
当您运行着公开的网页时,你应该把设置中的 DEBUG 选项设为关闭。 这将使您的服务器运行得更快,并且还可以防止恶意用户在错误页面中看到应用的详细信息。

However, running with DEBUG set to False means you’ll never see errors generated by your site — everyone will instead see your public error pages. You need to keep track of errors that occur in deployed sites, so Django can be configured to create reports with details about those errors.



DEBUGFalse 时,Django 会在代码抛出的异常未被捕获且导致一个内部的服务器错误(HTTP 状态码 500)时向 ADMINS 配置中列出的用户发送邮件。这让管理员立刻收到错误通知。 ADMINS 列表中的用户,会收到详细的错误描述,完整的 Python 调用栈,和引发此错误的 HTTP 请求的细节。


要发送邮件,Django 要求一些配置项,告诉它如何连接至邮件服务器。最小配置下,你需要指定 EMAIL_HOSTEMAIL_HOST_USEREMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD,可能还有其它配置,这取决于邮件服务器的配置。查阅 Django 配置文档 获取邮件相关配置的完整列表。

默认情况下,Django 会从 root@localhost 发送邮件。然而,某些邮件服务商拒绝来自该地址的所有邮件。要使用不同的发件人地址,修改 SERVER_EMAIL 配置。

要启动该行为,将收件人的邮箱地址放入 ADMINS


服务器错误邮件由 logging 框架发出,所以你能通过 自定义 logging 配置 自定义该行为。

404 错误

Django 也能配置成为已失效的连接发送错误邮件(404 “page not found” 错误)。Django 发送 404 错误邮件的条件:

If those conditions are met, Django will email the users listed in the MANAGERS setting whenever your code raises a 404 and the request has a referer. It doesn’t bother to email for 404s that don’t have a referer — those are usually people typing in broken URLs or broken Web bots. It also ignores 404s when the referer is equal to the requested URL, since this behavior is from broken Web bots too.


BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware 必须出现在其它拦截 404 错误的中间层之前,例如 LocaleMiddlewareFlatpageFallbackMiddleware。将其置于 MIDDLEWARE 配置项的顶部。

你可以通过调整配置项 IGNORABLE_404_URLS 让 Django 忽略某些 404s。内容应该是已编译的正则表达式的列表。例子:

  1. import re
  2. IGNORABLE_404_URLS = [
  3. re.compile(r'\.(php|cgi)$'),
  4. re.compile(r'^/phpmyadmin/'),
  5. ]

在本例中,对以 .php.cgi 结尾的 URL 的 404 错误将 不会 被报告。以 phpmyadmin 开头的也不会被报告。

下面的例子展示了如何排除一些浏览器和爬虫经常访问的传统 URL:

  1. import re
  2. IGNORABLE_404_URLS = [
  3. re.compile(r'^/apple-touch-icon.*\.png$'),
  4. re.compile(r'^/favicon\.ico$'),
  5. re.compile(r'^/robots\.txt$'),
  6. ]


若后续你想自定义 django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware 的行为(例如忽略来自网络爬虫的请求),你需要继承该类,并重写方法。


404 错误由 logging 框架报告。默认情况下,这些日志记录被忽略了,但你能通过编写一个处理器和 配置 logging 让它们报告错误。





错误报告对于调试错误来说超级有用,所以通常尽可能多的记录关键信息。例如,Django 默认记录了抛出异常的 完整调用栈,每个 调用栈层 的局部变量,以及 HttpRequest属性

然而,有时候某些信息会涉及敏感内容,因此不适合写入调用栈。例如,用户的密码或信用卡号。故此,为了过滤 DEBUG 文档中描述的敏感内容,Django 提供了一系列的函数装饰器,帮你控制在生产环境(即 DEBUGFalse)下应该从错误报告中过滤掉哪些信息:sensitive_variables()sensitive_post_parameters()


若代码中的一个函数(也可能是视图或定期回调)使用容易包含敏感信息的本地变量,你可以用 sensitive_variables 装饰器阻止错误报告包含这些变量的值:

  1. from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_variables
  2. @sensitive_variables('user', 'pw', 'cc')
  3. def process_info(user):
  4. pw = user.pass_word
  5. cc = user.credit_card_number
  6. name = user.name
  7. ...

In the above example, the values for the user, pw and cc variables will be hidden and replaced with stars (**********) in the error reports, whereas the value of the name variable will be disclosed.

要在错误日志中系统的隐藏所有的局部变量,不要向 sensitive_variables 装饰器传入任何参数:

  1. @sensitive_variables()
  2. def my_function():
  3. ...


若你想隐藏的变量还是一个函数参数(下例中 ‘user’),且被装饰的函数已拥有好几个装饰器,确保将 @sensitive_variables 置于最上面。这样,它就也能隐藏函数参数了,因为它穿过其它装饰器:

  1. @sensitive_variables('user', 'pw', 'cc')
  2. @some_decorator
  3. @another_decorator
  4. def process_info(user):
  5. ...


