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ClickHouse创建此表时 trace_log 服务器配置部分被设置。 也是 query_profiler_real_time_period_nsquery_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns 应设置设置。

要分析日志,请使用 addressToLine, addressToSymboldemangle 内省功能。


  • event_date (日期) — Date of sampling moment.

  • event_time (日期时间) — Timestamp of the sampling moment.

  • timestamp_ns (UInt64) — Timestamp of the sampling moment in nanoseconds.

  • revision (UInt32) — ClickHouse server build revision.

    通过以下方式连接到服务器 clickhouse-client,你看到的字符串类似于 Connected to ClickHouse server version 19.18.1 revision 54429.. 该字段包含 revision,但不是 version 的服务器。

  • timer_type (枚举8) — Timer type:

    • Real 表示挂钟时间。
    • CPU 表示CPU时间。
  • thread_number (UInt32) — Thread identifier.

  • query_id (字符串) — Query identifier that can be used to get details about a query that was running from the query_log 系统表.

  • trace (数组(UInt64)) — Stack trace at the moment of sampling. Each element is a virtual memory address inside ClickHouse server process.


  1. SELECT * FROM system.trace_log LIMIT 1 \G
  1. Row 1:
  2. ──────
  3. event_date: 2019-11-15
  4. event_time: 2019-11-15 15:09:38
  5. revision: 54428
  6. timer_type: Real
  7. thread_number: 48
  8. query_id: acc4d61f-5bd1-4a3e-bc91-2180be37c915
  9. trace: [94222141367858,94222152240175,94222152325351,94222152329944,94222152330796,94222151449980,94222144088167,94222151682763,94222144088167,94222151682763,94222144088167,94222144058283,94222144059248,94222091840750,94222091842302,94222091831228,94222189631488,140509950166747,140509942945935]