





  • 应该启动的应用,例如多旋翼或者固定翼的控制器
  • 系统(固定翼,飞翼或者多旋翼)的物理配置,这叫做混控器
  • 参数整定





  1. #!nsh
  2. #
  3. # @name Wing Wing (aka Z-84) Flying Wing
  4. #
  5. # @url https://pixhawk.org/platforms/planes/z-84_wing_wing
  6. #
  7. # @type Flying Wing
  8. #
  9. # @output MAIN1 left aileron
  10. # @output MAIN2 right aileron
  11. # @output MAIN4 throttle
  12. #
  13. # @output AUX1 feed-through of RC AUX1 channel
  14. # @output AUX2 feed-through of RC AUX2 channel
  15. # @output AUX3 feed-through of RC AUX3 channel
  16. #
  17. # @maintainer Lorenz Meier <lorenz@px4.io>
  18. #
  19. sh /etc/init.d/rc.fw_defaults
  20. if [ $AUTOCNF == yes ]
  21. then
  22. param set BAT_N_CELLS 2
  23. param set FW_AIRSPD_MAX 15
  24. param set FW_AIRSPD_MIN 10
  25. param set FW_AIRSPD_TRIM 13
  26. param set FW_ATT_TC 0.3
  27. param set FW_L1_DAMPING 0.74
  28. param set FW_L1_PERIOD 16
  29. param set FW_LND_ANG 15
  30. param set FW_LND_FLALT 5
  31. param set FW_LND_HHDIST 15
  32. param set FW_LND_HVIRT 13
  33. param set FW_LND_TLALT 5
  34. param set FW_THR_LND_MAX 0
  35. param set FW_PR_FF 0.35
  36. param set FW_RR_FF 0.6
  37. param set FW_RR_P 0.04
  38. fi
  39. # Configure this as plane
  40. set MAV_TYPE 1
  41. # Set mixer
  42. set MIXER wingwing
  43. # Provide ESC a constant 1000 us pulse
  44. set PWM_OUT 4
  45. set PWM_DISARMED 1000

注意事项: IMPORTANT REMARK: If you want to reverse a channel, never do this neither on your RC transmitter nor with e.g RC1_REV. The channels are only reversed when flying in manual mode, when you switch in an autopilot flight mode, the channels output will still be wrong (it only inverts your RC signal). Thus for a correct channal assignment change either your PWM signals with PWM_MAIN_REV1 (e.g. for channel one) or change the signs for both output scaling and output range in the corresponding mixer (see below).





  1. M: 2
  2. O: 10000 10000 0 -10000 10000
  3. S: 0 0 -6000 -6000 0 -10000 10000
  4. S: 0 1 6500 6500 0 -10000 10000


  • M:代表有2个缩放系数(对应着两个输入)
  • O:代表输出缩放系数(负输入量缩放系数为1,正输入量缩放系数为1),偏移量(这里是0),输出范围(这里-1到+1)
  • S:代表第一个输入量的缩放系数:输入量来自控制组#0(姿态控制)的第一个输入(滚转),缩放系数为0.6,并且符号取反(-0.6换算到标准单位是-6000),没有偏移量(0),输出为全范围(-1到+1)
  • S:代表第二个输入量的缩放系数:输入量来自控制组#0(姿态控制)的第二个输入(俯仰),缩放系数为0.65(0.65换算到标准单位是6500),没有偏移量(0),输出为全范围(-1到+1)



  1. Delta-wing mixer for PX4FMU
  2. ===========================
  3. Designed for Wing Wing Z-84
  4. This file defines mixers suitable for controlling a delta wing aircraft using
  5. PX4FMU. The configuration assumes the elevon servos are connected to PX4FMU
  6. servo outputs 0 and 1 and the motor speed control to output 3. Output 2 is
  7. assumed to be unused.
  8. Inputs to the mixer come from channel group 0 (vehicle attitude), channels 0
  9. (roll), 1 (pitch) and 3 (thrust).
  10. See the README for more information on the scaler format.
  11. Elevon mixers
  12. -------------
  13. Three scalers total (output, roll, pitch).
  14. On the assumption that the two elevon servos are physically reversed, the pitch
  15. input is inverted between the two servos.
  16. The scaling factor for roll inputs is adjusted to implement differential travel
  17. for the elevons.
  18. M: 2
  19. O: 10000 10000 0 -10000 10000
  20. S: 0 0 -6000 -6000 0 -10000 10000
  21. S: 0 1 6500 6500 0 -10000 10000
  22. M: 2
  23. O: 10000 10000 0 -10000 10000
  24. S: 0 0 -6000 -6000 0 -10000 10000
  25. S: 0 1 -6500 -6500 0 -10000 10000
  26. Output 2
  27. --------
  28. This mixer is empty.
  29. Z:
  30. Motor speed mixer
  31. -----------------
  32. Two scalers total (output, thrust).
  33. This mixer generates a full-range output (-1 to 1) from an input in the (0 - 1)
  34. range. Inputs below zero are treated as zero.
  35. M: 1
  36. O: 10000 10000 0 -10000 10000
  37. S: 0 3 0 20000 -10000 -10000 10000