4. Command Line Interface

You can invoke the django CMS command line interface using the cms Django command:

  1. python manage.py cms

4.1. Informational commands

4.1.1. cms list

The list command is used to display information about your installation.

It has two subcommands:

  • cms list plugins lists all plugins that are used in your project.
  • cms list apphooks lists all apphooks that are used in your project.

4.2. Plugin and apphook management commands

4.2.1. cms uninstall

The uninstall subcommand can be used to make uninstalling a CMS Plugin or an apphook easier.

It has two subcommands:

  • cms uninstall plugins <plugin name> [<plugin name 2> [...]] uninstalls one or several plugins by removing them from all pages where they are used. Note that the plugin name should be the name of the class that is registered in the django CMS. If you are unsure about the plugin name, use the cms list to see a list of installed plugins.
  • cms uninstall apphooks <apphook name> [<apphook name 2> [...]] uninstalls one or several apphooks by removing them from all pages where they are used. Note that the apphook name should be the name of the class that is registered in the django CMS. If you are unsure about the apphook name, use the cms list to see a list of installed apphooks.


The uninstall command permanently deletes data from your database. You should make a backup of your database before using them!

4.3. Moderator commands

4.3.1. cms moderator

If you turn CMS_MODERATOR to True on an existing project, you should use the cms moderator on command to make the required changes in the database, otherwise you will have problems with invisible pages.


This command alters data in your database. You should make a backup of your database before using it!

4.4. MPTT repair command

4.4.1. cms mptt-repair

Occasionally, the MPTT structure in which pages and plugins are held can accumulate small errors. These are typically the result of failed operations or large and complex restructurings of the tree (perhaps even cosmic rays, planetary alignment or other mysterious conditions).

Usually you won’t even notice them, and they won’t affect the operation of the system, but when you run into trouble it’s useful to be able to rebuild the tree - it’s also useful to rebuild it as part of preventative maintenance.


This command alters data in your database. You should make a backup of your database before using it!