

要给 model 填充其所需的用户输入数据,你可以调用 [[yii\base\Model::validate()]]
方法验证它们。该方法会返回一个布尔值,指明是否通过验证。若没有通过,你能通过 [[yii\base\Model::errors]]

  1. $model = new \app\models\ContactForm();
  2. // populate model attributes with user inputs
  3. $model->load(\Yii::$app->request->post());
  4. // which is equivalent to the following:
  5. // $model->attributes = \Yii::$app->request->post('ContactForm');
  6. if ($model->validate()) {
  7. // all inputs are valid
  8. } else {
  9. // validation failed: $errors is an array containing error messages
  10. $errors = $model->errors;
  11. }

" class="reference-link">声明规则(Rules)

要让 validate() 方法起作用,你需要声明与需验证模型特性相关的验证规则。
为此,需要重写 [[yii\base\Model::rules()]] 方法。下面的例子展示了如何
声明用于验证 ContactForm 模型的相关验证规则:

  1. public function rules()
  2. {
  3. return [
  4. // name,email,subject 和 body 特性是 `require`(必填)的
  5. [['name', 'email', 'subject', 'body'], 'required'],
  6. // email 特性必须是一个有效的 email 地址
  7. ['email', 'email'],
  8. ];
  9. }

[[yii\base\Model::rules()|rules()]] 方法应返回一个由规则所组成的数组,

  1. [
  2. // required, specifies which attributes should be validated by this rule.
  3. // For a single attribute, you can use the attribute name directly
  4. // without having it in an array
  5. ['attribute1', 'attribute2', ...],
  6. // required, specifies the type of this rule.
  7. // It can be a class name, validator alias, or a validation method name
  8. 'validator',
  9. // optional, specifies in which scenario(s) this rule should be applied
  10. // if not given, it means the rule applies to all scenarios
  11. // You may also configure the "except" option if you want to apply the rule
  12. // to all scenarios except the listed ones
  13. 'on' => ['scenario1', 'scenario2', ...],
  14. // optional, specifies additional configurations for the validator object
  15. 'property1' => 'value1', 'property2' => 'value2', ...
  16. ]


  • 核心验证器的昵称,比如 requiredindate,等等。请参考
  • 模型类中的某个验证方法的名称,或者一个匿名方法。
  • 验证器类的名称。

要指定 on 选项。如果你不指定 on 选项,那么该规则会适配于所有场景。

当调用 validate() 方法时,它将运行以下几个具体的验证步骤:

  1. 检查从声明自 [[yii\base\Model::scenarios()]] 方法的场景中所挑选出的当前[[yii\base\Model::scenario|场景]]的信息,
  2. 检查从声明自 [[yii\base\Model::rules()]] 方法的众多规则中所挑选出的适用于当前[[yii\base\Model::scenario|场景]]的规则,
  3. 用每个激活规则去验证每个

基于以上验证步骤,有且仅有声明在 scenarios()
rules() 里的激活规则相关联才会被验证。

Note: It is handy to give names to rules i.e.

  1. public function rules()
  2. {
  3. return [
  4. // ...
  5. 'password' => [['password'], 'string', 'max' => 60],
  6. ];
  7. }

You can use it in a child model:

public function rules()
$rules = parent::rules();
return $rules;

" class="reference-link">自定义错误信息

比如,用 [[yii\validators\RequiredValidator|required]] 验证器的规则检验 username
特性失败的话,会返还给模型 “Username cannot be blank.” 信息。

你可以通过在声明规则的时候同时指定 message 属性,

  1. public function rules()
  2. {
  3. return [
  4. ['username', 'required', 'message' => 'Please choose a username.'],
  5. ];
  6. }

验证器就支持 [[yii\validators\NumberValidator::tooBig|tooBig]] 和 [[yii\validators\NumberValidator::tooSmall|tooSmall]]

" class="reference-link">验证事件

当调用 [[yii\base\Model::validate()]] 方法的过程里,它同时会调用两个特殊的方法,

  • [[yii\base\Model::beforeValidate()]]:在默认的实现中会触发 [[yii\base\Model::EVENT_BEFORE_VALIDATE]] 事件。
  • [[yii\base\Model::afterValidate()]]:在默认的实现中会触发 [[yii\base\Model::EVENT_AFTER_VALIDATE]] 事件。

