Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage Extension

This extension allows you to do 2 things:

To use this Apache Druid extension, make sure to include druid-google-extensions extension.

Required Configuration

To configure connectivity to google cloud, run druid processes with GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service_account_keyfile in the environment.

Reading data from Google Cloud Storage

The Google Cloud Storage input source is supported by the Parallel task to read objects directly from Google Cloud Storage. If you use the Hadoop task, you can read data from Google Cloud Storage by specifying the paths in your inputSpec.

Objects can also be read directly from Google Cloud Storage via the StaticGoogleBlobStoreFirehose

Deep Storage

Deep storage can be written to Google Cloud Storage either via this extension or the druid-hdfs-storage extension.


To configure connectivity to google cloud, run druid processes with GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service_account_keyfile in the environment.

PropertyPossible ValuesDescriptionDefault be set. bucket name.Must be set. prefix.No-prefix