
  • routing array
  • An array of attributes that are passed to Router::url().They typically look like:
  1. array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view', 5)
  • HTML attributes
  • An array of key => values that are composed into HTML attributes. For example:
  1. // Given
  2. array('class' => 'my-class', 'target' => '_blank')
  4. // Would generate
  5. class="my-class" target="_blank"

If an option can be minimized or accepts it's name as the value, then truecan be used:

  1. // Given
  2. array('checked' => true)
  4. // Would generate
  5. checked="checked"
  • plugin syntax
  • Plugin syntax refers to the dot separated class name indicating classesare part of a plugin. E.g. DebugKit.Toolbar The plugin is DebugKit,and the class name is Toolbar.
  • dot notation
  • Dot notation defines an array path, by separating nested levels with .For example:
  1. Asset.filter.css

Would point to the following value:

  1. array(
  2. 'Asset' => array(
  3. 'filter' => array(
  4. 'css' => 'got me'
  5. )
  6. )
  7. )
  • CSRF
  • Cross Site Request Forgery. Prevents replay attacks, doublesubmissions and forged requests from other domains.
  • routes.php
  • A file in APP/Config that contains routing configuration.This file is included before each request is processed.It should connect all the routes your application needs sorequests can be routed to the correct controller + action.
  • DRY
  • Don't repeat yourself. Is a principle of software development aimed atreducing repetition of information of all kinds. In CakePHP DRY is usedto allow you to code things once and re-use them across yourapplication.