
Understanding the metrics component of DC/OS


DC/OS includes a comprehensive metrics service, providing metrics from DC/OS cluster hosts, containers, and applications running on those hosts. It collects, tags, and transmits metrics from every node, container, and application in your DC/OS cluster. Metrics are available via the DC/OS metrics API, allowing for easy integration with a wide range of monitoring solutions.

Types of Metrics

DC/OS collects four types of metrics as follows:

  • System: Metrics about each node in the DC/OS cluster.
  • Component: Metrics about the components which make up DC/OS.
  • Container: Metrics about cgroup allocations from tasks running in the DC/OS Universal Container RuntimeDocker Engine runtime.
  • Application: Metrics emitted from any application running on the Universal Container Runtime.

Operations on Metrics

You can perform the following operations on Metrics:

  1. Adding Metrics: You can add custom metrics to the DC/OS metrics service from your applications. DC/OS metrics listens for StatsD metrics from every application running with the Mesos containerizer. A StatsD server is exposed for each container, which allows you to tag all metrics by origin. Its address is available to the application by injecting the standard environment variables STATSD_UDP_HOST and STATSD_UDP_PORT.

    Alternatively, you can serve metrics in Prometheus format by exposing an according endpoint. To notify the metrics service that your task is serving Prometheus metrics you need to add at least one port with the label DCOS_METRICS_FORMAT=prometheus. According ports will then be scraped once per minute for the task’s lifetime. Metrics collected in this manner will be tagged with the originating task’s and its framework name.

    Here’s an example app definition with a port definition that has the aforementioned label and a cmd to expose some /metrics.

    1. {
    2. "id": "/metrics-example-app",
    3. "portDefinitions": [
    4. {
    5. "name": "prometheus",
    6. "port": 0,
    7. "labels": { "DCOS_METRICS_FORMAT": "prometheus" }
    8. }
    9. ],
    10. "container": {
    11. "type": "MESOS",
    12. "docker": { "image": "python:3" }
    13. },
    14. "cpus": 0.1,
    15. "mem": 128,
    16. "cmd": "echo \"# TYPE test_metric untyped\ntest_metric 123456\n\" > metrics;\npython3 -m http.server $PORT0\n"
    17. }

    When the above example is running, you can obtain the test_metric by either requesting the endpoint within the cluster directly - e.g. via curl - or using dcos task metrics details <TASK_ID>. The output of the latter should look similar to the following. Note test_metric in the last line.

    2. mem.cache_bytes 1794048
    3. mem.file_bytes 1794048
    4. cpus.user_time_secs 0.49
    5. cpus.throttled_time_secs 1.57
    6. cpus.system_time_secs 0.13
    7. mem.total_bytes 25055232
    8. perf.timestamp 1561374937.08
    9. mem.anon_bytes 20635648
    10. cpus.nr_throttled 20
    11. mem.limit_bytes 167772160
    12. mem.rss_bytes 20635648
    13. cpus.nr_periods 3230
    14. cpus.limit 0.20
    15. test_metric 123456

    For more information, read the documentation on how to add custom metrics into the DC/OS metrics API using Python.

  2. Tagging Metrics: The tags are automatically added to the metrics in order to identify, support easy drill-down, filter, and group metrics data. The tags are not limited to the following list:

    • Container identification (for all container and application metrics): container_id, executor_id, framework_id, framework_name
    • Application identification (e.g., for Marathon apps): application_name
    • System identification: agent_id Example: An administrator can identify the group of metrics based on the following tags:
      • agent_id - Detects a situation which is system-specific (e.g., a faulty disk).
      • framework_id - Detects which Mesos frameworks are using the most resources in the system.
      • container_id - Shows the same information except with per-container granularity.
  3. Forwarding Metrics: After you have collected the metrics from the applications and hosts, it can be forwarded to various metrics stores. Configure Telegraf plugin to forward the metrics data from the cluster.

  4. Monitoring and Visualizing Metrics: It is recommended to install the DC/OS Monitoring service to monitor and visualize metrics in your DC/OS cluster. See the service documentation for instructions on how to install and use the service.


Metrics in DC/OS 1.12 and newer versions use TelegrafMetrics API. Telegraf is included in the DC/OS distribution and runs on every host in the cluster.

Using Telegraf

Telegraf collects application and custom metrics through the dcos_statsd plugin. A dedicated StatsD server is started for each new task. Any metrics received by the StatsD server are tagged with the task name and its service name. The address of the server is provided by environment variables (STATSD_UDP_HOST and STATSD_UDP_PORT).

NOTE: When a task is completed, metrics that are emitted but not gathered by Telegraf will be discarded.

The metrics collected by dcos_statsd are gathered every 30 seconds. The task must run for at least 30 seconds to ensure a task’s metrics are gathered.

For more information about the list of metrics that are automatically collected by DC/OS, read Metrics Reference documentation.


Use the following troubleshooting guidelines to resolve errors:

  • You can collect metrics about Telegraf’s own performance by enabling the inputs.internal plugin.
  • You can check the status of the Telegraf systemd unit by running systemctl status dcos-telegraf.
  • Logs are available from journald via journalctl -u dcos-telegraf.

Metrics Plugin Architecture

How DC/OS collects and publishes metrics

Metrics Quick Start

Getting Started with metrics in DC/OS

Mesos Metrics

Monitoring Mesos with Telegraf

Export DC/OS Metrics to Datadog

Sending DC/OS metrics to Datadog

Metrics API

Using the Metrics API

Metrics Reference

Understanding metrics collected by DC/OS