Replicas Recommendation
Introduce for Replicas Recommendation
Kubernetes’ users often set the replicas based on empirical values when creating application resources. Based on the replicas recommendation, you can analyze the actual application usage and recommend a more suitable replicas configuration. You can use it to improve the resource utilization of the cluster.
Based on the historical Workload CPU loads, find the workload’s lowest CPU usage per hour in the past seven days, and calculate the replicas with 50% (configurable) cpu usage that should be configured
Filter Phase
- workload with low replicas: If the replicas is too low, it may not have high recommendation demand. Associated configuration: ‘workload-min-replicas’
- There is a certain percentage of the not running pods for workload: if the Pod of workload mostly can’t run normally, may not be suitable for recommendation, associated configuration:
Prepare Phase
Query the workload cpu usage in the past week.
Recommend Phase
- Calculate the lowest value of the median workload usage per hour in the past seven days (to prevent the impact of the minimum value): workload_cpu_usage_medium_min
- The number of replicas corresponding to the target utilization:
replicas := int32(math.Ceil(workload_cpu_usage_medium_min / (rr.TargetUtilization * float64(requestTotal) / 1000.)))
- In order to prevent too low replicas,replicas should be larger than or equal to default-min-replicas
Observe Phase
Record recommended replicas to Metric: crane_analytics_replicas_recommendation
Accepted resources
Support StatefulSet and Deployment by default,but all workloads that support Scale SubResource
are supported.
Configuration items | Default | Description |
workload-min-replicas | 1 | Workload replicas than less than this value are not recommended |
pod-min-ready-seconds | 30 | Defines the min seconds to identify Pod is ready |
pod-available-ratio | 0.5 | Workload ready Pod ratio that less than this value are not recommended |
default-min-replicas | 1 | default minReplicas |
cpu-target-utilization | 0.5 | Calculate the minimum replicas based on this cpu utilization |