publish CLI command reference

Detailed information on the publish CLI command


Publish a pub-sub event.

Supported platforms


  1. dapr publish [flags]


NameEnvironment VariableDefaultDescription
—publish-app-id, -iThe ID that represents the app from which you are publishing
—pubsub, -pThe name of the pub/sub component
—topic, -tThe topic to be published to
—data, -dThe JSON serialized string (optional)
—data-file, -fA file containing the JSON serialized data (optional)
—help, -hPrint this help message


  1. # Publish to sample topic in target pubsub
  2. dapr publish --publish-app-id appId --topic sample --pubsub target --data '{"key":"value"}'

Last modified June 23, 2022: Merge pull request #2550 from ItalyPaleAle/cosmosdb-harcoded-dapr-version (cf03237)