4.1. 官方的 Debian GNU/Linux CD/DVD 光盘套装

目前安装 Debian GNU/Linux 最容易的方法是使用官方的 Debian CD/DVD-ROM 套件。您可以从一个销售商处购买(参见CD 销售商)。如果您有高速网络和 CD/DVD 刻录机,可以选择从 Debian 镜像站点下载 CD/DVD-ROM 映像,然后自己刻录(参见 Debian CD 页Debian CD FAQ 了解详细说明)。如果您已经有一套 Debian CD/DVD 并能在机器上引导这些 CDs/DVD,大多数现代 PC 都适用,可以直接跳到 第 5 章 用安装系统启动。我们尽力让最常用的文件包含在 CD 和 DVD 的第一张盘上,所以只使用第一张 DVD 就能完成基本的桌面安装,或者在有限的范围内可以只使用第一张 CD。

由于当前标准对 CD 容量的限制,不是所有的桌面图形环境都能装到第一张 CD 里面;有些桌面环境 CD 安装方式要么通过网络连接下载其他文件要么使用额外的 CD。

Also, keep in mind: if the CDs/DVDs you are using don’t contain some packages you need, you can always install those packages afterwards from your running new Debian system (after the installation has finished). If you need to know on which CD/DVD to find a specific package, visit https://cdimage-search.debian.org/.

If your machine doesn’t support CD booting (only relevant on very old PC systems), but you do have a CD set, you can use an alternative strategy such as hard disk, usb stick, net boot, or manually loading the kernel from the CD to initially boot the system installer. The files you need for booting by another means are also on the CD; the Debian network archive and CD folder organization are identical. So when archive file paths are given below for particular files you need for booting, look for those files in the same directories and subdirectories on your CD.

一旦安装程序被引导,它将能够获得 CD 中其他所有必需的文件。

If you don’t have a CD set, then you will need to download the installer system files and place them on the hard disk or usb stick or a connected computer so they can be used to boot the installer.