Installing Consul API Gateway

This topic describes how to use the Consul API Gateway add-on module. It includes instructions for installation and configuration.


Ensure that the environment you are deploying Consul API Gateway in meets the requirements listed in the Technical Specifications. This includes validating that the requirements for minimum versions of software are met. See the Release Notes for the version of API Gateway you are deploying.


Version reference convention: Replace VERSION in command and configuration examples with the Consul API Gateway version you are installing, such as 0.3.0. In some instances, VERSION is prepended with a lowercase v. This indicates that you must include the v as is part of the version, for example v0.3.0.

  1. Issue the following command to install the CRDs:

    1. $ kubectl apply --kustomize=""
    1. $ kubectl apply --kustomize=""
  2. Create a values.yaml file for your Consul API Gateway deployment. Copy the content below into the values.yaml file. The values.yaml will be used by the Consul Helm chart. Available versions of the Consul and Consul API Gateway Docker images can be found on DockerHub, with additional context on version compatibility published in GitHub releases. See Helm Chart Configuration - apiGateway for more available options on how to configure your Consul API Gateway deployment via the Helm chart.

    1. global:
    2. name: consul
    3. connectInject:
    4. enabled: true
    5. controller:
    6. enabled: true
    7. apiGateway:
    8. enabled: true
    9. image: hashicorp/consul-api-gateway:VERSION

    Installation - 图1


    1. global:
    2. name: consul
    3. connectInject:
    4. enabled: true
    5. controller:
    6. enabled: true
    7. apiGateway:
    8. enabled: true
    9. image: hashicorp/consul-api-gateway:VERSION
  3. Install Consul API Gateway using the standard Consul Helm chart and specify the custom values file. Available versions of the Consul Helm chart can be found in GitHub releases.

    1. $ helm install consul hashicorp/consul --version 0.45.0 --values values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace consul
    1. $ helm install consul hashicorp/consul --version 0.45.0 --values values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace consul


  1. Verify that the requirements have been met.

  2. Verify that the Consul API Gateway CRDs and controller have been installed and applied (see Installation).

  3. Configure the artifacts described below in Configuration.

    1. apiGateway:
    2. managedGatewayClass:
    3. enabled: true

    Installation - 图2


    1. apiGateway:
    2. managedGatewayClass:
    3. enabled: true
  4. Issue the kubectl apply command to implement the configurations, e.g.:

    1. $ kubectl apply -f gateway.yaml routes.yaml
    1. $ kubectl apply -f gateway.yaml routes.yaml


Configure the following artifacts to facilitate ingress into your Consul service mesh:

  • GatewayClassConfig: Describes additional Consul API Gateway-related configuration parameters for the GatewayClass resource.
  • GatewayClass: Defines a class of gateway resources that you can use as a template for creating gateways.
  • Gateway: Defines the main infrastructure resource that links API gateway components. It specifies the name of the GatewayClass and one or more listeners (see Listeners), which specify the logical endpoints bound to the gateway’s addresses.
  • Routes: Specifies the path from the client to the listener.

Note: Add the following managedGatewayClass configuration to the values.yaml Helm configuration to enable the GatewayClassConfig and GatewayClass to be created automatically. The gateway, listeners, and routes will need to be configured manually. When managedGatewayClass is enabled, the serviceType for a managed GatewayClass will also default to LoadBalancer, which is appropriate for most deployments to managed Kubernetes cloud offerings (i.e., EKS, GKE, AKS). Other deployments, such as to a kind cluster, may require specifying NodePort or ClusterIP, instead.


The GatewayClassConfig object describes Consul API Gateway-related configuration parameters for the GatewayClass.

