
A lattice is a framework for creating and populating materialized views,and for recognizing that a materialized view can be used to solve aparticular query.


A lattice represents a star (or snowflake) schema, not a generalschema. In particular, all relationships must be many-to-one, headingfrom a fact table at the center of the star.

The name derives from the mathematics: alattice)is apartiallyordered set where any two elements have a unique greatest lowerbound and least upper bound.

[HRU96] observed that the set of possiblematerializations of a data cube forms a lattice, and presented analgorithm to choose a good set of materializations. Calcite’srecommendation algorithm is derived from this.

The lattice definition uses a SQL statement to represent the star. SQLis a useful short-hand to represent several tables joined together,and assigning aliases to the column names (it more convenient thaninventing a new language to represent relationships, join conditionsand cardinalities).

Unlike regular SQL, order is important. If you put A before B in theFROM clause, and make a join between A and B, you are saying thatthere is a many-to-one foreign key relationship from A to B. (E.g. inthe example lattice, the Sales fact table occurs before the Timedimension table, and before the Product dimension table. The Productdimension table occurs before the ProductClass outer dimension table,further down an arm of a snowflake.)

A lattice implies constraints. In the A to B relationship, there is aforeign key on A (i.e. every value of A’s foreign key has acorresponding value in B’s key), and a unique key on B (i.e. no keyvalue occurs more than once). These constraints are really important,because it allows the planner to remove joins to tables whose columnsare not being used, and know that the query results will not change.

Calcite does not check these constraints. If they are violated,Calcite will return wrong results.

A lattice is a big, virtual join view. It is not materialized (itwould be several times larger than the star schema, because ofdenormalization) and you probably wouldn’t want to query it (far toomany columns). So what is it useful for? As we said above, (a) thelattice declares some very useful primary and foreign key constraints,(b) it helps the query planner map user queries ontofilter-join-aggregate materialized views (the most useful kind ofmaterialized view for DW queries), (c) gives Calcite a frameworkwithin which to gather stats about data volumes and user queries, (d)allows Calcite to automatically design and populate materializedviews.

Most star schema models force you to choose whether a column is adimension or a measure. In a lattice, every column is a dimensioncolumn. (That is, it can become one of the columns in the GROUP BY clauseto query the star schema at a particular dimensionality). Any columncan also be used in a measure; you define measures by giving thecolumn and an aggregate function.

If “unit_sales” tends to be used much more often as a measure ratherthan a dimension, that’s fine. Calcite’s algorithm should notice thatit is rarely aggregated, and not be inclined to create tiles thataggregate on it. (By “should” I mean “could and one day will”. Thealgorithm does not currently take query history into account whendesigning tiles.)

But someone might want to know whether orders with fewer than 5 itemswere more or less profitable than orders with more than 100. All of asudden, “unit_sales” has become a dimension. If there’s virtually zerocost to declaring a column a dimension column, I figured let’s makethem all dimension columns.

The model allows for a particular table to be used more than once,with a different table alias. You could use this to model sayOrderDate and ShipDate, with two uses to the Time dimension table.

Most SQL systems require that the column names in a view are unique.This is hard to achieve in a lattice, because you often includeprimary and foreign key columns in a join. So Calcite lets you referto columns in two ways. If the column is unique, you can use its name,[“unit_sales”]. Whether or not it is unique in the lattice, it will beunique in its table, so you can use it qualified by its table alias.Examples:

  • [“sales”, “unit_sales”]
  • [“ship_date”, “time_id”]
  • [“order_date”, “time_id”]

A “tile” is a materialized table in a lattice, with a particulardimensionality. The “tiles” attributeof the lattice JSON elementdefines an initial set of tiles to materialize.


