Dapr Sentry control plane service overview

Overview of the Dapr sentry service

The Dapr Sentry service manages mTLS between services and acts as a certificate authority. It generates mTLS certificates and distributes them to any running sidecars. This allows sidecars to communicate with encrypted, mTLS traffic. For more information read the sidecar-to-sidecar communication overview.

Self-hosted mode

The sentry service Docker container is started automatically as part of dapr init. It can also be run manually as a process if you are running in slim-init mode.

Sentry - 图1

Kubernetes mode

The sentry service is deployed as part of dapr init -k, or via the Dapr Helm charts. For more information on running Dapr on Kubernetes, visit the Kubernetes hosting page.

Sentry - 图2

Further reading

Last modified February 18, 2022: Update setup-jetstream.md (#2200) (428d8c2)