
All deploying files at inlong-dataproxy directory.


Configure Message Queue

  • If you use InLong TubeMQ, tubemq_master_list is the rpc address of TubeMQ Master.
  1. $ sed -i 's/TUBE_LIST/tubemq_master_list/g' conf/flume.conf
  • If you use Apache Pulsar, replace pulsar_server_url_list in conf/flume-mulit-pulsar-tcp-example.conf and overwrite conf/flume.conf.

notice that conf/flume.conf FLUME_HOME is proxy the directory for proxy inner data

Configure InLong-Manager URL

configuration file: conf/

  1. # manager address
  2. manager_hosts=
  3. # audit proxy address
  4. audit.proxys=


  1. sh bin/


  1. telnet 46801

Add DataProxy configuration to InLong-Manager

After installing the DataProxy, you need to insert the IP and port of the DataProxy service is located into the backend database of InLong-Manager.

The SQL statement is:

  1. -- address is the IP of the DataProxy service is located
  2. UPDATE apache_inlong_manager.data_proxy_cluster SET address="replace_by_dataproxy_ip" WHERE name="default_dataproxy";