
Contains stack traces collected by the sampling query profiler.

ClickHouse creates this table when the trace_log server configuration section is set. Also the query_profiler_real_time_period_ns and query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns settings should be set.

To analyze logs, use the addressToLine, addressToSymbol and demangle introspection functions.


  • event_date (Date) — Date of sampling moment.

  • event_time (DateTime) — Timestamp of the sampling moment.

  • event_time_microseconds (DateTime64) — Timestamp of the sampling moment with microseconds precision.

  • timestamp_ns (UInt64) — Timestamp of the sampling moment in nanoseconds.

  • revision (UInt32) — ClickHouse server build revision.

    When connecting to the server by clickhouse-client, you see the string similar to Connected to ClickHouse server version 19.18.1 revision 54429.. This field contains the revision, but not the version of a server.

  • timer_type (Enum8) — Timer type:

    • Real represents wall-clock time.
    • CPU represents CPU time.
  • thread_number (UInt32) — Thread identifier.

  • query_id (String) — Query identifier that can be used to get details about a query that was running from the query_log system table.

  • trace (Array(UInt64)) — Stack trace at the moment of sampling. Each element is a virtual memory address inside ClickHouse server process.


  1. SELECT * FROM system.trace_log LIMIT 1 \G
  1. Row 1:
  2. ──────
  3. event_date: 2020-09-10
  4. event_time: 2020-09-10 11:23:09
  5. event_time_microseconds: 2020-09-10 11:23:09.872924
  6. timestamp_ns: 1599762189872924510
  7. revision: 54440
  8. trace_type: Memory
  9. thread_id: 564963
  10. query_id:
  11. trace: [371912858,371912789,371798468,371799717,371801313,371790250,624462773,566365041,566440261,566445834,566460071,566459914,566459842,566459580,566459469,566459389,566459341,566455774,371993941,371988245,372158848,372187428,372187309,372187093,372185478,140222123165193,140222122205443]
  12. size: 5244400

Original article