Add the kind: GatewayClassConfig option to the gateway values file to declare a gateway class. The following example creates a gateway class configuration called test-gateway-class-config:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GatewayClassConfig
  3. metadata:
  4. name: test-gateway-class-config
  5. spec:
  6. useHostPorts: true
  7. logLevel: 'trace'
  8. consul:
  9. scheme: 'https'
  10. ports:
  11. http: 8501
  12. grpc: 8502

Installation - 图3


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GatewayClassConfig
  3. metadata:
  4. name: test-gateway-class-config
  5. spec:
  6. useHostPorts: true
  7. logLevel: 'trace'
  8. consul:
  9. scheme: 'https'
  10. ports:
  11. http: 8501
  12. grpc: 8502

The following table describes the allowed parameters for the spec array:

consul.addressSpecifies the address of the Consul server to communicate with in the gateway pod. If unspecified, the pod will attempt to use a local agent on the host on which the pod is running.StringN/A
consul.authentication.accountSpecifies the Kubernetes service account to use for authentication.StringN/A
consul.authentication.managedSet to true to enable deployments to run with managed service accounts created by the gateway controller. The consul.authentication.account field is ignored when this option is enabled.Booleanfalse
consul.authentication.methodSpecifies the Consul auth method used for initial authentication by Consul API Gateway.StringN/A
consul.authentication.namespaceSpecifies the Consul namespace to use for authentication.StringN/A
consul.ports.grpcSpecifies the gRPC port for Consul’s xDS server.Integer8502
consul.ports.httpSpecifies the port for Consul’s HTTP server.Integer8500
consul.schemeSpecifies the scheme to use for connecting to Consul. The supported values are “http” and “https”.String“http”
copyAnnotations.serviceList of annotations to copy to the gateway service.Array[“”]
deployment.defaultInstancesSpecifies the number of instances to deploy by default for each gateway.Integer1
deployment.maxInstancesSpecifies the maximum allowed number of instances per gateway.Integer8
deployment.minInstancesSpecifies the minimum allowed number of instances per gateway.Integer1
image.consulAPIGatewayThe image to use for consul-api-gateway. View available image tags on DockerHub.String“hashicorp/consul-api-gateway:RELEASE_VERSION”
image.envoySpecifies the container image to use for Envoy. View available image tags on DockerHub.String“envoyproxy/envoy:RELEASE_VERSION”
logLevelSpecifies the error reporting level for logs. You can specify the following values: error, warning, info, debug, trace.String“info”
nodeSelectorSpecifies a set of parameters that constrain the nodes on which the pod can run. Defining nodes with the nodeSelector enables the pod to fit on a node. The selector must match a node’s labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. Refer to the Kubernetes documentation for additional information.ObjectN/A
serviceTypeSpecifies the ingress methods for a service. The following values are supported:
useHostPortsIf set to true, then the Envoy container ports are mapped to host ports.Booleanfalse

Refer to the Consul API Gateway repository for the complete specification.


The GatewayClass resource is used as a template for creating Gateway resources. The specification includes the name of the controller (controllerName) and an API object containing controller-specific configuration resources within the cluster (parametersRef). The value of the controllerName field must be set to

When gateways are created from a GatewayClass, they use the parameters specified in the GatewayClass at the time of instantiation.

Add the kind: GatewayClass option to the the gateway values file to declare a gateway class. The following example creates a gateway class called test-gateway-class:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GatewayClass
  3. metadata:
  4. name: test-gateway-class
  5. spec:
  6. controllerName: ''
  7. parametersRef:
  8. group:
  9. kind: GatewayClassConfig
  10. name: test-gateway-class-config

Installation - 图4


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: GatewayClass
  3. metadata:
  4. name: test-gateway-class
  5. spec:
  6. controllerName: ''
  7. parametersRef:
  8. group:
  9. kind: GatewayClassConfig
  10. name: test-gateway-class-config

Refer to the Kubernetes Gateway API documentation for details about configuring gateway classes.


The gateway configuration is the main infrastructure resource that links API gateway components. It specifies the name of the GatewayClass and one or more listeners.

Add the kind: Gateway option to the configuration file to declare a gateway. The following example creates a gateway called example-gateway. The gateway is based on the test-gateway-class and includes a listener called https (see Listeners for details about the listener configuration).

