Uninstall Consul

You can uninstall Consul using Helm commands or the Consul K8s CLI.

Helm commands

Run the helm uninstall and manually remove resources that Helm does not delete.

  1. (Optional) If Consul is installed in a dedicated namespace, set the kubeConfig context to the consul namespace. Otherwise, subsequent commands will need to include -n consul.

    1. kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=consul
  2. Run the helm uninstall <release-name> command and specify the release name you’ve installed Consul with, e.g.,:

    1. $ helm uninstall consul
    2. release "consul" uninstalled
  3. After deleting the Helm release, you need to delete the PersistentVolumeClaim‘s for the persistent volumes that store Consul’s data. A bug in Helm prevents PVCs from being deleted. Issue the following commands:

    1. $ kubectl get pvc -l chart=consul-helm
    3. data-default-hashicorp-consul-server-0 Bound pvc-32cb296b-1213-11ea-b6f0-42010a8001db 10Gi RWO standard 17m
    4. data-default-hashicorp-consul-server-1 Bound pvc-32d79919-1213-11ea-b6f0-42010a8001db 10Gi RWO standard 17m
    5. data-default-hashicorp-consul-server-2 Bound pvc-331581ea-1213-11ea-b6f0-42010a8001db 10Gi RWO standard 17m
    6. $ kubectl delete pvc -l chart=consul-helm
    7. persistentvolumeclaim "data-default-hashicorp-consul-server-0" deleted
    8. persistentvolumeclaim "data-default-hashicorp-consul-server-1" deleted
    9. persistentvolumeclaim "data-default-hashicorp-consul-server-2" deleted

    NOTE: This will delete all data stored in Consul and it can’t be recovered unless you’ve taken other backups.

  4. If installing with ACLs enabled, you will need to then delete the ACL secrets:

    1. $ kubectl get secret | grep consul | grep Opaque
    2. consul-acl-replication-acl-token Opaque 1 41m
    3. consul-bootstrap-acl-token Opaque 1 41m
    4. consul-client-acl-token Opaque 1 41m
    5. consul-connect-inject-acl-token Opaque 1 37m
    6. consul-controller-acl-token Opaque 1 37m
    7. consul-federation Opaque 4 41m
    8. consul-mesh-gateway-acl-token Opaque 1 41m
  5. Ensure that the secrets you’re about to delete are all created by Consul and not created by another user with the word consul.

    1. $ kubectl get secret | grep consul | grep Opaque | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete secret
    2. secret "consul-acl-replication-acl-token" deleted
    3. secret "consul-bootstrap-acl-token" deleted
    4. secret "consul-client-acl-token" deleted
    5. secret "consul-connect-inject-acl-token" deleted
    6. secret "consul-controller-acl-token" deleted
    7. secret "consul-federation" deleted
    8. secret "consul-mesh-gateway-acl-token" deleted
    9. secret "consul-gossip-encryption-key" deleted
  6. If installing with tls.enabled then, run the following commands to delete the ServiceAccount left behind:

    1. $ kubectl get serviceaccount consul-tls-init
    3. consul-tls-init 1 47m
    1. $ kubectl delete serviceaccount consul-tls-init
    2. serviceaccount "consul-tls-init" deleted

Consul K8s CLI

Issue the consul-k8s uninstall command to remove Consul on Kubernetes. You can specify the installation name, namespace, and data retention behavior using the applicable options. By default, the uninstallation preserves the secrets and PVCs that are provisioned by Consul on Kubernetes.

  1. $ consul-k8s uninstall <OPTIONS>

In the following example, Consul will be uninstalled and the data removed without prompting you to verify the operations:

  1. $ consul-k8s uninstall -auto-approve=true -wipe-data=true

Refer to the Consul K8s CLI reference topic for details.