Create a model that includes a lattice:

  1. {
  2. "version": "1.0",
  3. "defaultSchema": "foodmart",
  4. "schemas": [ {
  5. "type": "jdbc",
  6. "name": "foodmart",
  7. "jdbcUser": "FOODMART",
  8. "jdbcPassword": "FOODMART",
  9. "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:hsqldb:res:foodmart",
  10. "jdbcSchema": "foodmart"
  11. },
  12. {
  13. "name": "adhoc",
  14. "lattices": [ {
  15. "name": "star",
  16. "sql": [
  17. "select 1 from \"foodmart\".\"sales_fact_1997\" as \"s\"",
  18. "join \"foodmart\".\"product\" as \"p\" using (\"product_id\")",
  19. "join \"foodmart\".\"time_by_day\" as \"t\" using (\"time_id\")",
  20. "join \"foodmart\".\"product_class\" as \"pc\" on \"p\".\"product_class_id\" = \"pc\".\"product_class_id\""
  21. ],
  22. "auto": true,
  23. "algorithm": true,
  24. "rowCountEstimate": 86837,
  25. "defaultMeasures": [ {
  26. "agg": "count"
  27. } ]
  28. } ]
  29. } ]
  30. }

This is a cut-down version ofhsqldb-foodmart-lattice-model.jsonthat does not include the “tiles” attribute, because we are going to generatetiles automatically. Let’s log into sqlline and connect to this schema:

  1. $ sqlline version 1.3.0
  2. sqlline> !connect jdbc:calcite:model=core/src/test/resources/hsqldb-foodmart-lattice-model.json "sa" ""

You’ll notice that it takes a few seconds to connect.Calcite is running the optimization algorithm, and creating andpopulating materialized views. Let’s run a query and check out its plan:

  1. sqlline> select "the_year","the_month", count(*) as c
  2. . . . .> from "sales_fact_1997"
  3. . . . .> join "time_by_day" using ("time_id")
  4. . . . .> group by "the_year","the_month";
  5. +----------+-----------+------+
  6. | the_year | the_month | C |
  7. +----------+-----------+------+
  8. | 1997 | September | 6663 |
  9. | 1997 | April | 6590 |
  10. | 1997 | January | 7034 |
  11. | 1997 | June | 6912 |
  12. | 1997 | August | 7038 |
  13. | 1997 | February | 6844 |
  14. | 1997 | March | 7710 |
  15. | 1997 | October | 6479 |
  16. | 1997 | May | 6866 |
  17. | 1997 | December | 8717 |
  18. | 1997 | July | 7752 |
  19. | 1997 | November | 8232 |
  20. +----------+-----------+------+
  21. 12 rows selected (0.147 seconds)
  22. sqlline> explain plan for
  23. . . . .> select "the_year","the_month", count(*) as c
  24. . . . .> from "sales_fact_1997"
  25. . . . .> join "time_by_day" using ("time_id")
  26. . . . .> group by "the_year","the_month";
  27. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  28. | PLAN |
  29. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  30. | EnumerableCalc(expr#0..2=[{inputs}], the_year=[$t1], the_month=[$t0], C=[$t2]) |
  31. | EnumerableAggregate(group=[{3, 4}], C=[$SUM0($7)]) |
  32. | EnumerableTableScan(table=[[adhoc, m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37}]]) |
  33. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

The query gives the right answer, but plan is somewhat surprising.It doesn’t read the sales_fact_1997 or time_by_day tables, but insteadreads from a table called m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37}. This is one of thetiles created at the start of the connection.

It’s a real table, and you can even query it directly. It has only 120 rows,so is a more efficient way to answer the query:

  1. sqlline> !describe "adhoc"."m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37}"
  2. +-------------+-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+-----------------+
  4. +-------------+-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+-----------------+
  5. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | recyclable_package | 16 | BOOLEAN |
  6. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | low_fat | 16 | BOOLEAN |
  7. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | product_family | 12 | VARCHAR(30) |
  8. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | the_month | 12 | VARCHAR(30) |
  9. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | the_year | 5 | SMALLINT |
  10. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | quarter | 12 | VARCHAR(30) |
  11. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | fiscal_period | 12 | VARCHAR(30) |
  12. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37} | m0 | -5 | BIGINT NOT NULL |
  13. +-------------+-------------------------------+--------------------+-----------+-----------------+
  14. sqlline> select count(*) as c
  15. . . . .> from "adhoc"."m{16, 17, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37}";
  16. +-----+
  17. | C |
  18. +-----+
  19. | 120 |
  20. +-----+
  21. 1 row selected (0.12 seconds)

Let’s list the tables, and you will see several more tiles. There are alsotables of the foodmart schema, and the system tables TABLES and COLUMNS,and the lattice itself, which appears as a table called star.

