Antrea Release Process

This file documents the list of steps to perform to create a new Antrea release. We use <TAG> as a placeholder for the release tag (e.g. v0.1.0).

  • Create a release branch for each new minor release (e.g release-0.1). For bug fixes, use the appropriate release branch.

  • Open a PR against the appropriate release branch with the following commits:

    1. a commit to update the CHANGELOG.
    2. a commit to update VERSION as needed.
  • Make the release on Github with the release branch as the target: copy the relevant section of the CHANGELOG for the release description and check the pre-release box if applicable. There is no need to upload any assets as this will be done automatically by a Github workflow, after you create the release.

  • After a while (time for the Github workflows to complete), check that:

    1. the docker image has been pushed to dockerhub with the correct tag.
    2. the assets have been uploaded to the release (antctl binaries and yaml manifests). In particular, the following link should work:<TAG>/antrea.yml.
  • Open a PR against the master branch with the following commits:

    1. the commit updating the CHANGELOG, cherry-picked from the release branch.
    2. a commit to update VERSION to the next minor version (+ “-dev” suffix) if needed (i.e. if we have just released a new minor version). For example, if the release was for v0.1.0, the VERSION file should be updated to v0.2.0-dev. If the release was for v0.1.1, the VERSION file in the master branch is left untouched (should be v0.2.0-dev).