The virtual DOM ?

React is not inheritly tied to it’s Virtual DOM (vDOM) but React.js (currently) is.
The vDOM is an (important) implementation detail to make React.js declarable, predictable and performant.

If you’re interested in why React.js is using a vDOM I can recommend this video of Pete Hunt.

The vDOM is an in-memory JavaScript representation of the (native) DOM tree.
the DOM tree is built out of nodes. The vDOM beign a representation of the DOM is built out of
virtual nodes (vNodes).
This does not means that the vDOM a replacement of the DOM. They need to co-exist and work together :couple:

Formal definitions ?

In order to understand what these vNodes are, let’s get a little formal! Don’t worry it’s just describing the vNodes.

In our own implementation the vNodes can be of either two types: virtual elements (vElement) or virtual text elements (vText).
Which can be mapped to respectively the DOM’s HTMLElement and TextNode.

The formal type definitions of our custom implementation differs a little bit from React’s one. The reason being that it will lead to (hopefully) some easier to understand code.
Our vElement and vText are defined as.

Without further ado I present our definitions:

  1. type VNode = vElement | vText
  2. type VNodeList = VNode[]
  3. type VElement = {
  4. tag: string,
  5. props: {
  6. children: vNodeList || emtpy,
  7. etc.
  8. },
  9. className: string,
  10. style: string,
  11. events: ?Object,
  12. dom: ?Node,
  13. }
  14. type VText = string || number,
  15. }

Hopefully this all is starting to make a little sense. If not, don’t worry we will get our hands dirty really soon! We will be
building our own vDOM implementation and shit, epic times ahead :v: :surfer:️!

Constructing the vDOM :office:

Remember that the DOM is a tree of nodes. The vDOM is a tree of vNodes.
To built a (v)DOM tree we need to create (v)Nodes.
We can create native nodes with two methods that you’ve probably seen before: document.createElement and document.createTextNode.
To built our vNodes we need to define two similar methods. We can create two functions which we conveniently call
createVElement and createVText which respectively built and return a vElement and vText (see the formal definitions above :smile:).

In order to understand the mapping between the DOM and (our) vDOM we can compare them based on the types of node and how we could create


Node Method
HTMLElement document.createElement
TextNode document.createTextNode


Node Method
vElement createVElement
vText createVText

And now..

We already know that the vDom is not a replacement of the DOM. They have to work together. How? Let’s find
out in the next section.