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Gateway
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-gateway
  5. annotations:
  7. spec:
  8. gatewayClassName: test-gateway-class
  9. listeners:
  10. - protocol: HTTPS
  11. hostname: DNS_HOSTNAME
  12. port: 443
  13. name: https
  14. allowedRoutes:
  15. namespaces:
  16. from: Same
  17. tls:
  18. certificateRefs:
  19. - name: gateway-production-certificate

Installation - 图5


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Gateway
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-gateway
  5. annotations:
  7. spec:
  8. gatewayClassName: test-gateway-class
  9. listeners:
  10. - protocol: HTTPS
  11. hostname: DNS_HOSTNAME
  12. port: 443
  13. name: https
  14. allowedRoutes:
  15. namespaces:
  16. from: Same
  17. tls:
  18. certificateRefs:
  19. - name: gateway-production-certificate

If you configure a listener’s certificateRefs to reference a secret in a different namespace, you must also create a ReferencePolicy in the same namespace as the secret. The ReferencePolicy grants the listener the permission to read the secret.

The following example creates a Gateway named example-gateway in gateway-namespace. This Gateway has a certificateRef in secret-namespace. The listener can use the certificate because reference-policy in secret-namespace is configured to allow Gateways in gateway-namespace to reference Secrets in secret-namespace.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Gateway
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-gateway
  5. namespace: gateway-namespace
  6. annotations:
  8. spec:
  9. gatewayClassName: test-gateway-class
  10. listeners:
  11. - protocol: HTTPS
  12. hostname: DNS_HOSTNAME
  13. port: 443
  14. name: https
  15. allowedRoutes:
  16. namespaces:
  17. from: Same
  18. tls:
  19. certificateRefs:
  20. - name: gateway-production-certificate
  21. namespace: secret-namespace
  22. ---
  23. apiVersion:
  24. kind: ReferencePolicy
  25. metadata:
  26. name: reference-policy
  27. namespace: secret-namespace
  28. spec:
  29. from:
  30. - group:
  31. kind: Gateway
  32. namespace: gateway-namespace
  33. to:
  34. - group: ""
  35. kind: Secret
  36. name: gateway-production-certificate

Installation - 图6


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Gateway
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-gateway
  5. namespace: gateway-namespace
  6. annotations:
  8. spec:
  9. gatewayClassName: test-gateway-class
  10. listeners:
  11. - protocol: HTTPS
  12. hostname: DNS_HOSTNAME
  13. port: 443
  14. name: https
  15. allowedRoutes:
  16. namespaces:
  17. from: Same
  18. tls:
  19. certificateRefs:
  20. - name: gateway-production-certificate
  21. namespace: secret-namespace
  22. ---
  23. apiVersion:
  24. kind: ReferencePolicy
  25. metadata:
  26. name: reference-policy
  27. namespace: secret-namespace
  28. spec:
  29. from:
  30. - group:
  31. kind: Gateway
  32. namespace: gateway-namespace
  33. to:
  34. - group: ""
  35. kind: Secret
  36. name: gateway-production-certificate

Refer to the Kubernetes Gateway API documentation for further details about configuring gateways.


Listeners are the logical endpoints bound to the gateway’s addresses. Add the listener object to the gateway configuration and specify the following properties to define a listener:

hostnameSpecifies the virtual hostname to match for protocol types.Stringnone
portSpecifies the network port number.Integernone
protocolSpecifies the network protocol expected by the listener.Stringhttp
tlsCollection of parameters that specify TLS options for the listener. Refer to the GatewayTLSConfig documentation for additional information about configuring TLS.ObjectN/A
tls.modeSpecifies a mode for operating Consul API Gateway listeners over TLS.
You can only specify the Terminate mode, which configures the TLS session between the downstream client and the gateway to terminate at the gateway.
Refer to the TLSModeType documentation for additional information.
tls.certificateRefsSpecifies the name of secret object used for Envoy SDS (Secret Discovery Service) to support terminating TLS. Refer to the []*SecretObjectReference documentation for additional information.StringN/A
tls.optionsSpecifies key/value pairs to enable extended TLS configuration specific to an implementation.ObjectN/A
tls.options.tls_min_versionSpecifies the minimum TLS version supported for the listener. The following values are supported: TLS_AUTO, TLSv1_0, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2, TLSv1_3.StringTLS 1.2
tls.options.tls_max_versionSpecifies the maximum TLS version supported for the listener. The specified version must be greater than or equal to TLSMinVersion. The following values are supported: TLS_AUTO, TLSv1_0, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2, TLSv1_3.StringTLS 1.3
tls.options.tls_cipher_suitesSpecifies the list of TLS cipher suites to support when negotiating connections using TLS 1.2 or earlier.
If unspecified, a more secure set of cipher suites than Envoy’s current default server cipher list will be used.
The full list of supported cipher suites can seen in internal/common/tls.go and is dependent on underlying support in Envoy.
StringSee description

Refer to the Kubernetes Gateway API documentation for details about configuring listeners.