" class="reference-link">条件式验证


  1. ['state', 'required', 'when' => function($model) {
  2. return $model->country == 'USA';
  3. }]

[[yii\validators\Validator::when|when]] 属性会读入一个如下所示结构的 PHP callable 函数对象:

  1. /**
  2. * @param Model $model 要验证的模型对象
  3. * @param string $attribute 待测特性名
  4. * @return bool 返回是否启用该规则
  5. */
  6. function ($model, $attribute)

若你需要支持客户端的条件验证,你应该配置[[yii\validators\Validator::whenClient|whenClient]] 属性,
它会读入一条包含有 JavaScript 函数的字符串。

  1. ['state', 'required', 'when' => function ($model) {
  2. return $model->country == 'USA';
  3. }, 'whenClient' => "function (attribute, value) {
  4. return $('#country').value == 'USA';
  5. }"]

" class="reference-link">数据预处理

用户输入经常需要进行数据过滤,或者叫预处理。比如你可能会需要先去掉 username 输入的收尾空格。

下面的例子展示了如何去掉输入信息的首尾空格,并将空输入返回为 null。具体方法为通过调用
trimdefault 核心验证器:

  1. return [
  2. [['username', 'email'], 'trim'],
  3. [['username', 'email'], 'default'],
  4. ];

也还可以用更加通用的 filter(滤镜)



  1. ['age', 'trim'],
  2. ['age', 'default', 'value' => null],
  3. ['age', 'integer', 'integerOnly' => true, 'min' => 0],
  4. ['age', 'filter', 'filter' => 'intval', 'skipOnEmpty' => true],


  1. 从输入值中去除前后空白。
  2. 确保空输入在数据库中存储为null;我们区分 未设置 值和实际值为 0 之间的区别。如果值不允许为null,则可以在此处设置另一个默认值。
  3. 如果该值不为空,则验证该值是否为大于0的整数。大多数验证器的 [[yii\validators\Validator::$skipOnEmpty|$skipOnEmpty]] 属性都被设置为true
  4. 确保该值为整数类型,例如将字符串 '42' 转换为整数 42。在这里,我们将 [[yii\validators\FilterValidator::$skipOnEmpty|$skipOnEmpty]] 设置为 true,默认情况下,在 [[yii\validators\FilterValidator|filter]] 验证器里这个属性是 false

" class="reference-link">处理空输入

当输入数据是通过 HTML 表单,你经常会需要给空的输入项赋默认值。你可以通过调整
default 验证器来实现这一点。举例来说,

  1. return [
  2. // 若 "username" 和 "email" 为空,则设为 null
  3. [['username', 'email'], 'default'],
  4. // 若 "level" 为空,则设其为 1
  5. ['level', 'default', 'value' => 1],
  6. ];

默认情况下,当输入项为空字符串,空数组,或 null 时,会被视为“空值”。

  1. ['agree', 'required', 'isEmpty' => function ($value) {
  2. return empty($value);
  3. }]

Note: 对于绝大多数验证器而言,若其 [[yii\base\Validator::skipOnEmpty]] 属性为默认值
核心验证器 之中,只有 captcha(验证码),default(默认值),
filter(滤镜),required(必填),以及 trim(去首尾空格),这几个验证器会处理空输入。

" class="reference-link">临时验证

有时,你需要对某些没有绑定任何模型类的值进行 临时验证

若你只需要进行一种类型的验证 (e.g. 验证邮箱地址),你可以调用所需验证器的
[[yii\validators\Validator::validate()|validate()]] 方法。像这样:

  1. $email = 'test@example.com';
  2. $validator = new yii\validators\EmailValidator();
  3. if ($validator->validate($email, $error)) {
  4. echo '有效的 Email 地址。';
  5. } else {
  6. echo $error;
  7. }

Note: 不是所有的验证器都支持这种形式的验证。比如 unique(唯一性)核心验证器就就是一个例子,

若你需要针对一系列值执行多项验证,你可以使用 [[yii\base\DynamicModel]]

