hy did the web server fail to start?

The reasons for web server startup can be varied. Generally speaking, it fails because there is a problem with the local environment. web server startup failure generally consists of two parts.

  1. Application service failed to start
  2. Admin service failed to start

However, they fail for similar reasons because essentially, the admin service is one of our built-in services.

Port conflict

This is the most common reason for service startup failure. By default, the application service port is 8080, while the admin service port is 8088.

So we have to check the port situation first. You can run the command:

  1. lsof -i:8080

8080 can be replaced with your port, including the admin service port.

If you find that process information is already output, e.g.:

  2. ___go_bui 160824 xxxx 3u IPv6 82721234 0t0 TCP *:9090 (LISTEN)

Then it means that the port is occupied. In this case, you need to consider closing this process.

First you need to make sure that the process is closeable. As we have observed, in most cases it is possible to close the process directly by typing in the command line.

  1. kill -9 160824

160824 is the PID, which is the process ID, please replace it by yourself.

And then restart the services.