Azure Service Bus

Detailed documentation on the Azure Service Bus pubsub component

Component format

To setup Azure Service Bus pubsub create a component of type See this guide on how to create and apply a pubsub configuration.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Component
  3. metadata:
  4. name: servicebus-pubsub
  5. namespace: default
  6. spec:
  7. type:
  8. version: v1
  9. metadata:
  10. - name: connectionString # Required
  11. value: "Endpoint=sb://{ServiceBusNamespace};SharedAccessKeyName={PolicyName};SharedAccessKey={Key};EntityPath={ServiceBus}"
  12. # - name: timeoutInSec # Optional
  13. # value: 60
  14. # - name: handlerTimeoutInSec # Optional
  15. # value: 60
  16. # - name: disableEntityManagement # Optional
  17. # value: "false"
  18. # - name: maxDeliveryCount # Optional
  19. # value: 3
  20. # - name: lockDurationInSec # Optional
  21. # value: 60
  22. # - name: lockRenewalInSec # Optional
  23. # value: 20
  24. # - name: maxActiveMessages # Optional
  25. # value: 2000
  26. # - name: maxActiveMessagesRecoveryInSec # Optional
  27. # value: 2
  28. # - name: maxConcurrentHandlers # Optional
  29. # value: 10
  30. # - name: prefetchCount # Optional
  31. # value: 5
  32. # - name: defaultMessageTimeToLiveInSec # Optional
  33. # value: 10
  34. # - name: autoDeleteOnIdleInSec # Optional
  35. # value: 10
  36. # - name: maxReconnectionAttempts # Optional
  37. # value: 30
  38. # - name: connectionRecoveryInSec # Optional
  39. # value: 2
  40. # - name: publishMaxRetries # Optional
  41. # value: 5
  42. # - name: publishInitialRetryInternalInMs # Optional
  43. # value: 500

NOTE: The above settings are shared across all topics that use this component.


The above example uses secrets as plain strings. It is recommended to use a secret store for the secrets as described here.

Spec metadata fields

connectionStringYShared access policy connection-string for the Service BusEndpoint=sb://{ServiceBusNamespace};SharedAccessKeyName={PolicyName};SharedAccessKey={Key};EntityPath={ServiceBus}
timeoutInSecNTimeout for sending messages and management operations. Default: 6030
handlerTimeoutInSecNTimeout for invoking app handler. # Optional. Default: 6030
disableEntityManagementNWhen set to true, topics and subscriptions do not get created automatically. Default: “false”“true”, “false”
maxDeliveryCountNDefines the number of attempts the server will make to deliver a message. Default set by server10
lockDurationInSecNDefines the length in seconds that a message will be locked for before expiring. Default set by server30
lockRenewalInSecNDefines the frequency at which buffered message locks will be renewed. Default: 20.20
maxActiveMessagesNDefines the maximum number of messages to be buffered or processing at once. Default: 100002000
maxActiveMessagesRecoveryInSecNDefines the number of seconds to wait once the maximum active message limit is reached. Default: 210
maxConcurrentHandlersNDefines the maximum number of concurrent message handlers10
prefetchCountNDefines the number of prefetched messages (use for high throughput / low latency scenarios)5
defaultMessageTimeToLiveInSecNDefault message time to live.10
autoDeleteOnIdleInSecNTime in seconds to wait before auto deleting messages.10
maxReconnectionAttemptsNDefines the maximum number of reconnect attempts. Default: 3030
connectionRecoveryInSecNTime in seconds to wait between connection recovery attempts. Defaults: 22
publishMaxRetriesNThe max number of retries for when Azure Service Bus responds with “too busy” in order to throttle messages. Defaults: 55
publishInitialRetryInternalInMsNTime in milliseconds for the initial exponential backoff when Azure Service Bus throttle messages. Defaults: 500500

Create an Azure Service Bus

Follow the instructions here on setting up Azure Service Bus Topics.

Last modified September 17, 2021 : Merge pull request #1757 from georgestevens99/1440SecretKeyRefExplanation (620a5f8)