  1. sqlline> !tables
  2. +-------------+-------------------------------+--------------+
  4. +-------------+-------------------------------+--------------+
  5. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 18, 32, 37} | TABLE |
  6. | adhoc | m{16, 17, 19, 27, 32, 36, 37} | TABLE |
  7. | adhoc | m{4, 7, 16, 27, 32, 37} | TABLE |
  8. | adhoc | m{4, 7, 17, 27, 32, 37} | TABLE |
  9. | adhoc | m{7, 16, 17, 19, 32, 37} | TABLE |
  10. | adhoc | m{7, 16, 17, 27, 30, 32, 37} | TABLE |
  11. | adhoc | star | STAR |
  12. | foodmart | customer | TABLE |
  13. | foodmart | product | TABLE |
  14. | foodmart | product_class | TABLE |
  15. | foodmart | promotion | TABLE |
  16. | foodmart | region | TABLE |
  17. | foodmart | sales_fact_1997 | TABLE |
  18. | foodmart | store | TABLE |
  19. | foodmart | time_by_day | TABLE |
  20. | metadata | COLUMNS | SYSTEM_TABLE |
  21. | metadata | TABLES | SYSTEM_TABLE |
  22. +-------------+-------------------------------+--------------+


The algorithm that chooses which tiles of a lattice to materialize depends ona lot of statistics. It needs to know select count(distinct a, b, c) from starfor each combination of columns (a, b, c) it is considering materializing. Asa result the algorithm takes a long time on schemas with many rows and columns.

We are working on adata profilerto address this.

Lattice suggester

If you have defined a lattice, Calcite will self-tune within that lattice.But what if you have not defined a lattice?

Enter the Lattice Suggester, which builds lattices based on incoming queries.Create a model with a schema that has "autoLattice": true:

  1. {
  2. "version": "1.0",
  3. "defaultSchema": "foodmart",
  4. "schemas": [ {
  5. "type": "jdbc",
  6. "name": "foodmart",
  7. "jdbcUser": "FOODMART",
  8. "jdbcPassword": "FOODMART",
  9. "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:hsqldb:res:foodmart",
  10. "jdbcSchema": "foodmart"
  11. }, {
  12. "name": "adhoc",
  13. "autoLattice": true
  14. } ]
  15. }

This is a cut-down version ofhsqldb-foodmart-lattice-model.json

As you run queries, Calcite will start to build lattices based on thosequeries. Each lattice is based on a particular fact table. As it sees morequeries on that fact table, it will evolve the lattice, joining more dimensiontables to the star, and adding measures.

Each lattice will then optimize itself based on both the data and the queries.The goal is to create summary tables (tiles) that are reasonably small but arebased on more frequently used attributes and measures.

This feature is still experimental, but has the potential to make databasesmore “self-tuning” than before.

Further directions

Here are some ideas that have not yet been implemented:

  • The algorithm that builds tiles takes into account a log of past queries.
  • Materialized view manager sees incoming queries and builds tiles for them.
  • Materialized view manager drops tiles that are not actively used.
  • Lattice suggester adds lattices based on incoming queries,transfers tiles from existing lattices to new lattices,and drops lattices that are no longer being used.
  • Tiles that cover a horizontal slice of a table; and a rewrite algorithm thatcan answer a query by stitching together several tiles and going to the rawdata to fill in the holes.
  • API to invalidate tiles, or horizontal slices of tiles, when the underlyingdata is changed.