You can scale a logical gateway object to multiple instances with the kubectl scale command. The object scales according to the bounds set in GatewayClassConfig.

  1. $ kubectl get deployment --selector
  3. example-gateway 1/1 1 1
  1. $ kubectl get deployment --selector
  3. example-gateway 1/1 1 1
  1. $ kubectl scale deployment/example-gateway --replicas=3
  2. deployment.apps/example-gateway scaled
  1. $ kubectl scale deployment/example-gateway --replicas=3
  2. deployment.apps/example-gateway scaled
  1. $ kubectl get deployment --selector
  3. example-gateway 3/3 3 3
  1. $ kubectl get deployment --selector
  3. example-gateway 3/3 3 3


Routes are independent configuration objects that are associated with specific listeners.

Declare a route with either kind: HTTPRoute or kind: TCPRoute and configure the route parameters in the spec block. Refer to the Kubernetes Gateway API documentation for each object type for details:

The following example creates a route named example-route associated with a listener defined in example-gateway.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: HTTPRoute
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-route
  5. spec:
  6. parentRefs:
  7. - name: example-gateway
  8. rules:
  9. - backendRefs:
  10. - kind: Service
  11. name: echo
  12. port: 8080

Installation - 图7


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: HTTPRoute
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-route
  5. spec:
  6. parentRefs:
  7. - name: example-gateway
  8. rules:
  9. - backendRefs:
  10. - kind: Service
  11. name: echo
  12. port: 8080

To create a route for a backendRef in a different namespace, you must also create a ReferencePolicy.

The following example creates a route named example-route in namespace gateway-namespace. This route has a backendRef in namespace service-namespace. Traffic is allowed because the ReferencePolicy, named reference-policy in namespace service-namespace, allows traffic from HTTPRoutes in gateway-namespace to Services in service-namespace.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: HTTPRoute
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-route
  5. namespace: gateway-namespace
  6. spec:
  7. parentRefs:
  8. - name: example-gateway
  9. rules:
  10. - backendRefs:
  11. - kind: Service
  12. name: echo
  13. namespace: service-namespace
  14. port: 8080
  15. ---
  16. apiVersion:
  17. kind: ReferencePolicy
  18. metadata:
  19. name: reference-policy
  20. namespace: service-namespace
  21. spec:
  22. from:
  23. - group:
  24. kind: HTTPRoute
  25. namespace: gateway-namespace
  26. to:
  27. - group: ""
  28. kind: Service
  29. name: echo

Installation - 图8


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: HTTPRoute
  3. metadata:
  4. name: example-route
  5. namespace: gateway-namespace
  6. spec:
  7. parentRefs:
  8. - name: example-gateway
  9. rules:
  10. - backendRefs:
  11. - kind: Service
  12. name: echo
  13. namespace: service-namespace
  14. port: 8080
  15. ---
  16. apiVersion:
  17. kind: ReferencePolicy
  18. metadata:
  19. name: reference-policy
  20. namespace: service-namespace
  21. spec:
  22. from:
  23. - group:
  24. kind: HTTPRoute
  25. namespace: gateway-namespace
  26. to:
  27. - group: ""
  28. kind: Service
  29. name: echo


The MeshService configuration holds a reference to an externally-managed Consul service mesh service and can be used as a backendRef for a Route.

nameSpecifies the service name for a Consul service. It is assumed this service will exist in either the consulDestinationNamespace or mirrored Consul namespace from where this custom resource is defined, depending on the Helm configuration.

Refer to the Consul API Gateway repository for the complete specification.