
Annotations can be used to add metadata to certain features in the source code. Types, methods and instance variables may be annotated. User-defined annotations, such as the standard library’s JSON::Field, are defined using the annotation keyword. A number of built-in annotations are provided by the compiler.

Users can define their own annotations using the annotation keyword, which works similarly to defining a class or struct.

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end

The annotation can then be applied to various items, including:

  • Instance and class methods
  • Instance variables
  • Classes, structs, enums, and modules
  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. @[MyAnnotation]
  4. def foo
  5. "foo"
  6. end
  7. @[MyAnnotation]
  8. class Klass
  9. end
  10. @[MyAnnotation]
  11. module MyModule
  12. end


Annotations are best used to store metadata about a given instance variable, type, or method so that it can be read at compile time using macros. One of the main benefits of annotations is that they are applied directly to instance variables/methods, which causes classes to look more natural since a standard macro is not needed to create these properties/methods.

A few applications for annotations:

Object Serialization

Have an annotation that when applied to an instance variable determines if that instance variable should be serialized, or with what key. Crystal’s JSON::Serializable and YAML::Serializable are examples of this.


An annotation could be used to designate a property as an ORM column. The name and type of the instance variable can be read off the TypeNode in addition to the annotation; removing the need for any ORM specific macro. The annotation itself could also be used to store metadata about the column, such as if it is nullable, the name of the column, or if it is the primary key.


Data can be stored within an annotation.

  1. annotation MyAnnotaion
  2. end
  3. # The fields can either be a key/value pair
  4. @[MyAnnotation(key: "value", value: 123)]
  5. # Or positional
  6. @[MyAnnotation("foo", 123, false)]


The values of annotation key/value pairs can be accessed at compile time via the [] method.

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. @[MyAnnotation(value: 2)]
  4. def annotation_value
  5. # The name can be a `String`, `Symbol`, or `MacroId`
  6. {{ @def.annotation(MyAnnotation)[:value] }}
  7. end
  8. annotation_value # => 2

The named_args method can be used to read all key/value pairs on an annotation as a NamedTupleLiteral. This method is defined on all annotations by default, and is unique to each applied annotation.

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. @[MyAnnotation(value: 2, name: "Jim")]
  4. def annotation_named_args
  5. {{ @def.annotation(MyAnnotation).named_args }}
  6. end
  7. annotation_named_args # => {value: 2, name: "Jim"}

Since this method returns a NamedTupleLiteral, all of the methods on that type are available for use. Especially #double_splat which makes it easy to pass annotation arguments to methods.

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. class SomeClass
  4. def initialize(@value : Int32, @name : String); end
  5. end
  6. @[MyAnnotation(value: 2, name: "Jim")]
  7. def new_test
  8. {% begin %}
  9. {{ @def.annotation(MyAnnotation).named_args.double_splat }}
  10. {% end %}
  11. end
  12. new_test # => #<SomeClass:0x5621a19ddf00 @name="Jim", @value=2>


Positional values can be accessed at compile time via the [] method; however, only one index can be accessed at a time.

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. @[MyAnnotation(1, 2, 3, 4)]
  4. def annotation_read
  5. {% for idx in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] %}
  6. {% value = @def.annotation(MyAnnotation)[idx] %}
  7. pp "{{ idx }} = {{ value }}"
  8. {% end %}
  9. end
  10. annotation_read
  11. # Which would print
  12. "0 = 1"
  13. "1 = 2"
  14. "2 = 3"
  15. "3 = 4"
  16. "4 = nil"

The args method can be used to read all positional arguments on an annotation as a TupleLiteral. This method is defined on all annotations by default, and is unique to each applied annotation.

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. @[MyAnnotation(1, 2, 3, 4)]
  4. def annotation_args
  5. {{ @def.annotation(MyAnnotation).args }}
  6. end
  7. annotation_args # => {1, 2, 3, 4}

Since the return type of TupleLiteral is iterable, we can rewrite the previous example in a better way. By extension, all of the methods on TupleLiteral are available for use as well.

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. @[MyAnnotation(1, "foo", true, 17.0)]
  4. def annotation_read
  5. {% for value, idx in @def.annotation(MyAnnotation).args %}
  6. pp "{{ idx }} = #{{{ value }}}"
  7. {% end %}
  8. end
  9. annotation_read
  10. # Which would print
  11. "0 = 1"
  12. "1 = foo"
  13. "2 = true"
  14. "3 = 17.0"


Annotations can be read off of a TypeNode, Def, or MetaVar using the .annotation(type : TypeNode) method. This method return an Annotation object representing the applied annotation of the supplied type.


If multiple annotations of the same type are applied, the .annotation method will return the last one.

The @type and @def variables can be used to get a TypeNode or Def object to use the .annotation method on. However, it is also possible to get TypeNode/Def types using other methods on TypeNode. For example TypeNode.all_subclasses or TypeNode.methods, respectively.

The TypeNode.instance_vars can be used to get an array of instance variable MetaVar objects that would allow reading annotations defined on those instance variables.


TypeNode.instance_vars currently only works in the context of an instance/class method.

  1. annotation MyClass
  2. end
  3. annotation MyMethod
  4. end
  5. annotation MyIvar
  6. end
  7. @[MyClass]
  8. class Foo
  9. pp {{ @type.annotation(MyClass).stringify }}
  10. @[MyIvar]
  11. @num : Int32 = 1
  12. @[MyIvar]
  13. property name : String = "jim"
  14. def properties
  15. {% for ivar in @type.instance_vars %}
  16. pp {{ ivar.annotation(MyIvar).stringify }}
  17. {% end %}
  18. end
  19. end
  20. @[MyMethod]
  21. def my_method
  22. pp {{ @def.annotation(MyMethod).stringify }}
  23. end
  25. my_method
  26. pp {{ Foo.annotation(MyClass).stringify }}
  27. # Which would print
  28. "@[MyClass]"
  29. "@[MyIvar]"
  30. "@[MyIvar]"
  31. "@[MyMethod]"
  32. "@[MyClass]"

Reading Multiple Annotations

If there are multiple annotations of the same type applied to the same instance variable/method/type, the .annotations(type : TypeNode) method can be used. This will work on anything that .annotation(type : TypeNode) would, but instead returns an ArrayLiteral(Annotation).

  1. annotation MyAnnotation
  2. end
  3. @[MyAnnotation("foo")]
  4. @[MyAnnotation(123)]
  5. @[MyAnnotation(123)]
  6. def annotation_read
  7. {% for ann, idx in @def.annotations(MyAnnotation) %}
  8. pp "Annotation {{ idx }} = {{ ann[0].id }}"
  9. {% end %}
  10. end
  11. annotation_read
  12. # Which would print
  13. "Annotation 0 = foo"
  14. "Annotation 1 = 123"
  15. "Annotation 2 = 123"