若视图收到一个包含 POST 参数HttpRequest 对象,参数中极有可能内含敏感信息。你可以通过 sensitive_post_parameters 装饰器避免这些参数的值被包括在错误报告中:

  1. from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_post_parameters
  2. @sensitive_post_parameters('pass_word', 'credit_card_number')
  3. def record_user_profile(request):
  4. UserProfile.create(
  5. user=request.user,
  6. password=request.POST['pass_word'],
  7. credit_card=request.POST['credit_card_number'],
  8. name=request.POST['name'],
  9. )
  10. ...

In the above example, the values for the pass_word and credit_card_number POST parameters will be hidden and replaced with stars (**********) in the request’s representation inside the error reports, whereas the value of the name parameter will be disclosed.

要在错误报告中系统的屏蔽所有 POST 参数,不要给 sensitive_post_parameters 装饰器提供任何参数:

  1. @sensitive_post_parameters()
  2. def my_view(request):
  3. ...

为了避免敏感信息的泄露(例如账号密码), 所有传入认证视图 django.contrib.auth.viewsloginpassword_reset_confirmpassword_change, and add_viewauth 后台中的 user_change_password)的 POST 参数都在错误报告中经过系统过滤。


All sensitive_variables() and sensitive_post_parameters() do is, respectively, annotate the decorated function with the names of sensitive variables and annotate the HttpRequest object with the names of sensitive POST parameters, so that this sensitive information can later be filtered out of reports when an error occurs. The actual filtering is done by Django’s default error reporter filter: django.views.debug.SafeExceptionReporterFilter. This filter uses the decorators’ annotations to replace the corresponding values with stars (**********) when the error reports are produced. If you wish to override or customize this default behavior for your entire site, you need to define your own filter class and tell Django to use it via the DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER setting:

  1. DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER = 'path.to.your.CustomExceptionReporterFilter'

你也能在任意视图内以一种更细碎的方式控制过滤器,通过设置 HttpRequestexception_reporter_filter 属性:

  1. def my_view(request):
  2. if request.user.is_authenticated:
  3. request.exception_reporter_filter = CustomExceptionReporterFilter()
  4. ...

Your custom filter class needs to inherit from django.views.debug.SafeExceptionReporterFilter and may override the following attributes and methods:

class SafeExceptionReporterFilter

  • cleansed_substitute

    New in Django 3.1.

    The string value to replace sensitive value with. By default it replaces the values of sensitive variables with stars (**********).

  • hidden_settings

    New in Django 3.1.

    A compiled regular expression object used to match settings and request.META values considered as sensitive. By default equivalent to:

    1. import re
  • is_active(request)

    Returns True to activate the filtering in get_post_parameters() and get_traceback_frame_variables(). By default the filter is active if DEBUG is False. Note that sensitive request.META values are always filtered along with sensitive setting values, as described in the DEBUG documentation.

  • get_post_parameters(request)

    Returns the filtered dictionary of POST parameters. Sensitive values are replaced with cleansed_substitute.

  • get_traceback_frame_variables(request, tb_frame)

    Returns the filtered dictionary of local variables for the given traceback frame. Sensitive values are replaced with cleansed_substitute.

New in Django 3.1.

If you need to customize error reports beyond filtering you may specify a custom error reporter class by defining the DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER setting:

  1. DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER = 'path.to.your.CustomExceptionReporter'

The exception reporter is responsible for compiling the exception report data, and formatting it as text or HTML appropriately. (The exception reporter uses DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER when preparing the exception report data.)

Your custom reporter class needs to inherit from django.views.debug.ExceptionReporter.

class ExceptionReporter

  • get_traceback_data()

    Return a dictionary containing traceback information.

    This is the main extension point for customizing exception reports, for example:

    ``` from django.views.debug import ExceptionReporter

  1. class CustomExceptionReporter(ExceptionReporter):
  2. def get_traceback_data(self):
  3. data = super().get_traceback_data()
  4. # ... remove/add something here ...
  5. return data
  6. ```
  • get_traceback_html()

    Return HTML version of exception report.

    Used for HTML version of debug 500 HTTP error page.

  • get_traceback_text()

    Return plain text version of exception report.

    Used for plain text version of debug 500 HTTP error page and email reports.

As with the filter class, you may control which exception reporter class to use within any given view by setting the HttpRequest’s exception_reporter_class attribute:

  1. def my_view(request):
  2. if request.user.is_authenticated:
  3. request.exception_reporter_class = CustomExceptionReporter()
  4. ...


你也能够通过自定义一系列的 异常中间层 定制错误报告行为。若你已经编写了自定义错误处理器,模仿 Django 内置的错误处理器,并只在 DEBUGFalse 时报告或记录错误是个不错的主意。