IntPtr taosRow;
  87. List<object> dataRaw = new();
  88. while ((taosRow = TDengine.FetchRows(res)) != IntPtr.Zero)
  89. {
  90. dataRaw.AddRange(FetchRow(taosRow, res));
  91. }
  92. if (TDengine.ErrorNo(res) != 0)
  93. {
  94. Console.Write("Query is not complete, Error {0} {1}", TDengine.ErrorNo(res), TDengine.Error(res));
  95. }
  96. TDengine.FreeResult(res);
  97. Console.WriteLine("");
  98. return dataRaw;
  99. }
  100. public static List<object> FetchRow(IntPtr taosRow, IntPtr taosRes)//, List<TDengineMeta> metaList, int numOfFiled
  101. {
  102. List<TDengineMeta> metaList = TDengine.FetchFields(taosRes);
  103. int numOfFiled = TDengine.FieldCount(taosRes);
  104. List<object> dataRaw = new();
  105. IntPtr colLengthPrt = TDengine.FetchLengths(taosRes);
  106. int[] colLengthArr = new int[numOfFiled];
  107. Marshal.Copy(colLengthPrt, colLengthArr, 0, numOfFiled);
  108. for (int i = 0; i < numOfFiled; i++)
  109. {
  110. TDengineMeta meta = metaList[i];
  111. IntPtr data = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(taosRow, IntPtr.Size * i);
  112. if (data == IntPtr.Zero)
  113. {
  114. dataRaw.Add("NULL");
  115. continue;
  116. }
  117. switch ((TDengineDataType)meta.type)
  118. {
  119. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL:
  120. bool v1 = Marshal.ReadByte(data) != 0;
  121. dataRaw.Add(v1);
  122. break;
  123. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT:
  124. sbyte v2 = (sbyte)Marshal.ReadByte(data);
  125. dataRaw.Add(v2);
  126. break;
  127. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT:
  128. short v3 = Marshal.ReadInt16(data);
  129. dataRaw.Add(v3);
  130. break;
  131. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT:
  132. int v4 = Marshal.ReadInt32(data);
  133. dataRaw.Add(v4);
  134. break;
  135. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT:
  136. long v5 = Marshal.ReadInt64(data);
  137. dataRaw.Add(v5);
  138. break;
  139. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT:
  140. float v6 = (float)Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, typeof(float));
  141. dataRaw.Add(v6);
  142. break;
  143. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE:
  144. double v7 = (double)Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, typeof(double));
  145. dataRaw.Add(v7);
  146. break;
  147. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY:
  148. string v8 = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(data, colLengthArr[i]);
  149. dataRaw.Add(v8);
  150. break;
  151. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
  152. long v9 = Marshal.ReadInt64(data);
  153. dataRaw.Add(v9);
  154. break;
  155. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR:
  156. string v10 = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(data, colLengthArr[i]);
  157. dataRaw.Add(v10);
  158. break;
  159. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UTINYINT:
  160. byte v12 = Marshal.ReadByte(data);
  161. dataRaw.Add(v12.ToString());
  162. break;
  163. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_USMALLINT:
  164. ushort v13 = (ushort)Marshal.ReadInt16(data);
  165. dataRaw.Add(v13);
  166. break;
  167. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UINT:
  168. uint v14 = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(data);
  169. dataRaw.Add(v14);
  170. break;
  171. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT:
  172. ulong v15 = (ulong)Marshal.ReadInt64(data);
  173. dataRaw.Add(v15);
  174. break;
  175. case TDengineDataType.TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSONTAG:
  176. string v16 = Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(data, colLengthArr[i]);
  177. dataRaw.Add(v16);
  178. break;
  179. default:
  180. dataRaw.Add("nonsupport data type");
  181. break;
  182. }
  183. }
  184. return dataRaw;
  185. }
  186. static IntPtr GetConnection()
  187. {
  188. string host = "localhost";
  189. short port = 6030;
  190. string username = "root";
  191. string password = "taosdata";
  192. string dbname = "power";
  193. var conn = TDengine.Connect(host, username, password, dbname, port);
  194. if (conn == IntPtr.Zero)
  195. {
  196. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine failed");
  197. Environment.Exit(0);
  198. }
  199. else
  200. {
  201. Console.WriteLine("Connect to TDengine success");
  202. }
  203. return conn;
  204. }
  205. }
  206. }
  207. //output:
  208. // Connect to TDengine success
  209. // 8 rows async retrieved
  210. // 1538548685500 | 11.8 | 221 | 0.28 | california.losangeles | 2 |
  211. // 1538548696600 | 13.4 | 223 | 0.29 | california.losangeles | 2 |
  212. // 1538548685000 | 10.8 | 223 | 0.29 | california.losangeles | 3 |
  213. // 1538548686500 | 11.5 | 221 | 0.35 | california.losangeles | 3 |
  214. // 1538548685000 | 10.3 | 219 | 0.31 | california.sanfrancisco | 2 |
  215. // 1538548695000 | 12.6 | 218 | 0.33 | california.sanfrancisco | 2 |
  216. // 1538548696800 | 12.3 | 221 | 0.31 | california.sanfrancisco | 2 |
  217. // 1538548696650 | 10.3 | 218 | 0.25 | california.sanfrancisco | 3 |
  218. // async retrieve complete.



C#checker使用 TDengine.Connector 可以通过 help 命令中提供的参数,测试C# Driver的同步写入和查询
TDengineTest使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的简单写入和查询的示例
insertCn使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的写入和查询中文字符的示例
jsonTag使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的写入和查询 json tag 类型数据的示例
stmt使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的参数绑定的示例
schemaless使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的使用 schemaless 写入的示例
benchmark使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的简易 Benchmark
async query使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的异步查询的示例
subscribe使用 TDengine.Connector 实现的订阅数据的示例


1.0.6修复 schemaless 在 1.0.4 和 1.0.5 中失效 bug。
1.0.5修复 Windows 同步查询中文报错 bug。
1.0.4新增异步查询,订阅等功能。修复绑定参数 bug。
1.0.3新增参数绑定、schemaless、 json tag等功能。



Maikebing.Data.Taos 是一个 TDengine 的 ADO.NET 连接器,支持 Linux,Windows 平台。该连接器由社区贡献者麦壳饼@@maikebing 提供,具体请参考:


  1. “Unable to establish connection”,”Unable to resolve FQDN”

    一般是因为 FQDN 配置不正确。可以参考如何彻底搞懂 TDengine 的 FQDN解决。

  2. Unhandled exception. System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘taos’ or one of its dependencies: 找不到指定的模块。

    一般是因为程序没有找到依赖的客户端驱动。解决方法为:Windows 下可以将 C:\TDengine\driver\taos.dll 拷贝到 C:\Windows\System32\ 目录下,Linux 下建立如下软链接 ln -s /usr/local/taos/driver/libtaos.so.x.x.x.x /usr/lib/libtaos.so 即可。

API 参考

API 参考