Caddyfile Primer

This tutorial will show you how easy it is to configure Caddy with the Caddyfile.

The Caddyfile is a text file that configures how Caddy runs.

The first line of the Caddyfile is always the address of the site to serve. For example:


When you save that in a file called Caddyfile, Caddy will automatically find it when you start it:






If the Caddyfile is in a different location or has a different name, tell Caddy where it is:




caddy -conf C:\path\to\Caddyfile

caddy -conf ../path/to/Caddyfile

The lines following a site address start with a directive. Directives are keywords that Caddy recognizes. For example, gzip is an HTTP directive:

localhost:8080 gzip

Directives might have one or more arguments after them:

localhost:8080 gzip log ../access.log

Some directives require more configuration than can fit on one line. For those directives, you can open a block and set more parameters. The open curly brace must be at the end of a line:

localhost:8080 gzip log ../access.log markdown /blog { css /blog.css js /scripts.js }

If the directive block is left empty, you should omit the curly braces entirely.

Arguments that contain whitespace must be enclosed in quotes ".

The Caddyfile can also have comments starting with the # character:

# Comments can start a line foobar # or go at the end

To configure multiple sites with a single Caddyfile, you must use curly braces around each one to separate their configurations: { root /www/ } { root /www/ gzip log ../access.log }

As with directives, the opening curly brace must be at the end of the same line. The closing curly brace must be on its own line. All directives must appear inside a site’s definition.

For sites which share the same configuration, specify multiple addresses:

localhost:8080,, { ... }

Site addresses can also be defined under a specific path or have wildcards in place of individual domain labels from the left side:, * { ... }

Note that using a path in your site address will route requests by longest matching prefix. If your base path is a directory, you may wish to suffix the path with a forward slash /.

Use of environment variables is allowed in addresses and arguments. They must be enclosed in curly braces, and you can use either Unix or Windows variable formats:

localhost:{$PORT} root {%SITE_ROOT%}

Either syntax works on any platform. A single environment variable does not expand out into multiple arguments/values.

There is no inheritence or scripting in the Caddyfile and you may not specify the same site address more than once. Yes, sometimes that means you copy+paste a few repeated lines. If you have many repeated lines, you can use the import directive to reduce repetition.

Alrighty, that should be more than enough to make you literate in the Caddy docs. Go forth and conquer!