  1. public function actionSearch($name, $email)
  2. {
  3. $model = DynamicModel::validateData(compact('name', 'email'), [
  4. [['name', 'email'], 'string', 'max' => 128],
  5. ['email', 'email'],
  6. ]);
  7. if ($model->hasErrors()) {
  8. // 验证失败
  9. } else {
  10. // 验证成功
  11. }
  12. }

[[yii\base\DynamicModel::validateData()]] 方法会创建一个 DynamicModel 的实例对象,
并通过给定数据定义模型特性(以 nameemail 为例),
之后用给定规则调用[[yii\base\Model::validate()]] 方法。


  1. public function actionSearch($name, $email)
  2. {
  3. $model = new DynamicModel(compact('name', 'email'));
  4. $model->addRule(['name', 'email'], 'string', ['max' => 128])
  5. ->addRule('email', 'email')
  6. ->validate();
  7. if ($model->hasErrors()) {
  8. // 验证失败
  9. } else {
  10. // 验证成功
  11. }
  12. }

验证之后你可以通过调用 [[yii\base\DynamicModel::hasErrors()|hasErrors()]]
方法来检查验证通过与否,并通过 [[yii\base\DynamicModel::errors|errors]]

" class="reference-link">创建验证器(Validators)

除了使用 Yii 的发布版里所包含的核心验证器之外,你也可以创建你自己的验证器。

" class="reference-link">行内验证器(Inline Validators)


  1. /**
  2. * @param string $attribute 当前被验证的特性
  3. * @param array $params 以名-值对形式提供的额外参数
  4. */
  5. function ($attribute, $params)

若某特性的验证失败了,该方法/函数应该调用 [[yii\base\Model::addError()]] 保存错误信息到模型内。


  1. use yii\base\Model;
  2. class MyForm extends Model
  3. {
  4. public $country;
  5. public $token;
  6. public function rules()
  7. {
  8. return [
  9. // an inline validator defined as the model method validateCountry()
  10. ['country', 'validateCountry'],
  11. // an inline validator defined as an anonymous function
  12. ['token', function ($attribute, $params) {
  13. if (!ctype_alnum($this->$attribute)) {
  14. $this->addError($attribute, 'The token must contain letters or digits.');
  15. }
  16. }],
  17. ];
  18. }
  19. public function validateCountry($attribute, $params)
  20. {
  21. if (!in_array($this->$attribute, ['USA', 'Web'])) {
  22. $this->addError($attribute, 'The country must be either "USA" or "Web".');
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }

Note: 缺省状态下,行内验证器不会在关联特性的输入值为空或该特性已经在其他验证中失败的情况下起效。
[[yii\validators\Validator::skipOnEmpty|skipOnEmpty]] 以及
[[yii\validators\Validator::skipOnError|skipOnError]]属性设为 false,比如,

  1. [
  2. ['country', 'validateCountry', 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'skipOnError' => false],
  3. ]

" class="reference-link">独立验证器(Standalone Validators)

独立验证器是继承自 [[yii\validators\Validator]] 或其子类的类。你可以通过重写
[[yii\validators\Validator::validateAttribute()]] 来实现它的验证规则。若特性验证失败,可以调用
[[yii\base\Model::addError()]] 以保存错误信息到模型内,
操作与 inline validators 所需操作完全一样。比如,

For example the inline validator above could be moved into new [[components/validators/CountryValidator]] class.

  1. namespace app\components;
  2. use yii\validators\Validator;
  3. class CountryValidator extends Validator
  4. {
  5. public function validateAttribute($model, $attribute)
  6. {
  7. if (!in_array($model->$attribute, ['USA', 'Web'])) {
  8. $this->addError($model, $attribute, 'The country must be either "USA" or "Web".');
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }

若你想要验证器支持不使用 model 的数据验证,你还应该重写[[yii\validators\Validator::validate()]] 方法。
你也可以通过重写[[yii\validators\Validator::validateValue()]] 方法替代

Below is an example of how you could use the above validator class within your model.

