
Detailed information on the Zookeeper state store component


To setup Zookeeper state store create a component of type state.zookeeper. 请参阅本指南,了解如何创建和应用状态存储配置。

  1. apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
  2. kind: Component
  3. metadata:
  4. name: <NAME>
  5. namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  6. spec:
  7. type: state.zookeeper
  8. version: v1
  9. metadata:
  10. - name: servers
  11. value: <REPLACE-WITH-COMMA-DELIMITED-SERVERS> # Required. Example: "zookeeper.default.svc.cluster.local:2181"
  12. - name: sessionTimeout
  13. value: <REPLACE-WITH-SESSION-TIMEOUT> # Required. Example: "5s"
  14. - name: maxBufferSize
  15. value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-BUFFER-SIZE> # Optional. default: "1048576"
  16. - name: maxConnBufferSize
  17. value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-CONN-BUFFER-SIZE> # Optional. default: "1048576"
  18. - name: keyPrefixPath
  19. value: <REPLACE-WITH-KEY-PREFIX-PATH> # Optional. Example: "zookeeper.default.svc.cluster.local:2181"
  20. - name: sessionTimeout
  21. value: <REPLACE-WITH-SESSION-TIMEOUT> # Required. Example: "5s"
  22. - name: maxBufferSize
  23. value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-BUFFER-SIZE> # Optional. default: "1048576"
  24. - name: maxConnBufferSize
  25. value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-CONN-BUFFER-SIZE> # Optional. default: "1048576"
  26. - name: keyPrefixPath
  27. value: <REPLACE-WITH-KEY-PREFIX-PATH> # Optional. Example: "zookeeper.default.svc.cluster.local:2181"
  28. - name: sessionTimeout
  29. value: <REPLACE-WITH-SESSION-TIMEOUT> # Required. Example: "5s"
  30. - name: maxBufferSize
  31. value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-BUFFER-SIZE> # Optional. default: "1048576"
  32. - name: maxConnBufferSize
  33. value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-CONN-BUFFER-SIZE> # Optional. default: "1048576"
  34. - name: keyPrefixPath
  35. value: <REPLACE-WITH-KEY-PREFIX-PATH> # Optional.


以上示例将 Secret 明文存储。 更推荐的方式是使用 Secret 组件, 这里


serversYComma delimited list of servers“zookeeper.default.svc.cluster.local:2181”
sessionTimeoutYThe session timeout value“5s”
maxBufferSizeNThe maximum size of buffer. 默认值为 “1048576”“1048576”
maxConnBufferSizeNThe maximum size of connection buffer. Defautls to “1048576“1048576”
keyPrefixPathNThe key prefix path in Zookeeper. 无默认值“dapr”

Setup Zookeeper

You can run Zookeeper locally using Docker:

  1. docker run --name some-zookeeper --restart always -d zookeeper

然后您可以使用 localhost:2181 与服务器交互。

The easiest way to install Zookeeper on Kubernetes is by using the Helm chart:

  1. helm repo add incubator http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-charts-incubator
  2. helm install zookeeper incubator/zookeeper

This installs Zookeeper into the default namespace. To interact with Zookeeper, find the service with: kubectl get svc zookeeper.

For example, if installing using the example above, the Zookeeper host address would be:

