Tween Functions

Engine implements a series of different types of tween functions, through which different real-time animation effects can be achieved. These tween functions are mainly used in the and interfaces.

Built-in Tween Functions

The current tween functions provided by the engine are shown below:

  1. export type TweenEasing =
  2. 'linear' | 'smooth' | 'fade' | 'constant' |
  3. 'quadIn' | 'quadOut' | 'quadInOut' | 'quadOutIn' |
  4. 'cubicIn' | 'cubicOut' | 'cubicInOut' | 'cubicOutIn' |
  5. 'quartIn' | 'quartOut' | 'quartInOut' | 'quartOutIn' |
  6. 'quintIn' | 'quintOut' | 'quintInOut' | 'quintOutIn' |
  7. 'sineIn' | 'sineOut' | 'sineInOut' | 'sineOutIn' |
  8. 'expoIn' | 'expoOut' | 'expoInOut' | 'expoOutIn' |
  9. 'circIn' | 'circOut' | 'circInOut' | 'circOutIn' |
  10. 'elasticIn' | 'elasticOut' | 'elasticInOut' | 'elasticOutIn' |
  11. 'backIn' | 'backOut' | 'backInOut' | 'backOutIn' |
  12. 'bounceIn' | 'bounceOut' | 'bounceInOut' | 'bounceOutIn';

The effect can be seen in the following figure:


Figure from

The ITweenOption interface allows you to modify the tween function. The code example is as follows.

  1. let tweenDuration: number = 1.0; // Duration of the tween
  2. tween(this.node)
  3. .to(tweenDuration, { position: new Vec3(0, 10, 0) }, { //
  4. easing: "backIn", // Tween function
  5. })
  6. .start(); // Start the tween


ITweenOption is an optional property interface definition for tween. The interfaces are all optional and can be used on demand. The full example is as follows:

  1. let tweenDuration: number = 1.0; // Duration of the tween
  2. tween(this.node)
  3. .to(tweenDuration, { position: new Vec3(0, 10, 0) }, { //
  4. easing: "backIn", // Tween function
  5. onStart: (target?: object) => { // Tween function
  6. },
  7. onUpdate: (target: Vec3, ratio: number) => { // Tween process
  8. this.node.position = target; // Assign the position of the node to the result calculated by the tween system
  9. },
  10. onComplete: (target?: object) => { // Start the tween
  11. },
  12. progress: (start: number, end: number, current: number, ratio: number): number => {
  13. // Return custom interpolation progress
  14. return 0.0;
  15. }
  16. })
  17. .start(); // Start the tween

The tween progress can also be customized through the progress interface, with the following code example:

  1. tween(this.node)
  2. .to(1.0, {
  3. position: new Vec3(0, 100, 0),
  4. }, {
  5. progress: (start: number, end: number, current: number, ratio: number): number => {
  6. return math.lerp(start, end, ratio);
  7. }
  8. })
  9. .start()

For full API description, please refer to: ITweenOption