  1. namespace app\models;
  2. use Yii;
  3. use yii\base\Model;
  4. use app\components\validators\CountryValidator;
  5. class EntryForm extends Model
  6. {
  7. public $name;
  8. public $email;
  9. public $country;
  10. public function rules()
  11. {
  12. return [
  13. [['name', 'email'], 'required'],
  14. ['country', CountryValidator::className()],
  15. ['email', 'email'],
  16. ];
  17. }
  18. }

" class="reference-link">客户端验证器(Client-Side Validation)

当终端用户通过 HTML 表单提供相关输入信息时,我们可能会需要用到基于 JavaScript 的客户端验证。

Info: 尽管客户端验证为加分项,但它不是必须项。它存在的主要意义在于给用户提供更好的客户体验。
你应该始终如前文所描述的那样,通过调用 [[yii\base\Model::validate()]]

" class="reference-link">使用客户端验证

许多核心验证器都支持开箱即用的客户端验证。你只需要用 [[yii\widgets\ActiveForm]]
的方式构建 HTML 表单即可。比如,下面的 LoginForm(登录表单)声明了两个规则:其一为 required
validatePassword 行内验证器,它只支持服务器端。

  1. namespace app\models;
  2. use yii\base\Model;
  3. use app\models\User;
  4. class LoginForm extends Model
  5. {
  6. public $username;
  7. public $password;
  8. public function rules()
  9. {
  10. return [
  11. // username 和 password 都是必填项
  12. [['username', 'password'], 'required'],
  13. // 用 validatePassword() 验证 password
  14. ['password', 'validatePassword'],
  15. ];
  16. }
  17. public function validatePassword()
  18. {
  19. $user = User::findByUsername($this->username);
  20. if (!$user || !$user->validatePassword($this->password)) {
  21. $this->addError('password', 'Incorrect username or password.');
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }

使用如下代码构建的 HTML 表单包含两个输入框 username 以及 password

  1. <?php $form = yii\widgets\ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
  2. <?= $form->field($model, 'username') ?>
  3. <?= $form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput() ?>
  4. <?= Html::submitButton('Login') ?>
  5. <?php yii\widgets\ActiveForm::end(); ?>

幕后的运作过程是这样的:[[yii\widgets\ActiveForm]] 会读取声明在模型类中的验证规则,
并生成那些支持支持客户端验证的验证器所需的 JavaScript 代码。当用户修改输入框的值,
或者提交表单时,就会触发相应的客户端验证 JS 代码。

属性为 false。你同样可以关闭各个输入框各自的客户端验证,
只要把它们的 [[yii\widgets\ActiveField::enableClientValidation]]
属性设为 false。

" class="reference-link">自己实现客户端验证

[[yii\validators\Validator::clientValidateAttribute()]] 方法,
用于返回一段用于运行客户端验证的 JavaScript 代码。
在这段 JavaScript 代码中,你可以使用以下预定义的变量:

  • attribute:正在被验证的模型特性的名称。
  • value:进行验证的值。
  • messages:一个用于暂存模型特性的报错信息的数组。
  • deferred: an array which deferred objects can be pushed into (explained in the next subsection).

在下面的例子里,我们会创建一个 StatusValidator,它会通过比对现有的状态数据,

  1. namespace app\components;
  2. use yii\validators\Validator;
  3. use app\models\Status;
  4. class StatusValidator extends Validator
  5. {
  6. public function init()
  7. {
  8. parent::init();
  9. $this->message = '无效的状态输入。';
  10. }
  11. public function validateAttribute($model, $attribute)
  12. {
  13. $value = $model->$attribute;
  14. if (!Status::find()->where(['id' => $value])->exists()) {
  15. $model->addError($attribute, $this->message);
  16. }
  17. }
  18. public function clientValidateAttribute($model, $attribute, $view)
  19. {
  20. $statuses = json_encode(Status::find()->select('id')->asArray()->column());
  21. $message = json_encode($this->message);
  22. return <<<JS
  23. if ($.inArray(value, $statuses) === -1) {
  24. messages.push($message);
  25. }
  26. JS;
  27. }
  28. }

Tip: 上述代码主要是演示了如何支持客户端验证。在具体实践中,
你可以使用 in 核心验证器来达到同样的目的。

  1. [
  2. ['status', 'in', 'range' => Status::find()->select('id')->asArray()->column()],
  3. ]

Tip: If you need to work with client validation manually i.e. dynamically add fields or do some custom UI logic, refer
to Working with ActiveForm via JavaScript
in Yii 2.0 Cookbook.

