13.8. 办公软件包

在自由软件领域里,办公软件一直以来都比较匮乏。用户长久以来都在寻找微软工具软件例如 Word 和 Excel 的替代品,但是它们过于复杂以至于很难开发替代品。当 OpenOffice.org (追随 Sun 在自由软件许可下发布的 StarOffice 代码)项目开始后,情况才有所改变。GNOME 和 KDE 项目仍然致力于它们自己的产品(GNOME Office 和 KOffice),良好的竞争导致了很有趣的结果。譬如, Gnumeric spreadsheet(GNOME Office软件的一部分)甚至在某些领域里比 OpenOffice.org 还要优秀,特别是计算的精准度。在文字处理方面,OpenOffice.org 仍然是领头羊。

对用户来说,另一个重要的特性是能够导入别人发来的或者在档案中找到的 Word 和 Excel 文档。虽然所有的办公套装可以过滤这些格式,但是只有 OpenOffice.org 中的功能才足以应对日常应用。

更宽泛的观点 Libre Office 取代 OpenOffice.org

OpenOffice.org contributors have set up a foundation (The Document Foundation) to foster project development. The idea had been discussed for some time, but the actual trigger was Oracle’s acquisition of Sun. The new ownership made the future of OpenOffice under Oracle uncertain. Since Oracle declined to join the foundation, the developers had to give up on the OpenOffice.org name. The software is now known as Libre Office. After a period of relative stagnation on the OpenOffice.org front, Oracle decided to migrate the code and associated rights to the Apache Software Foundation, and OpenOffice is now an Apache project.

Debian only includes Libre Office. The OpenOffice software suite as published by the Apache Software Foundation is not currently available in Debian.

Libre Office and Calligra Suite are, respectively, available in the libreoffice and calligra Debian packages. There is no more package for GNOME Office (it was gnome-office). Language-specific packs for Libre Office are distributed in separate packages: libreoffice-l10n-* and libreoffice-help-* most notably; some features such as spelling dictionaries, hyphenation patterns and thesauri are in separate packages, such as myspell-*/hunspell-*, hyphen-* and mythes-*. Note that Calligra Suite used to be called KOffice.