
django.shortcuts 收集助手函数和“跨”多级mvc的类,换句话说,为了方便起见,这些函数/类引入受控耦合。


  • render(request, template_name, context=None, content_type=None, status=None, using=None)[source]
  • 将给定的模板与给定的上下文字典组合在一起,并以渲染的文本返回一个 HttpResponse 对象。

Django没有提供返回:class:~django.template.response.TemplateResponse 的快捷函数,因为:class:~django.template.response.TemplateResponse 的构造函数提供了与:func:`render()`相同的方便程度。


  • request
  • 用于生成此响应的请求对象。
  • template_name
  • 要使用的模板的全名或模板名称的序列。如果给定一个序列,则将使用存在的第一个模板。有关如何查找模板的更多信息,请参见 template loading documentation


  • context
  • 要添加到模板上下文的值的字典。 默认情况下,这是一个空的字典。 如果字典中的值是可调用的,则视图将在渲染模板之前调用它。
  • content_type
  • 用于结果文档的MIME类型默认为:设置:setting:DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE 设置的值。
  • status
  • 响应的状态代码默认为“200”。
  • using
  • 用于加载模板的模板引擎的 :setting:`NAME ` 。


下面的示例使用MIME类型呈现模板myapp/index.html application/xhtml+xml

  1. from django.shortcuts import render
  3. def my_view(request):
  4. # View code here...
  5. return render(request, 'myapp/index.html', {
  6. 'foo': 'bar',
  7. }, content_type='application/xhtml+xml')


  1. from django.http import HttpResponse
  2. from django.template import loader
  4. def my_view(request):
  5. # View code here...
  6. t = loader.get_template('myapp/index.html')
  7. c = {'foo': 'bar'}
  8. return HttpResponse(t.render(c, request), content_type='application/xhtml+xml')


  • renderto_response(_template_name, context=None, content_type=None, status=None, using=None)[source]

Deprecated since version 2.0.

该函数之前引入了:func:render ,并类似地工作,只是它不使响应中的 request 可用。



  • A model: the model's get_absolute_url()function will be called.
  • A view name, possibly with arguments: reverse() will beused to reverse-resolve the name.
  • An absolute or relative URL, which will be used as-is for the redirectlocation.By default issues a temporary redirect; pass permanent=True to issue apermanent redirect.


You can use the redirect() function in a number of ways.

  • By passing some object; that object'sget_absolute_url() method will be calledto figure out the redirect URL:
  1. from django.shortcuts import redirect
  3. def my_view(request):
  4. ...
  5. object = MyModel.objects.get(...)
  6. return redirect(object)
  • By passing the name of a view and optionally some positional orkeyword arguments; the URL will be reverse resolved using thereverse() method:
  1. def my_view(request):
  2. ...
  3. return redirect('some-view-name', foo='bar')
  • By passing a hardcoded URL to redirect to:
  1. def my_view(request):
  2. ...
  3. return redirect('/some/url/')

This also works with full URLs:

  1. def my_view(request):
  2. ...
  3. return redirect('')

By default, redirect() returns a temporary redirect. All of the aboveforms accept a permanent argument; if set to True a permanent redirectwill be returned:

  1. def my_view(request):
  2. ...
  3. object = MyModel.objects.get(...)
  4. return redirect(object, permanent=True)



  • klass
  • A Model class,a Manager,or a QuerySet instance from which to getthe object.
  • **kwargs
  • Lookup parameters, which should be in the format accepted by get() andfilter().


The following example gets the object with the primary key of 1 fromMyModel:

  1. from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
  3. def my_view(request):
  4. my_object = get_object_or_404(MyModel, pk=1)


  1. from django.http import Http404
  3. def my_view(request):
  4. try:
  5. my_object = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)
  6. except MyModel.DoesNotExist:
  7. raise Http404("No MyModel matches the given query.")

The most common use case is to pass a Model, asshown above. However, you can also pass aQuerySet instance:

  1. queryset = Book.objects.filter(title__startswith='M')
  2. get_object_or_404(queryset, pk=1)

The above example is a bit contrived since it's equivalent to doing:

  1. get_object_or_404(Book, title__startswith='M', pk=1)

but it can be useful if you are passed the queryset variable from somewhereelse.

Finally, you can also use a Manager. This is usefulfor example if you have acustom manager:

  1. get_object_or_404(Book.dahl_objects, title='Matilda')

You can also userelated managers:

  1. author = Author.objects.get(name='Roald Dahl')
  2. get_object_or_404(author.book_set, title='Matilda')

Note: As with get(), aMultipleObjectsReturned exceptionwill be raised if more than one object is found.


  • getlist_or_404(_klass, *args, **kwargs)[source]
  • Returns the result of filter() on agiven model manager cast to a list, raising Http404 ifthe resulting list is empty.


  • klass
  • A Model, Manager orQuerySet instance from which to get thelist.
  • **kwargs
  • Lookup parameters, which should be in the format accepted by get() andfilter().


The following example gets all published objects from MyModel:

  1. from django.shortcuts import get_list_or_404
  3. def my_view(request):
  4. my_objects = get_list_or_404(MyModel, published=True)


  1. from django.http import Http404
  3. def my_view(request):
  4. my_objects = list(MyModel.objects.filter(published=True))
  5. if not my_objects:
  6. raise Http404("No MyModel matches the given query.")