" class="reference-link">Deferred Validation

If you need to perform asynchronous client-side validation, you can create Deferred objects.
For example, to perform a custom AJAX validation, you can use the following code:

  1. public function clientValidateAttribute($model, $attribute, $view)
  2. {
  3. return <<<JS
  4. deferred.push($.get("/check", {value: value}).done(function(data) {
  5. if ('' !== data) {
  6. messages.push(data);
  7. }
  8. }));
  9. JS;
  10. }

In the above, the deferred variable is provided by Yii, which is an array of Deferred objects. The $.get()
jQuery method creates a Deferred object which is pushed to the deferred array.

You can also explicitly create a Deferred object and call its resolve() method when the asynchronous callback
is hit. The following example shows how to validate the dimensions of an uploaded image file on the client side.

  1. public function clientValidateAttribute($model, $attribute, $view)
  2. {
  3. return <<<JS
  4. var def = $.Deferred();
  5. var img = new Image();
  6. img.onload = function() {
  7. if (this.width > 150) {
  8. messages.push('Image too wide!!');
  9. }
  10. def.resolve();
  11. }
  12. var reader = new FileReader();
  13. reader.onloadend = function() {
  14. img.src = reader.result;
  15. }
  16. reader.readAsDataURL(file);
  17. deferred.push(def);
  18. JS;
  19. }

Note: The resolve() method must be called after the attribute has been validated. Otherwise the main form
validation will not complete.

For simplicity, the deferred array is equipped with a shortcut method add() which automatically creates a Deferred
object and adds it to the deferred array. Using this method, you can simplify the above example as follows,

  1. public function clientValidateAttribute($model, $attribute, $view)
  2. {
  3. return <<<JS
  4. deferred.add(function(def) {
  5. var img = new Image();
  6. img.onload = function() {
  7. if (this.width > 150) {
  8. messages.push('Image too wide!!');
  9. }
  10. def.resolve();
  11. }
  12. var reader = new FileReader();
  13. reader.onloadend = function() {
  14. img.src = reader.result;
  15. }
  16. reader.readAsDataURL(file);
  17. });
  18. JS;
  19. }

" class="reference-link">AJAX Validation

Some validations can only be done on the server side, because only the server has the necessary information.
For example, to validate if a username is unique or not, it is necessary to check the user table on the server side.
You can use AJAX-based validation in this case. It will trigger an AJAX request in the background to validate the
input while keeping the same user experience as the regular client-side validation.

To enable AJAX validation for a single input field, configure the [[yii\widgets\ActiveField::enableAjaxValidation|enableAjaxValidation]]
property of that field to be true and specify a unique form id:

  1. use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
  2. $form = ActiveForm::begin([
  3. 'id' => 'registration-form',
  4. ]);
  5. echo $form->field($model, 'username', ['enableAjaxValidation' => true]);
  6. // ...
  7. ActiveForm::end();

To enable AJAX validation for the whole form, configure [[yii\widgets\ActiveForm::enableAjaxValidation|enableAjaxValidation]]
to be true at the form level:

  1. $form = ActiveForm::begin([
  2. 'id' => 'contact-form',
  3. 'enableAjaxValidation' => true,
  4. ]);

Note: When the enableAjaxValidation property is configured at both the input field level and the form level,
the former will take precedence.

You also need to prepare the server so that it can handle the AJAX validation requests.
This can be achieved by a code snippet like the following in the controller actions:

  1. if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
  2. Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
  3. return ActiveForm::validate($model);
  4. }

The above code will check whether the current request is an AJAX. If yes, it will respond to
this request by running the validation and returning the errors in JSON format.

Info: You can also use Deferred Validation to perform AJAX validation.
However, the AJAX validation feature described here is more systematic and requires less coding effort.

When both enableClientValidation and enableAjaxValidation are set to true, AJAX validation request will be triggered
only after the successful client validation.