Endpoint CRD

When managing pods in Kubernetes, Cilium will create a Custom Resource Definition (CRD) of Kind CiliumEndpoint. One CiliumEndpoint is created for each pod managed by Cilium, with the same name and in the same namespace. The CiliumEndpoint objects contain the same information as the json output of cilium endpoint get under the .status field, but can be fetched for all pods in the cluster. Adding the -o json will export more information about each endpoint. This includes the endpoint’s labels, security identity and the policy in effect on it.

For example:

  1. kubectl get ciliumendpoints --all-namespaces
  3. default app1-55d7944bdd-l7c8j 1h
  4. default app1-55d7944bdd-sn9xj 1h
  5. default app2 1h
  6. default app3 1h
  7. kube-system cilium-health-minikube 1h
  8. kube-system microscope 1h


Each cilium-agent pod will create a CiliumEndpoint to represent its own inter-agent health-check endpoint. These are not pods in Kubernetes and are in the kube-system namespace. They are named as cilium-health-<node-name>