12. Event summary

This section is non-normative.

The following events fire on RTCDataChannel objects:

Event nameInterfaceFired when…
openEventThe RTCDataChannel object’s underlying data transport has been established (or re-established).
messageMessageEvent [html]A message was successfully received.
bufferedamountlowEventThe RTCDataChannel object’s bufferedAmount decreases from above its bufferedAmountLowThreshold to less than or equal to its bufferedAmountLowThreshold.
errorRTCErrorEventAn error occurred on the data channel.
closingEventThe RTCDataChannel object transitions to the “closing“ state
closeEventThe RTCDataChannel object’s underlying data transport has been closed.

The following events fire on RTCPeerConnection objects:

Event nameInterfaceFired when…
trackRTCTrackEventNew incoming media has been negotiated for a specific RTCRtpReceiver, and that receiver’s track has been added to any associated remote MediaStreams.
negotiationneededEventThe browser wishes to inform the application that session negotiation needs to be done (i.e. a createOffer call followed by setLocalDescription).
signalingstatechangeEventThe signaling state has changed. This state change is the result of either setLocalDescription or setRemoteDescription being invoked.
iceconnectionstatechangeEventThe RTCPeerConnection‘s ICE connection state has changed.
icegatheringstatechangeEventThe RTCPeerConnection‘s ICE gathering state has changed.
icecandidateRTCPeerConnectionIceEventA new RTCIceCandidate is made available to the script.
connectionstatechangeEventThe RTCPeerConnection.connectionState has changed.
icecandidateerrorRTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventA failure occured when gathering ICE candidates.
datachannelRTCDataChannelEventA new RTCDataChannel is dispatched to the script in response to the other peer creating a channel.

The following events fire on RTCDTMFSender objects:

Event nameInterfaceFired when…
tonechangeRTCDTMFToneChangeEventThe RTCDTMFSender object has either just begun playout of a tone (returned as the tone attribute) or just ended the playout of tones in the toneBuffer (returned as an empty value in the tone attribute).

The following events fire on RTCIceTransport objects:

Event nameInterfaceFired when…
statechangeEventThe RTCIceTransport state changes.
gatheringstatechangeEventThe RTCIceTransport gathering state changes.
selectedcandidatepairchangeEventThe RTCIceTransport‘s selected candidate pair changes.

The following events fire on RTCDtlsTransport objects:

Event nameInterfaceFired when…
statechangeEventThe RTCDtlsTransport state changes.
errorRTCErrorEventAn error occurred on the RTCDtlsTransport (either “dtls-failure“ or “fingerprint-failure“).

The following events fire on RTCSctpTransport objects:

Event nameInterfaceFired when…
statechangeEventThe RTCSctpTransport state changes.