如何向 Crane 社区贡献

如何向 Crane 社区贡献

Welcome to Crane! This document is a guideline about how to contribute to Crane.

Become a contributor

You can contribute to Crane in several ways. Here are some examples:

  • Contribute to the Crane codebase.
  • Report bugs.
  • Suggest enhancements.
  • Write technical documentation and blog posts, for users and contributors.
  • Organize meetups and user groups in your local area.
  • Help others by answering questions about Crane.

For more ways to contribute, check out the Open Source Guides.

Report bugs

Before submitting a new issue, try to make sure someone hasn’t already reported the problem. Look through the existing issues for similar issues.

Report a bug by submitting a bug report. Make sure that you provide as much information as possible on how to reproduce the bug.

Suggest enhancements

If you have an idea to improve Crane, submit an feature request.